Monuments of Yekaterinburg begin their history from the second half of the XIX century. Until that time, it was not customary to install memorable monuments to specific individuals. In memory of significant events or prominent figures of the past, temples were built, or crosses were erected. The word “monument” is the Russian version of the Latin “monumentum” (“moneo” means “to remind”). But in the Russian tradition the word “monument” is also used, which is more often used to designate a large monument erected in honor of a significant event.

In 1886, two bronze busts were mounted on marble pedestals with inscriptions in the city center on the factory dam: “The founder of the mining industry in the Urals” - Peter I and “The founder of the city of Yekaterinburg” - Catherine I. The monuments were lost during the revolution. To date, the city has more than 170 different monuments.

With the beginning of the new century, a great number of monuments of various subjects appeared in Yekaterinburg. Some of them are classic, such as busts on the Literary Avenue in Central Park, or a monument to Pushkin, others are very unusual, such as a monument to curiosity or a sculptural composition dedicated to passengers.

  1. Obelisk "Europe-Asia" in Yekaterinburg

Ural is proud to be at the junction of two parts of the world. However, the exact place of the border between Europe and Asia is still not found. Back in the 18th century, Vasily Tatishchev, one of the founders of Yekaterinburg, suggested that this feature is the ridge of the Ural Mountains.

The first obelisk "Europe-Asia" appeared in 1837 near the mountain Berezovaya. It was a small wooden monument, which was then replaced by a marble pyramid with a gilded double-headed eagle. Unfortunately, during the Civil War the pyramid was destroyed.

Then a new obelisk was erected at this place, but without an eagle. The Soviet authorities also wondered where the border was. The adventures of the obelisk did not end there. In 2008, it was moved closer to another possible border between Europe and Asia - to the city of Novouralsk. The memorial sign of red granite grew to 30 meters, and at its top an eagle found itself again.

Address: Birch Mountain


  1. Monument to the keyboard in Yekaterinburg

In October 2005, on the left bank of the Iset River of the Sverdlovsk region a unique land-art object, a monument to the keyboard at a scale of 30: 1, appeared. The author of the project, a resident of Yekaterinburg Anatoly Vyatkin, spent a month to cut the keys out of concrete, and another week to install them on the embankment of his native city. The installation of the keyboard in the QWERTY layout took place using a special technique: the weight of standard keys varied from 80 to 500 kg, and the “space” weighed no less than a car — 1.5 tons.

Concrete keyboard consists of 104 keys, located at a distance of 15 cm from each other. Installation of the size 16x4 square m fits so organically into the surrounding landscape that the townspeople renamed nearby objects in the "computer key": Iset River has become an I-set (network), and a rectangular stone building on the side of the monument became known as the “system unit”.

Address: st. Gorky, 14a


  1. Monument to Boris Yeltsin in Yekaterinburg

In Yekaterinburg, the attitude towards the famous countryman is far from unambiguous, although recently the city authorities have taken it for fashion to name the objects that require “rebranding” in the name of the first president of the Russian Federation. The name of Yeltsin now has the Ural Federal University and one of the streets of the city, on which in the winter of 2011 a monument to Boris Nikolayevich appeared. By the way, they can boast of a monument standing on the street of the same name in Yekaterinburg, except perhaps Vladimir Ilyich, who has already become an integral part of Lenin Avenue.

Russia's only monument to Yeltsin is a big marble block, on which the figure of the ex-president is carved, and a pedestal with a short inscription "Yeltsin". Guests of the city should definitely look at this monument for two reasons. Firstly, they say that the monument was made in a hurry and is unlikely to stand for long, and secondly, you will be one of the few who have ever seen this monument, because Yeltsin Street, although it is located in the center, is strangely ironic of the most quiet and deserted in the city.

Address: st. Boris Yeltsin, 3


  1. Monument to Michael Jackson in Yekaterinburg

Two years after the death of Michael Jackson, on June 25, 2011, a monument to the King of Pop was solemnly opened in Yekaterinburg. The three-meter bronze figure of Jackson is installed on Weiner's pedestrian street.

Michael Jackson is depicted in the rhythm of the dance, his right hand traditionally points to the audience, and his left is firmly pressed to his chest, he is preparing to perform a “moon walk”. The sculpture is the first monument erected to an American pop star in Russia. Fans of his work often gather at the monument.

Address: Weiner st.


  1. Monument to Tatishchev and de Gennin in Yekaterinburg

It is known for certain when, by whom and for what purpose Ekaterinburg was created. The monument to these two people, Vasily Nikitich Tatishchev and Vilim Ivanovich de Gennin, pleases all residents of the capital of the Urals today. Officially, the date of appearance of Yekaterinburg is 1723. But its history, which is inextricably linked with the names of these people, began even before this date.

In the spring of 1720, V.N. Tatishchev came here to develop mining plants, of which there were quite a few in those years. A good half of the modern cities of the Sverdlovsk region was formed thanks to industry. Tatishchev was engaged first of all at the Uktussky plant. Soon after studying the area, it became clear that its reform was impossible, and it was necessary to build a new enterprise, and at the same time create an administrative center. A specific place was chosen on the banks of the Iset, but a conflict arose with the major industrialists of those times - the Demidovs. It turned out that they were the owners of these lands. The result of this story was the denunciation, the court and the subsequent justification of Tatishchev.

Vasily Nikitich was able to start building the plant and developing the city only in 1723. By this time, he was joined by V.I. de Gennin. Thanks to him, the city was named in honor of Catherine. The monument to the founders Tatishchev and de Gennin is located in the Historical Square, not far from Plotinka. It was opened for the 275th anniversary of the city.

Address: Truda square


  1.  Time capsule in the Historical Square in Yekaterinburg

In the seventies of the last century, the inhabitants of Yekaterinburg made an attempt to convey to descendants their experience, knowledge and. In 1973, a “time capsule” was laid on the territory of the Historical Square - a kind of appeal to descendants, a message through the years, an attempt to capture the epoch and transfer knowledge about it from the first person. Often, such “letters” are given names or are attempting to convey the essence of the message with the help of inscriptions, and also mark the time when it should be opened. Historians note that such capsules were laid long before the twentieth century: even our long-time ancestors in ancient times left untouched household items and "sent" them to us, or rather, archaeologists.

In the Yekaterinburg time capsule, according to legend, there are antiquities, films, excerpts of songs of local creativity and a message from the head of the city. This “time capsule” should be opened in 2023, on the day of the 300th anniversary of the city.

Address: Historical Square


  1. Sculpture "Lovers" in Yekaterinburg

Urban monuments are often dedicated to famous personalities, who to one degree or another influenced the development of the city, as well as important historical events. For example, the founders of a village or its famous inhabitants become frequent heroes of sculptural compositions. Also, many monuments can reflect real events or those that significantly affected the city’s history. But there are exceptions. Recently, we hear more and more about unusual and extraordinary monuments that are installed in different parts of the planet.

The opening of such a cultural object was timed to coincide with one of the memorable dates in the life of Yekaterinburg. At the intersection of Malyshev and Weiner streets, a sculpture depicting a loving couple appeared. The composition is a figure of a young man and a fragile girl who sit on the fence and hold hands.

Address: Weiner st.


  1. Art Object "Mood Barometer" in Yekaterinburg

The “mood barometer” appeared in support of Ekaterinburg’s application for the right to host the world exhibition Expo 2020, and was also timed to the 100th anniversary of the Salyut cinema. The project was created by the MBU "Capital of the Urals" in conjunction with the agency "StreetArt".

 The “mood barometer” is a copper flask with glass, behind which are arranged round lamps that light up in different colors, depending on the mood of the inhabitants of the city. The barometer worked for a week in test mode.

A special program processes information from social networks and blogs; it matches thousands of words, phrases and individual signs and “reads” in them the negative or positive emotions of people. The object of attention of the system are all open, that is, accessible to all users, records of people who indicated that they live in Yekaterinburg, and whose IP address is associated with this city. If the number of negative words in the records of people prevails, the barometer lamps turn red, with an increase in positive statuses and comments, the lamps turn yellow and green. Information is updated every hour.

Address: st. Tolmacheva, 12


  1. Black Tulip Memorial in Yekaterinburg

The Black Tulip memorial was built in Yekaterinburg specifically to honor soldiers who died in battle in countries such as Tajikistan, Afghanistan and during local conflicts in neighboring countries. At one time, military planes were called black tulips, bringing numerous loads of 200 to their homeland; hence the name of the memorial. By the way, there are monuments with the same name in several cities of Russia, such as Serpukhov, Yurga, Petrozavodsk and others.

The memorial is a symbolic image of a military aircraft Black tulip (view from the inside). In the center sits a subdued soldier with a gun. He mourns the dead, whose names are engraved on pylons. The pylons themselves are, according to the plan of the architects, the aircraft fuselage. They capture 240 names of soldiers who fell in battle. Later, granite racks were added to the memorial, on which are the names of the soldiers who died in the Chechen war.

Address: Soviet army square


  1.  Monument to the inventor of radio Popov in Yekaterinburg

Alexander Stepanovich Popov is a Russian electrical engineer, physicist, scientist who discovered the possibility of using electromagnetic waves in practice without using wires. The value of this discovery is so huge that the further development of technology in the field of electrical engineering without it would be simply impossible. A.S. Popov is, in fact, the inventor of radio. Radio Day in our country is celebrated annually on May 7th.

The monument to Popov in Yekaterinburg was erected in Yekaterinburg (Sverdlovsk) on May 7, 1975 on Truda square near the Central Post Office. The monument is a cast-iron sculpture of Popov, painted with bronze paint. The sculpture depicts a scientist sitting on a bench in a pensive pose. In 2005, the monument was restored and consecrated. The rite of consecration was made by the Archbishop of Yekaterinburg and Verkhotursk Vincent.

A square, which is named after A. Popov, is situated around the monument to Popov in Yekaterinburg, and there is a fountain in front of the monument.

Address: Lenin Avenue, 35


  1.  Monument to the inventor of the bicycle Efim Artamonov in Yekaterinburg

In 2006, a monument to the inventor of the world's first two-wheeled bicycle, Efim Artamonov, was erected on Weiner Street. On the basis of the monument there is an inscription from which it follows that the person riding a bicycle, a strange by today's standards of view, is the inventor Efim Artamonov.

Legend has it that the future inventor at the age of fourteen was sent to a factory located in Nizhny Tagil. And it happened that getting to the father, who worked at the pier, was very far, almost 80 miles. Obviously, it was then that the idea of ​​creating a scooter was born.

After his invention, the owner of the plant where Artamonov worked sent a young man by self-propelled to Moscow in order to surprise Alexander I. This was the first recorded bike ride on the territory of Russia.

Address: Weiner St.


  1.  Monument to Vysotsky and Marina Vlady in Yekaterinburg

The monument to the outstanding Soviet artist and French actress was opened in Yekaterinburg in 2006 - to the birthday of Vysotsky. Bronze-molded figures are human-made, so they look almost alive.

At the opening of the monument in Yekaterinburg came the son of Vysotsky, his friends and colleagues in the theater. Marina Vlady herself (the last wife of the artist) was also invited to the ceremony, but did not arrive, promising that she would someday visit the Ural capital. By the way, thanks to the monument, the Yekaterinburg new building got its name - the tallest skyscraper outside of Moscow, located a few dozen meters from the sculptural composition.

Address: Krasnoarmeyskaya St., 10


  1.  Monument to the Romanovs in Yekaterinburg

The sad story of the Romanov family is reflected in several architectural monuments of Yekaterinburg. The royal family was transported to this city from Tobolsk, where Nicholas II and his wife and children were brought after he abdicated the throne. When the Bolsheviks were in power, a monarch’s court was scheduled in Moscow. But circumstances changed, and the last refuge of the Romanovs was the mansion of Nikolai Ipatiev, where all members of the royal family were shot.

Today a temple stands in that place, in the ensemble of which the Romanov monument is included. The object consists of seven human figures standing around a cross, as if descending into the basement of a building. According to the creator of the monument, anyone entering the temple meets this composition on the way and unwittingly recalls the tragic events that happened many years ago. In 2003, the grand opening of the temple, as well as a monument to the Romanov family took place.

Address: st. Tolmacheva, 34


  1.  Monument to the guitar neck in Yekaterinburg

The monument to the Guitar Neck is installed in a glade near to the National Center for Contemporary Art in Yekaterinburg on the initiative of several Ekaterinburg artists and musicians. The idea is not accidental: Ekaterinburg is rightfully considered to be one of the capitals of Russian rock - it gave the country quite a few stellar names (the ChayF, Nautilus Pompilius, Nastya, Semantic Hallucinations, Chicherina groups).

The neck is made of iron. Anyone can contribute to the sculpture by tying a guitar string to the monument.

Address: st. Dobrolyubova, d. 19A


  1.  Monument to the Beatles in Yekaterinburg

The first Russian monument to the British band The Beatles is located in the center of Yekaterinburg on the embankment of the Iset River. The sculptural composition represents the white silhouettes of John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr with guitars and a drum set, on which the name of the band is written.

The Beatles is a British rock band that has made a monumental contribution to the development of popular music and has achieved unprecedented popularity. Next to the monument there is an inscription on the wall: "The love you take is equal to the love you make", an excerpt from  The End song of the group Beatles. Made Liverpool four of Ural iron. The monument was solemnly opened on May 23, 2009.

Address: st. Gorky, 8


  1.  Monument to the soldiers of the Ural Volunteer Tank Corps in Yekaterinburg

In February 1962, a large-scale composition was opened on Privokzalnaya Square in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg) dedicated to the feat of the soldiers of the Ural Volunteer Corps. The massive figures of the worker and tanker warrior are set on a huge pedestal of polished gray Ural granite.

The figures of the father-worker and son-warrior symbolize the cohesion and unity of the rear and the front of the mortal danger hanging over the Motherland. The tank warrior comes forward a little, as if emphasizing that with his chest you can reliably protect those who remained in the rear. The monument was created by sculptors V. M. Druzin and P. A. Sazhin together with the monumental artist V. Z. Belyaev.

The history of the creation of the monument dates back to 1943. At the beginning of that year, the inhabitants of the Urals presented to the front a whole tank corps, which was equipped with military equipment, ammunition and uniforms, made during off-hours and bought from the state with voluntary funds. In May 1943, a solemn presentation of honorary trophy banner to the volunteer soldiers took place. By giving an oath to the inhabitants of the Urals, the soldiers of the corps fulfilled their duties with honor.

Address: st. Chelyuskintsev


  1.  Monument to the first steam train in Yekaterinburg

Not far from the train station on a high pedestal there is a small, like a toy, train with a long pipe. It is the first to meet anyone who has returned home or has come to visit Yekaterinburg. City dwellers, and especially children, know and love him.

The first Russian steam locomotive was built in 1833-34 by Nizhny Tagil self-taught inventors, father and son Cherepanovs. The word “steam locomotive” came into use several years later, and the Cherepanovs' car was called the “steam stage coach” or “land ship”. Efim Alekseevich and Miron Efimovich were serfs, they worked at the Vyisky plant, and besides the locomotive they designed many other mechanisms to facilitate the work of the workers: turning, gold washing, planing, drainage machines, steam turbine.

In 1837, the Cherepanovs built a reduced operating model of a steam locomotive for an industrial exhibition in St. Petersburg. In the Museum of railway transport in St. Petersburg and in the Moscow Polytechnic Museum copies of it are exhibited. There are life-size models of the first Cherepanovs locomotive in Nizhny Tagil, Novosibirsk, Barnaul, Khabarovsk, Kurgan, Chelyabinsk and other Russian cities.

The Ekaterinburg model is inactive, this is a mockup. It was made and installed in 1978, in honor of the centenary of the Sverdlovsk Railway, a memorial tablet on a pedestal reports.

Address: st. Sverdlov, 66


  1.  Monument to the banker in Yekaterinburg

The monument to the banker in Yekaterinburg is one of the most interesting monuments of the city. It was installed in 2006 on the central street of the city. The monument was erected directly near the Central State Bank of Yekaterinburg. The decision to establish such an unusual monument was made by the local authorities of the city. His development was entrusted to a team of young talented sculptors.

It is made of brass. The monument is made in the form of a banker, dressed in clothes typical for the beginning of the last century, and his gaze is mysteriously directed into the distance. That is how the sculptors saw the image of a banker. This monument is especially popular with travelers who came from abroad, and it became a good tradition to take photos against its background.

Address: st. Weiner, 24-29


  1.  Sculpture Friends in Yekaterinburg

The sculpture "Friends" is located on the corner of Weiner street and Popova street. The sculpture composition is organically inscribed in the house of the merchant E.A. Telegin and depicts a blacksmith with a dog and a horse nearby. The Yekaterinburg blacksmith Alexander Lysyakov became the prototype of the main character of the sculpture. The sculpture "Friends" was opened in August 2006 and has already managed to become one of the main attractions of Yekaterinburg.

The house of the merchant Telegin, built in the XIX century, is an outstanding architectural monument of Yekaterinburg and today the building houses the Information and Tourist Service. In 2006, a sculpture dedicated to the friendship between humans and animals was installed at the front of the house. The author of the sculptural composition is the sculptor Boris Klochkov and according to him, the idea of ​​design came to him in a dream. The blacksmith’s height in the center of the composition is 2.25 meters; to his right is a dog, faithfully looking into the owner’s eyes, and to the left, the horse’s head looks out of the window of a stable, actually a modern store.

Address: Weiner st., 14


  1.  Monument to Marshal G.K. Zhukov in Yekaterinburg

In 1995, a monument to the great commander G. K. Zhukov was erected in front of the Headquarters of the Urals Military District. Architects S. Smooth, G. Belyakin and sculptor K. Krunberg became the authors of the monument. They worked on the creation of the composition for more than four years.

For a long time, the commission for the acceptance of the monument did not give permission for its construction. The reason was that the monument was riding a rearing horse, so they began to doubt its stability. The masters of "Uralmash" redid the legs of a horse of a hollow construction with a steel frame on a monolithic without a frame. On the Zhukov jacket there are two awards: two St. George's cross, which Zhukov received in the First World War for bravery.

Address: Lenin Ave.


  1.  Monument to the Lumiere brothers in Yekaterinburg

Every August 27 the Russian cinema day is celebrated. And in 2012, the Yekaterinburg authorities decided to honor the memory of the pioneers of Lumiere brothers cinema. The two-meter-high figures of the brothers, cast in bronze, with the main invention of their whole life - a movie camera, were installed on the embankment of the city pond.

The French Louis and Auguste Lumiere patented their invention in 1895, which was called the cinema. In the same year, they presented the first ever film entitled “Exit of the workers from the factory” at a conference on the development of the photo industry. The first paid films show took place at the end of the same year and included a dozen similar tapes.

The peculiarity of the monument is the absence of a pedestal; it is installed directly on the sidewalk. Next to the brothers filmmakers is themselves invented "cinema", and for those who want to be photographed - an empty chair. After all, the sculptural composition managed to become a popular local landmark in a short time, near which Yekaterinburg residents and city guests like to make appointments.

Address: st. Dzerzhinsky, 2


  1.  Monument to Peter and Fevronia in Yekaterinburg

At the beginning of July 2012, the administrative center of the Sverdlovsk region became the fifth city in Russia, in which a monument to the Murom saint appeared - the pious Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia, patronizing family, love and loyalty. The five-meter sculptural composition, installed in Yekaterinburg, depicts the return of the princely couple on a boat in Murom.

Peter and Fevronia were canonized in 1547 at the church council. The day of their memory was June 25 or July 8 in a new style. July 5, on the eve of the holiday in honor of the Murom saints, this monument was erected. Since then, all the lovers of the Urals have received their patron saints - a majestic sculptural composition placed in the square near the Temple-on-the-Blood. The newlyweds traditionally come to the monument on the day of their marriage and lay flowers on it in memory of the saints, whose marital union became a model of Christian marriage.

Address: Proletarskaya st., 18


  1.  Monument to A. Pushkin in Yekaterinburg

The monument to Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin appeared in 1999 in the Literary Quarter, a district of the city where the house-museums of famous Russian writers D.N.Mamin-Sibiryak and F.M.Reshetnikov are located, and where a corner of the XIX century with its ancient avenues and wrought-iron lanterns.

A. S. Pushkin has never been to Yekaterinburg. Of course, Pushkin knew about the existence of the city. Moreover, he mentioned the capital of the “Demidov Empire in the Urals” more than ten times in his theses on the “History of Peter the Great”. And who knows, if the poet had lived longer, he might have visited these places.

Sculptor G. A. Gevorkian, starting to work on the creation of the monument, planned to create not a grand realistic portrait of the great poet, but a monument to the Poet, Poetry and Inspiration, “an image of Pushkin’s poetry”, which is close to everyone who read at least one poem of the poet. It is noteworthy that the granite pedestal of the monument was created from a granite block, extracted in the Siberian quarry, and the Kasli craftsmen made the lamps. The bronze figure of the poet is depicted in a nightgown and with bent arms.

Address: st. Proletarskaya, 6


  1.  Monument to the Invisible Man in Yekaterinburg

Six years ago, in 1999, they decided to perpetuate the Invisible Man in Yekaterinburg. The writer, and now the deputy of the City Duma Yevgeny Kasimov, made it almost on a bet.

On the bronze slab are visible footprints of different sizes. The prints belong to the authors of the project - Evgeny Kasimov himself and artist Alexander Shaburov. The authors of the idea, perpetuating their feet, claim that their work tells not so much about the literary hero of HG Wells, but about the tragedy of loneliness.

This monument is about a world where people communicate without seeing each other. According to the project sponsor Nadezhda Tsypina, director of the Regional Scientific Library of Belinsky, on the lawn of which the stove is located: “We have less and less material in life. We meet with friends much less. We are much less likely to read real books, almost never write real, good letters. And this monument, more than ever, reflects the essence of our time. ”

The monument was completed in just one week. In summer, it hides in the grass, and in winter under the snow, thereby repeating the fate of his invisible hero.

Address: st. Belinsky, 15


  1.  Monument to the Urals, who forged the Victory in Yekaterinburg

The inhabitants of Yekaterinburg have played a huge role in the history of the Great Patriotic War. More than a hundred thousand people left to fight for the victory. Their contribution to the formation of the Great Victory is highly appreciated and immortalized in the memory of the people. On the square, from which volunteers went to the front in a difficult forty-first year, a monument was opened in honor of the commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the Victory.

The monument symbolizes a significant contribution to the victory of all of the Urals, both those who fought with arms in the fronts, and those who worked in the rear. On the pedestal of the monument the words are carved "Ural residents, who forged the victory" and "To Ural residents, defenders of the Motherland". And residents of the city called the monument "Gray Ural". The sculpture is made of bronze; the height of the composition is more than eight meters.

According to the authors, the bronze figure of the blacksmith master, clutching a formidable sword sheathed in his hands, became a symbol of unity for the entire multinational Soviet people, who rallied and stood in the face of mortal danger. The monument is a reminder for a city resident of the sacred labor and military exploits of our grandfathers and fathers.

The ceremonial opening of the “Gray Ural” monument, a symbol of the Great Victory, was held at the ceremony on May 5, 2005.

Address: Defense aquare


  1.  Monument to Curiosity in Yekaterinburg

Viktor Davydov had been thinking of creating the original monument for nearly two years as an outline on paper. The sculpture was, in his opinion, to carry a positive attitude, to be simple in execution and unique. The implementation of the pencil sketch of the famous artist took place on August 14, 2009.

In Russia, this is the first monument of this kind. According to the material texture and fabrication, the monument really turned out to be as simple as possible. The composition is all-metal and has a height of about 2.5 m. In the center of the composition there is a door with an eye. On one side of the door is a woman, and on the other, a man who, with great curiosity, tries to peep after each other.

The monument to “Curiosity”, opened on Studencheskaya Street in Yekaterinburg, is one of the brightest works of modern aggressive art. Sculptures of similar subjects exist in other cities of the world. For example, in Odessa, on Rishelyevskaya Street, a sculpture of a father with a child on his shoulders looking into the windows is installed, and in Los Angeles there is a city sculpture whose head is buried in the wall of a building.

Address: Studencheskaya st., 3


  1.  Monument to Ural Komsomol in Yekaterinburg

The history of the heroic past of Sverdlovsk is inextricably linked with the Komsomol, a reliable assistant and ally of the proletariat. The beginning of the Komsomol activities marked the I Congress of the revolutionary youth of the Urals on November 25, 1917. In the difficult years of the civil war, Komsomol members actively participated in the activities of the Yekaterinburg underground. In the early years of Soviet power, the vanguard of working youth successfully helped in the restoration and construction of industry. There was undoubted contribution of Komsomol members in the victory in the Great Patriotic War.

In 1959, grateful residents dedicated a monument to the heroism and courage of the Urals Komsomol members. Near the Palace of Children's Creativity, in the building of which, in the distant 1917, the first congress of the Urals Komsomol was held, a monument was erected. The authors of the project were sculptors P. Sazhin and G. Belyankin.

In the center of Komsomolskaya Square there is a majestic monument, the silent witness of the heroic chronicle of the history of Komsomol Urals. On a high pedestal there are figures of a young man with a banner in his hands and a girl. They are looking forward to new challenges and feats in the name of the prosperity of their homeland. The youthful impulse symbolizes a call for young Komsomol members to continue the baton of the older generation in the struggle for a brighter future.

Address: st. Clara Zetkin, 14

  1.  Monument to the military signalman in Yekaterinburg

The monument "Military Signalman" was installed on October 19, 2007. The author of the project was the sculptor D. V. Kuklin. The bronze sculpture was installed on the day of the professional holiday of military signalers. The monument was erected on the initiative and at the expense of the management of the company “Motive”, at whose office the sculpture is located. Motive, the leading mobile operator in the Sverdlovsk region, was organized by former military operators in 1996, who decided to make a present for themselves and the residents of the city.

A bronze two-meter soldier in the form of a signalman of the Soviet army of the 70s crouched on one knee and checks for a connection at the corner of Sheinkman Street. With his right hand he is holding the telephone receiver. At the back of the signalman is a reel with a field cable, the left hand is on the telephone. The sculpture turned out bright and colorful. Military communications had to provide this way to ensure reliable communication between units.

In honor of the opening of the monument for the citizens a holiday was arranged. The organizers of the holidays organized military field kitchen for the spectators. The grand opening of the monument was held to the sounds of the orchestra, after which an exhibition of rare communication devices was opened.

Address: st. Sheinkman, d.57


  1.  Memorial "Eternal memory to the soldiers of railroad" in Yekaterinburg

The memorial “Eternal memory to the soldiers-railway men” is a stone ensemble of seven steles and six plates. The whole monument is made of brown granite; only the central, highest, stele is decorated with a branch of red stone. Three-sided pillars are smaller for vertical memorial plates, on which the names of Sverdlovsk railway workers, almost 50 people, are engraved who died during the Great Patriotic War. On a low polished pedestal, a relief memorial inscription was made.

Address: st. Chelyuskintsev, 102


  1.  Monument to the dog cleaning up after it in Yekaterinburg

A monument to a cleaning up dog appeared in Yekaterinburg in the Akademichesky micro district on May 1, 2014. With the help of a playful sculpture, the activists of the city project “Clean Yard - Clean Conscience” want to teach dog breeders to clean up after their pets. 12 boxes are attached to the monument, placed around the district. The sculptor is Igor Pospelov.

The monument to a cleaning up dog is a sculpture of an animal standing on its hind legs and using a scoop and a broom to collect its own waste. The 1.7 meter high monument is made of steel. Near to the dog paws there are four curved metal plates, the words on which are collected in one phrase: "A clean yard is a clear conscience." The original monument has the influence, according to the residents of the neighborhood. They started to clean up after dogs more often.

Address: Wilhelm de Gennin st., 35


  1.  The sculptural composition "Love, Peace and Consent" in Yekaterinburg

On May 5, 2015, a monument to students in love was opened in Yekaterinburg near to the main building of Ural Federal University. The sculptural composition "Love, Peace and Consent", depicting two cooing doves, was invented by an Ural Federal University graduate Yevgeny Morozov. The university hopes that the sculpture will become a permanent place for romantic dates.

The sculptural composition “Love, peace and Consent" consists of two elements. Two pigeons symbolize the relationship of two lovers, and the plate with the handprints of a man and a woman holds their union together.

Address: st. Mira, 19


  1.  Monument to Vladimir Mulyavin in Yekaterinburg

On October 6, 2014, a monument to the founder of the Belarusian ensemble “Pesnyary”, Vladimir Mulyavin, born in the Urals, was solemnly opened in Yekaterinburg.

The monument to the famous Ural man is made by the team of authors under the guidance of sculptor Sergei Logvin. The 3.5-meter-high sculpture represents Vladimir Mulyavin with a guitar and a song that sounds as if it were sounding. The place for the monument in Yekaterinburg was not chosen by chance - in the hall of the Kosmos concert theater the Pesnyary ensemble performed for more than two decades, giving the Sverdlovsk residents and guests of the Ural capital their art, talent and warmth.

In Yekaterinburg, in addition to the monument, a memorial plaque was installed on the house where the musician spent his childhood, and a star was laid on the square in front of the variety theater in May 2013.

Address: st. Dzerzhinsky, 2


  1.  Shopper Grinya in Yekaterinburg

Sculpture "Shopper Grinya", or a monument to customers was opened in 2009 in the shopping center "Greenwich". It is the pre-revolutionary father of the family, leaving the malls after making numerous purchases. His hands are busy with bundles and wallets, and on his shoulders is his beloved daughter, all of whose dreams have been fulfilled.

Address: st. March 8, 46


  1.  Monument V.V. Mayakovsky in Yekaterinburg

The monument to Vladimir Mayakovsky in Yekaterinburg is installed in the Central Park of Culture and Rest named after V. Mayakovsky. Its opening took place on Michurin Street, 23 in 1957 on the avenue of writers in the Central Park of Culture.

In Yekaterinburg, a recreation park was organized in the summer of 1934 on the banks of the Iset River. Previously, there was Meshchanskaya grove with merchant dachas. Since ancient times, the grove was a place of folk festivals. In 1934, the Sverdlovsk recreation park received the name of Vladimir Mayakovsky in honor of the poet's fortieth anniversary.

The park area was 133 hectares, now it is 100 hectares. At the beginning of the park, it was just a recreation area with a central alley and a pond in the middle. Then they installed a summer stage, a dancefloor and three attractions. In 1936, a cinema and a summer circus were built in the park. The cinema was named after V. V. Mayakovsky.

The monument to Vladimir Mayakovsky is made in the form of a massive sculpture of the poet mounted on a pedestal. The figure of the national favorite is made in full growth in the characteristic pose of the herald of the revolution. On a high pedestal there is a memorial inscription, the area around the pedestal is tiled. In front of the monument there is a beautiful flower garden.

Address: st. Michurin, 230


  1.  Monument to a plumber in Yekaterinburg

The Russian people obviously respect the workers of the housing and communal services, since in different cities of our vast country they are increasingly erecting monuments to them. So Yekaterinburg was no exception. There is already a monument to plumbers in Perm, Omsk, Sochi and Krasnoyarsk, in different parts of the city.

The hero of pipes and sewers is located right next to the Uralenergoserviskomplekt building. He half crawls out of the hatch, right on the pavement, which in the evenings scares passers-by tourists.

The monument was made with the money of the management of the housing office and served as a reminder of the hard, but very necessary work of plumbers. However, soon passersby saw in him familiar features and striking similarities with the actor Yevgeny Leonov. It was certainly a mistake, because when drafting the project, the monument was supposed to be similar to Leonid Kuravlev. However, they did not fix anything, because he already firmly fit into the life of the city, and acquired his admirers. From time to time, the townspeople even put a bottle of vodka in the monument’s hand, which, according to Yekaterinburg, revives and brings him even closer to the people.

Address: st. Sibirsky Trakt, 2/25


  1.  Monument to D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak in Yekaterinburg

The monument to the Ural writer Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak is installed in the very heart of Yekaterinburg, on Lenin Avenue, on the so-called “Plotinka”. The dam is the place where the stone was erected on the hail and a square was broken. At the end of the 19th century, monuments to the founders of the city and to the Great Russian emperors and empresses were erected here, which, unfortunately, were destroyed by revolutionaries.

Mamin-Sibiryak is a writer, so beloved in the Urals and in Yekaterinburg, that many of the houses, at least related to him, not only survived after so many years, but are now monuments of architecture and museums of literature.

The monument was erected on November 5, 1987, according to sketches by sculptor A.G. Antonov and architect B.A. Demidov. It is a bronze cast bust. It was installed on a pedestal of red polished marble and gray niche. Also on the pedestal there is a plate with a memorial inscription. The head of the writer is tilted forward and expresses thoughtfulness.

Address: Lenin Ave.


  1.  Bench of reconciliation in Yekaterinburg

The peculiarity of this bench is that the seat is made in the form of two inclined planes converging to the center, therefore people move towards the center and thus become closer to each other. The authors of the idea hope that in this way the new symbol will remind academics of the value of relationships and mutual respect.

By the way, the first bench of reconciliation in Russia was established 15 years ago in Sochi. There the bench is presented in the form of a sculpture, on which, according to the author, two quarreling people can sit down, and then their relationship will improve. In our country there are not so many cities where such art objects are installed, and everywhere they play the role of urban attractions.

Address: Krasnolesie st., 147


  1.  Sculpture Bathing of a red horse in Yekaterinburg

The sculptural composition was made based on the paintings of Russian artist Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin.

The painting “Bathing of a red horse” brought the artist world-wide fame. By itself, the theme of bathing horses was very popular in Russian painting. The red horse personifies Russia, which cannot be kept by a young rider.

Historians mark the visionary gift of the artist; he predicted the “red” fate of Russia in his picture at the beginning of the 20th century. The sculpture is located at the entrance to the children's clinic. However, for most passers-by, this is just a composition with a boy and a horse without a background.

Address: Spanish workers st., 28


  1.  Monument to Ya.M. Sverdlov in Yekaterinburg

On July 15, 1927, a monument to the well-known political figure Yakov Mikhailovich Sverdlov was erected in the square of the Paris Commune in Yekaterinburg.

The personality of Yakov Mikhailovich Sverdlov can certainly be called outstanding and unsolved to this day - until now, historians have not reached an unequivocal opinion on his activities, but most of them speak with confidence about him as Gray Cardinal of the Russian revolution. As the third person in the Bolshevik party, he preferred not to appear at the first opportunity in public, but to rule "from behind the scenes": since 1905 in Yekaterinburg, he rallied around him underground figures that had influence on the proletariat, and also took part in preparation for the execution of the royal family.

At the beginning of the twenties of the last century, on the initiative of the Bolsheviks, a nationwide fundraising was carried out for the installation of a memorial sculpture to Yakov Sverdlov, to which a monument was subsequently cast at the Leningrad factory Krasny Vyborzhets.

Address: Lenin Ave., 8


  1.  Monument to I.M. Malyshev in Yekaterinburg

The monument to the famous revolutionary I. Malyshev in Yekaterinburg was opened in 1977. The monument was erected where the streets of March 8 and Malyshev intersect. An interesting fact is that once monument to Lenin and Stalin in Gorki stood on this place until 1955. Now the monument to the revolutionary moved closer to the waterfront. And in its old place the Big Zlatoust church was restored.

The sculptor of the monument to Malyshev was V.E. Yegorov. He created a monument designed by architect L. B. Maslennikov. The height of the sculpture was 12 meters, and as the material for it the sculptor took the red granite, symbolizing the revolution. Revolutionary Ivan Mikhailovich Malyshev was the first Chairman of the Yekaterinburg Committee of the Bolshevik Party in the city.

Address: st. Dobrolyubova, 1


  1.  Monument to Passengers in Yekaterinburg

Monument to Passengers is one of the most interesting objects of our time. It was installed in August 2006 in Yekaterinburg and represents an unusual composition that attracts the attention of passersby, locals and guests. This sculpture is made of bronze in the style of the 60s according to the project of Yu. Krylov and A. Kokoteev. The group of passengers created in front of the entrance to the museum is very realistic and leaves room for imagination, everyone will be able to see their history here and someone may even recognize themselves.

Address: st. Vokzalnaya, 12


  1.  Monument to motorcycle intelligence officers of the Ural Volunteer Tank Corps in Yekaterinburg

The reconnaissance battalion, part of the UDTK, was engaged in collecting intelligence for the corps command. It was formed in Sverdlovsk in the spring of 1943. The crew included the driver of the M-72 motorcycle, a submachine gunner and a radio operator.

The history of the monument creation begins in the 70s, when schoolchildren, under the impression of meeting with veteran of intelligence officer Nadezhda Kirilova, created a search team. With funds received for the collection of scrap metal and waste paper, a memorial plaque was installed. Veterans of the battalion gathered here annually. In honor of Victory Day, motorcyclists ran their mileage every year. The race started at Irbit and ended at the monument where the veterans met. In the 1980s, the tradition of running stopped, and the monument was abandoned.

In 1995, on the initiative of veterans, a new monument was installed in the Central Park of Culture and Recreation. In the center of the composition there is a broken motorcycle wheel, the spokes of which symbolize the rays of glory. A motorcyclist rushes along the rim of the wheel; a fragment of the battle is depicted behind him. The names of 133 reconnaissance soldiers and the names of military operations of the battalion are marked on the outer rim. In Russia, it is the only monument to motorcyclists’ scouts.

Address: Motorcyclists square


  1.  Monument to Decembrists in Yekaterinburg

On the day of the 175th anniversary of the December uprising a monument was opened in Yekaterinburg, the works of architect Y. Sychev and sculptor V. Sokolov. The memorial is located at the intersection of the Decembrists on March 8. The majestic three-meter figures of the Decembrists, chained in shackles, symbolize the unshakable will and unbroken spirit of the fighters for the development of the Russian state.

It is a unique page in world history, when noble people rise to the fight against power, wanting to level everyone before the letter of the law. There are no analogues to such events in the world. And, unfortunately, such desperate, but decisive actions led to the execution of five representatives of the aristocracy, and the exile of the rest of the members of the Decembrist uprising.

Ekaterinburg, like many cities in Russia, honors the memory of these heroes. Many places here are named after the Decembrists. The Sverdlovsk region is directly related to this story, since it was through these lands that they were shackled in chains. From one station to another, they drove under the watchful guard, stopping only for an overnight stay. The city witnessed a hard fate not only sentenced to hard labor, but also to their wives, who followed them. Locals did their best to show them respect and were eager to help.

Address: st. Decembrists, 56/68


  1.  Sculpture Greenwich in Yekaterinburg

The bronze figure of a man without shoes is right at the entrance to the shopping and entertainment center. The sculpture was established at the initiative of the Greenwich shopping center.

Near to the lying jovial perso, who seems to be very pleased with life, even despite his poor appearance, there are always many who want to take pictures. The hero is a collective image: it can be seen as a beggar, and the captain Vrungel, Santa Claus or Uncle Sam.

It should be noted that this is not the only sculpture in the vicinity of Greenwich - there are several other similar works in different parts of the shopping center.

Address: st. Radishcheva, 1


  1.  Monument to P.P. Bazhov in Yekaterinburg

The monument to P. P. Bazhov is installed on the dam of the city pond in the center of Yekaterinburg. This is the oldest building of the city and there are many different monuments, attractions and various interesting places. The opening of the bust of Bazhov was held on March 11, 1958. Pavel Petrovich Bazhov was a Russian writer, folklorist, Ural narrator, lived most of his life in the Urals.

On the monument, the writer is depicted with a bowed head. The bust is cast from bronze, and the pedestal on which he set is from red granite. The pedestal shows the years of life and death of Bazhov, below is a symbolic stone flower from the tale "Malachite Box".

Address: Lenin Ave., 35


  1.  Monument to Lokomotiv hockey players in Yekaterinburg

In September 2012, a monument to the hockey players of the Yaroslavl Lokomotiv was erected near the home arena of Avtomobilist. The plane with this team on board crashed on September 7, 2011 near the Airport in Yaroslavl. The Urals people decided to pay tribute to the memory of one of the strongest teams in the country, whose players' lives were tragically cut short at one moment.

Alexander Vyuhin, a graduate of the Yekaterinburg hockey school, died in the crash. He took his first steps in big hockey at the junior school “Spartacus”, which brought up not one famous hockey player.

In those days, when the plane crash occurred, a banner dedicated to the dead hockey players appeared on the wall of the Uralets. It hung for a long time, and every day people would come to him, bring flowers and light candles. Then the leadership of Avtomobilist conceived the idea to install a monument in this place. It was erected at the expense of the club. On a small pedestal there is a sign with the names of all the victims of the crash.

The monument installed at the cultural and entertainment center "Uralets" is a 2.5-meter figure of a hockey player with the Lokomotiv logo on his chest and with a stick in his left hand. On the other hand of the athlete is the number 37, according to the number of club players who died in the plane crash. The sculpture was made at the Kasli foundry of brass and cast iron.

Address: st. Bolshakov, 90


  1.  Monument to student construction teams in Yekaterinburg

Место для памятника - лучше не придумать, считают инициаторы идеи. Во-первых, Академический - самый крупный в России проект комплексной застройки территории, по сути это новый город с населением почти 270 тысяч человек. Во-вторых, это всероссийская молодежная стройка. На возведении жилья, школ, детсадов, благоустройстве территории здесь трудится 30 студенческих строительных отрядов из 24 регионов страны.

On the day of the builder in Academicheskiy ditrict, a stele was solemnly opened in honor of the 55th anniversary of the Russian construction detachment movement and the 50th anniversary of the Sverdlovsk regional student construction team.

The place for the monument is the best, the initiators of the idea consider. Firstly, Akademichesky is the largest integrated development project in Russia; in fact, this is a new city with a population of almost 270 thousand people. Secondly, it is the All-Russian youth construction. In the construction of housing, schools, kindergartens, landscaping, 30 student construction teams from 24 regions of the country work here.

The Sverdlovsk region and in the times of the USSR was known for the scale of the construction detachment movement, and today it is the leader in the number of student construction teams in the country - 125 linear SSOs, more than two and a half thousand fighters.

On the stele, composed of seven rock blocks, weighing more than 10 tons each, are placed plates with the names of construction teams participating in the construction of Akademichesky. These plates are occupied by the three lower monoliths. The remaining places will be taken by the names of the detachments that will replace the current ones, work in the "city of the future" will be enough for everyone for the next 15 years, - the authors of the idea of ​​the SSO monument believe. In Russia, this is the first sign of this kind, erected in honor of student labor groups; a monument is a symbol of the continuation of the construction detachment movement and its traditions.

Address: Krasnolesie st., 141


  1.  Monument to Ural sportsmen-participants of the Great Patriotic War in Yekaterinburg

In 1996, residents of Yekaterinburg immortalized the feat of soldiers-athletes who took an active part in the Great Patriotic War. There is a memorial composition on the alley leading to the Ice Palace of Sports. The authors of the project were the sculptors K. V. Grünberg, V. A. Govorukhin and the architect A. Yu. Istratov.

In its own way, it is the only monument to soldiers - athletes who participated in the hostilities of 1941-1945. During the war years, the sports organizations of the city and the Sverdlovsk region, in accordance with a special program, trained more than two and a half million skiers, over seven hundred hand-to-hand fighting specialists and two hundred thousand swimmers. Warrior athletes as part of special units performed special tasks in the rear of the enemy and on the fronts.

The massive pedestal height of 4 meters is made of polished granite gray slabs. A memorable inscription is carved on the front side. A composition of three figures is installed on the pedestal. Three skier warriors in a single line are moving on a mission, in the center is the group commander, from the left of him is a medical orderly girl with a medical bag on his shoulder, to the right is a fighter. The sculptural group is monolithic, 3.5 meters high.

Address: st. Bolshakov, 90


  1.  Monument piggy bank to a stray dog in Yekaterinburg

In December 2015, a new landmark of Yekaterinburg, a monument to a stray dog, appeared on Kraulya Street. This bronze figure became the embodiment of good attitude towards animals, which is intended to remind the townspeople that without our help the four-legged friends will not be able to survive. A touching look, a pitifully raised paw, lowered ears ... In the figure of the dog everything says that it was not easy.

The initiative to install such an original monument belongs to the staff of a store located nearby. Being like-minded people, young people collected money on their own and sent it to the appropriate funds that provide assistance to animals left homeless. At some point, they were visited by a bright thought: “Why not attract to this the citizens - the passers-by who walk here daily?” The idea was implemented brilliantly. Now no one can just pass by, so expressive is a bronze statue. Yekaterinburg citizens throw coins into a special compartment, which is provided in the configuration of the monument. So this is also a piggy bank. All the money that will be collected to be received in special institutes, the main purpose of which is to save the lives of those dogs and cats that are on the street.

Address: st. Kraulya, 8


  1.  Monument to the 37th Ekaterinburg Infantry Regiment

In May 2006, a monument dedicated to the 37th Yekaterinburg Infantry Regiment was erected near to the Main Post Office at the Labor Square in Yekaterinburg. At the base of the monument there is a quadrangular column, which is decorated with St. George ribbons. At the top of the column there is a white marble ball, on which a double-headed eagle rises.

A new monument was erected on the initiative of members of the military history club and architect A.A. Novikov. The old monument was erected at the church of St. Catherine and destroyed in 1930 along with the temple.

The 37th Infantry Regiment has been leading its history since 1796, when, under the decree of Tsar Paul I, a musketeer regiment was formed. In 1808, the regiment was transferred from Yekaterinburg to a new location - Voronezh. And already in 1811, it returned back and renamed the infantry regiment. In 1864 it received the official name of the "37th Yekaterinburg Infantry Regiment". Yekaterinburg heroically participated in almost all the hostilities that led Tsarist Russia.

Address: Ave. Lenin, 37


  1.  Sculpture Angel in Yekaterinburg

In the park "Deer Streams" near the Utoplennik Mountain, in 2005 a sculpture of an angel was installed. The creator of this monument gave it the name "Angel of Hope". Swedish artist Lena Edvall created the project "One Hope". According to her plan, the Yekaterinburg angel is one of seven sculptures that embrace the planet and protect it from all evil in the world, from wars, terrorism, and catastrophes.

Moreover, it is interesting that the angel is not big at all, only 70 centimeters high and weighs 36 kilograms. The remaining six of its "brothers" simultaneously found their refuge in Canada, Peru, Australia, Mali, Vanuatu and the Hawaiian Islands. Situated in such an incredible way, according to the artist's plan, they create an invisible shield above the surface of the earth and form a space that unites the whole world.

However, this is not the final version of the execution of the idea of ​​Lena Edvil. Subsequently, 49 more statues will be installed throughout the Earth. After the main angels have already found their place, the installation of the rest is measured by mathematical and geographical means. From each statue, lines were drawn connecting it with the other six. Thus the network was formed. Now the rest of the Angels of Hope will be set at the intersection points.

As for the reason for installing such an interesting monument in Yekaterinburg, it is simple. The decision of the artist was influenced by the location of the city, between Europe and Asia.

Address: Deer Streams Nature Park


  1.  Monument to M.P. Mussorgsky in Yekaterinburg

The memorial monument is dedicated to the Great Russian composer M. Musorgsky. It was installed in the courtyard of the Ural State Conservatory, named after the composer.

Musorsky's creative work is Russian treasure and pride, in his compositions a pronounced Russian character sounds; he invested in his music original national features. He wrote many operas, songs, piano pieces and other musical compositions. His works are still being successfully performed on stages all over the world. The monument to Mussorgsky is a stone figure of a seated composer, reflecting on something on a marble pedestal. On his lap there is an open note book.

Address: Lenin Avenue, 26


  1.  Monument to the hot summer of 2012 in Yekaterinburg

The monument to the abnormally hot summer of 2012 in the form of a giant fan was opened in Yekaterinburg. The construction of an unusual installation of the creators was inspired by temperature records, beaten by the Ural weather in June and July of that year.

 “The idea to create such a monument was born when we analyzed data on sales of climate technology for two summer months. According to our data, every twentieth inhabitant of Yekaterinburg has got a fan; every sixtieth bought an air conditioner. We are happy to give this funny monument to the city and we hope that the residents of Yekaterinburg will remember this summer with warmth, says Boris Lepinsky, Director General of E96 Online Store.

A bright orange fan installed in front of the entrance to the Manhattan BC was made by Ekaterinburg blacksmiths by hand: it took more than a ton of steel and concrete to create it. The base of the installation is decorated with memorable tablets telling about unusual weather facts that were observed in the summer of 2012.

For the opening ceremony, the organizers also created a photo exhibition that illustrated how Ekaterinburg residents coped with the anomalous heat, from bathing in fountains to tanning on the roofs of houses.

Address: st. Mamin-Sibiryak, 101


  1.  Monument Ice Skater in Yekaterinburg

In 1989, a monument to the Unknown Ice Skater was erected at the Yunost Stadium. The sculptors are V. A Govorukhin and K. Grünberg. They became the authors of the project. The monument is dedicated to the achievements of ice skaters. It was cast in the workshops of the art fund of the Russian Federation in Nizhny Tagil. The monument is an ice skater figure. Its height is 3.5 m.

In the mid-20s, in the area of ​​Kuybyshev street, the “Youth” stadium was built with a small grandstand, a jogging track and a football field. Later, the stadium was renamed the "Stadium of Pioneers and Schoolchildren".

In the 60s with a size of 30 by 12 meters, a skating rink was built. In the same year, the “Snowflake” stadium was built on which the ice hockey branch has been operating since 1965. The stadium hosts competitions in figure skating and hockey tournaments. More than 1000 spectators are taken by the stands of the stadium.

For the first time in the USSR, an artificial speed-skating track was created at the stadium in 1967. Later on the base of the stadium "Snowflake" was built a sports complex "Youth" which included a 50-meter swimming pool.

Address: st. Kuibyshev, 32a


  1.  Monument to Gena Bukin in Yekaterinburg

The statue of Gena Bukin was placed on Weiner Street in February 2011, not far from the Greenwich shopping and entertainment center. At the opening of the monument the performer of the role of Bukin, actor Victor Loginov came. The sculpture is cast in bronze, weighs about 500 kg. The height of the structure is more than 2 meters.

Bronze Gena is busy with his favorite business: he holds one hand in his belt of trousers, and in the second he holds women's shoes. Its location was not chosen by chance. According to the script of the TV series “Greenwich” is a permanent place of Gena’s work. The master Viktor Mosielev, famous in Yekaterinburg, worked on the creation of the monument. His work can be found here, on Weiner Street.

The actor himself, Viktor Loginov, admitted that he had never experienced such bright emotions, except when he took the child from the hospital. This creative idea was generated by the Yekaterinburg businessman Igor Zavodsky, the founder of the Greenwich.

Address: st. Weiner 48


  1.  Sculpture Life Ship in Yekaterinburg

“Life Ship” marina: the sculpture that became the best at the “Lom” festival, on the International Day of the Blind was installed in the yacht club on the Verkh-Isetsky pond. The author of the composition was impressed by the feat of a blind person.

Pavel Erlich, sculptor: “Imagine: a person comes, I hear, Russian. He comes on a yacht, I come up to talk with him and I understand that this man came on a yacht blindly. This is how to feel yourself. A man came, a feat man. A monument to the feat.

The head of the public organization "White Cane" became the prototype of the ship's captain of scrap metal. The Life Ship was installed in front of the yacht club, because it is here that visually impaired and blind people train. They examined the sculpture by touch, and they liked it. Oleg Kolpashchikov: “It’s still important for us from the world outlook and from other points of view to develop the interaction of the disabled with the healthy. And therefore inclusive sailing is when a disabled person joins a team of healthy people, and together they try to achieve a goal. ”

Address: st. Kirov, 40/2


  1.  Memorial to the Soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War in Yekaterinburg

The memorial complex to those who died on the fronts during the Great Patriotic War is located in the ​​Subbotniki square. It is located in the Verkh-Isetsky district of Yekaterinburg. Verkh-Isetsky district is one of the seven districts of Yekaterinburg and is located in the western part of the city. The main district-forming enterprise is the Verkh-Isetsky Metallurgical Plant, which was built in 1723 by the founders of the city, Vasily Tatishchev and Wilhelm de Gennin, next to an artificial pond, which was created for the needs of a metallurgical enterprise.

During World War II, the Verkh-Isetsky Metallurgical Plant since 1941 produced metal for the manufacture of tanks, aircraft, machine guns and field phones. The Upper Iset Plant during the war years made an invaluable contribution to the provision of the Soviet Army.

In 1976, a Memorial complex was erected on the Square of Subbotniki in memory of the residents of the area who were killed at the fronts of the war of 1941-1945, workers and employees of the metallurgical combine. The monument was created by sculptors: A. V. Rybkin; A.I. Beldyuzhkin; A. S. Novikov.

Address: Subbotniki square


  1.  Monument BI-1 Aircraft in Yekaterinburg

The memorial monument was erected in honor of the BI-1 creators (designers A. Ya. Bereznyak and A. M. Isaev) and the aircraft itself, which first flew over Yekaterinburg on May 15, 1942.

The creation of BI-1 was a significant event for the country. It became the first Soviet aircraft with a liquid-propellant rocket engine, a pilot take-off occurred from Koltsovo Airport. The flight of the aircraft, piloted by test pilot G. Ya. Bakhchivandzhi, lasted 189 seconds. Traditionally, May 15, students of nearby schools celebrate the anniversary of the G. Bakhchivandzhi flight.

Address: Sputnikov st., 6


  1.  Monument to N.I. Kuznetsov in Yekaterinburg

On the eve of Victory Day in Yekaterinburg in 1985 a monument to N. N. Kuznetsov was unveiled. Money for the construction of a monument to the Hero of the Soviet Union Nikolai Kuznetsov was collected by representatives of the Uralmash plant. The 16-meter obelisk is made in the form of a figure of a hero-scout against the background of a developing banner, ready to rush again into battle with the enemy. A monument was erected on Kultury Boulevard directly at the recreation center, on the square bearing the name of the hero. The author of the composition is the sculptor V.E. Egorov.

Nikolai Ivanovich Kuznetsov, a legendary intelligence officer, carried out special reconnaissance operations — “acts of retaliation” over high-ranking representatives of the fascist administration in Western Ukraine. He was heroically killed in battle with the Ukrainian nationalists in March 1944.

The great image of the legendary hero is emphasized by the precise modeling of the face, figure, hands, and other elements of the composition that are not noticeable at first glance. As conceived by the author, the raised collar, covering the face, symbolizes incognito of the intelligence, while the other side of the collar resembles the wing behind. A banner unfolded above his head reminds us of a burning torch. The folds of the clothes on the left arm symbolize the Hamlet cloak.

Address: Festivalnaya st., 12


  1.  Sculpture "Where does the Motherland begin" in Yekaterinburg

The monument “Where does the Motherland Begin” in Yekaterinburg is dedicated to participants in all wars and armed conflicts. It was opened on May 8, 2015 near to the building of the recreation center for railway workers. Absolutely the same memorials were installed in Tyumen and the village of Verkhnee Dubrovo, Sverdlovsk Region, 27 km from Ekaterinburg. The authors of all three monuments are the Ural sculptors and architects.

The monument “Where does the Motherland Begin” is a bronze sculpture of a boy trying on a great grandfather overcoat. The child, as conceived by one of the authors of the sculptor Sergey Titlinov, is a symbol of memory, from which the Motherland begins. The background of the central sculpture is a wall with photo frames, also made of metal. They include portraits of war veterans brought by citizens from family archives. An interactive photo album is never empty. On the back of the wall there are the niche for candles and embossed inscription: “How does the Motherland begin. To defenders of the fatherland is dedicated. The monument is installed on a granite pedestal.

Address: st. Chelyuskintsev 100/1


  1.  Monument to the tourist trader in Yekaterinburg

According to the author, the composition symbolizes the "tourist traders" (male and female), which stand on a pedestal, made in the form of the globe. In the 90s, merchants had to overcome considerable distances and carry huge bags of goods.

The bronze figure of the woman holds the cart with trunks, and the man holds the bag and the trolley. The nineties are long gone, so the bronze “tourist traders” have something to be surprised about - at the site of a large clothing market, where they sold items brought in huge bags, today there is a glossy shopping center with air conditioning and beautiful shopping pavilions. That is why a man and a woman look at the building with such admiration.

The monument has its own tradition: passers-by throw a coin into the pocket of a woman with a cart. The author of the monument is Vladimir Krivushin. The bronze sculpture of the tourist traders reaches three meters, and its weight exceeds two tons. Similar monuments to tourist traders have been discovered in Kaliningrad, Belgorod and Blagoveshchensk.

Address: Tekhnicheskaya st., 19


  1.  Monument to the dead firefighters in Yekaterinburg

A monument to the heroic firefighters who died in the Great Patriotic War in Yekaterinburg was installed at the main building of the Ural Institute of State Fire Service of Russia, located in Yekaterinburg on Mira Street, 22.

Initially in Sverdlovsk, on June 9, 1928 regional fire and technical courses were organized. Over time, as a result of multiple transformations, the Ural Institute of State Fire Service of Russia works in the city. Graduates of the former fire-technical school during the Great Patriotic War fought on various fronts and not all returned home with the Victory in their native lands.

In honor of the heroically dead firefighters who did not return from the fields of the war in 2004, they installed a pedestal near the main building of the Institute of Fire Service of Russia.

The monument to the heroes-firefighters represents the flames mounted on a pedestal in the form of a black circle, limited by two plates of gray color. Above the image of the flame hang three copper bells on the crossbar, which were called during the fire. On the pedestal there are two cartouches with memorable inscriptions. Around the monument to the heroes-firefighters who died during the Great Patriotic War, a beautiful square was laid out.

Address: st. Mira, 22


  1.  Monument to B.G. Muzrukov in Yekaterinburg

The monument to B. G. Muzrukov in Yekaterinburg was solemnly opened in the public garden at the address: Ilyich Street, October 15, 2004. This was a big and significant event in the life of the city. In the program of celebrations a military band, military guard, veterans, honored guests of the city took part. In the end, many live flowers were laid at the monument. In addition to the installation of the monument, the square was reconstructed and updated. Pedestrian paths were landscaped, the facades of neighboring buildings were repaired, a new lawn and flower beds were made.

Boris Glebovich Muzrukov was the director of Ural Heavy Machinery Plant for 8 years, and it was during his reign that the hardest events took place in the history of our country - the Great Patriotic War. Standing at the helm of the plant, he brought the company to a completely new level, providing the Russian troops with T-34 tanks, self-propelled artillery installations and other new weapons of that time. Later, in 1947, he went to work at the enterprises manufacturing nuclear ammunition. It was under his clear leadership that the production of weapons-grade plutonium was put on stream. This allowed to test the first Soviet atomic bomb in August 1949.

Address: Pervoy Pyatiletki square


  1.  Monument to the pilot- strike-fighter M.P. Odintsov in Yekaterinburg

On the Kirov Square in Yekaterinburg, a monument to the twice Hero of the Soviet Union, military pilot Mikhail Petrovich Odintsov was installed. The legendary attack pilot took part in many battles on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, commanded the air squadron, and then was the deputy commander of the regiment.

After the end of the war, he continued service in the Armed Forces, commanded the aviation regiment, division and aviation of the district. In 1963 he was among the first chiefs of the Cosmonaut Training Center. He graduated from the Military-Political Academy in 1952, and then the Academy of the General Staff of the USSR in 1959. He left service in the rank of colonel-general.

He is the author of the books about the Great Patriotic War "The Trial by Fire", "Overcoming" and "Then, in 1942 ..." He was twice awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union, the first time in February 1944, the second time - in June 1945; he has numerous other awards. He is a honorary citizen of Yekaterinburg since 1980.

Address: Kirov Square


  1.  Monument to Peter I in Yekaterinburg

Initially, a monument to one of the founders of the city, Peter the Great, was erected in 1885, at the same time with the same monument to Catherine the Great. However, after the coming to power of the revolutionary Bolsheviks, it was destroyed as unnecessary.

It is worth noting that when the revolutionaries removed the figure from the pedestal, they used it for a long time not in the most respectful manner. At a time when there was no need for bronze, the bust was used instead of a stand for flowers, and only then, after years, he was sent to be melted down. Currently, it is not known what exactly was smelted from the monument to Peter I.

And it was restored only in 1992, after the division of the republics. The photos in which the images of Peter in bronze were kept were poorly preserved and did not help the restorers and the sculptor Chekhomov in the least. The sculptor considered that if initially only the bust of the ruler was created, then now the city needs just such a monument. The master did not make changes on his own behalf, but simply recreated the destroyed bust.

Address: st. Gorky, 4a


  1.  Memorial complex to victims of political repression in Yekaterinburg

Prior to perestroika, which gave us freedom of speech, no one even guessed that many thousands of bodies that were innocently ruined in the 1930s, rest in a small clearing near the Moscow highway.

The first information about this tragic place appeared in the press in 1989. In particular, it turned out that in 1967, during the construction of the Dynamo sports base, builders stumbled across several places on human burials. A lot of human remains lay on top of each other. Everyone had bullet holes in the skull. The discovery was reported to the then head of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Sverdlovsk Region, Yeremin. But he only ordered to bury everything back and forget about the incident, threatening unwitting witnesses in case of dissemination of information by the execution.

A little later, in 1989, there were witnesses of how the burials of the victims of Stalinist repression took place. Two guards, guarding the burial grounds in the 1930s, said that the ditches were located in rows. Each ditch was 45 meters long, 4 meters wide and 2 meters deep. The bodies of the innocent victims of the Stalinist terror were massively brought here at night in trucks and thrown into the pit.

In 1992, the territory of a mass grave with an area of ​​75 hectares was declared a memorial complex. In 1993, work on the creation of a monument began here. The grand opening of the Memorial took place on October 26, 1996. Numerous plates with the names, initials and years of birth of many thousands of victims still resting here in the land have been installed here (more than 18,500 people are listed).


  1.  Monument to the post inspector in Yekaterinburg

At the building of the traffic police, a sculpture of a police inspector, dressed in the uniform of the 50s of the last century, is installed. The winter form of the inspector of the Soviet epoch consisted of a fur coat and felt boots with galoshes, a baton in their hands, and a holster with a military pistol on a belt— that was how the inspector looked like in the old days.

The prototype of the monument is the real guard Mikhail Solodovnikov (the years of service 1942-1976). The sculpture was recreated from a photograph of an inspector serving at the intersection of Lenin and 8 March Streets.

In the early 50s of the last century, the first manually switched traffic lights were introduced in Sverdlovsk. Therefore, traffic controllers stood next to the traffic light around the clock and ensure traffic safety. Leaving the post would mean blocking the movement of vehicles.

In addition to the monument to the inspector, a memorial vehicle of the model "Moskvich-400", released in 1948, and a patrol motorcycle of the Soviet traffic police were installed near to the building of the Yekaterinburg traffic police. A monument was erected on the eve of the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the State Traffic Inspectorate.

Address: st. Chkalov, 1


  1.  Monument to Sergo Ordzhonikidze in Yekaterinburg

In 1955, a monument to Grigory Konstantinovich Ordzhonikidze was erected on the square of the First Five-Year Plan. He was a statesman during the days of socialism and revolution. Sergo as he was called worked in the field of heavy industry. And in particular, his work was to promote the development of the Ural Heavy Machinery Plant. Because of this, the people's commissar often visited the city and talked to the workers.

Therefore, as soon as the plant was 20 years old from the date of opening, they decided to erect a monument to Sergo Ordzhonikidze. The figure is set on a nine-meter column, and it is more than four meters high. The work was done by architect A.A. Boyko, designed by the author G. Nerod.

The figure was cast in bronze and conveys a confident and strong image of Gregory Konstantinovich. Its pedestal is made of red granite, which was subsequently polished. Here is a sign with the words of the People's Commissar about the plant engineering. And next to the quote there are all the awards of the plant for the development of heavy industry.

Address: Square of the First Five Year Plan


  1.  Monument to the philosopher Ivan Ilyin in Yekaterinburg

The monument to the philosopher Ivan Ilyin appeared in Yekaterinburg in 2012. Amateur sculptors installed it at the expense of believers, who for about five years collected fragments of meteorites for sculpture. The sculpture is located near the Ural Institute of Business named after the philosopher, on the square in front of the temple in the name of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. Ivan Aleksandrovich Ilyin (1883–1954) was a Russian philosopher, writer and publicist.

The monument to the philosopher Ivan Ilyin presents a sculpture of a man sitting with a book in his hand. Despite its apparent compactness, the monument turned out to be very heavy: it was installed on a two-stage pedestal of red granite with the help of a cargo crane. At the foot of the monument there is a beautiful bronze memorial plaque in the form of a scroll with a relief inscription. The monument is enclosed in a square flower garden, enclosed by a granite border. At night, the sculpture of the philosopher glows because of the meteorite composition.

Address: per. Central Market, 6


  1.  Monument to military doctors in Yekaterinburg

The monument to military doctors in Yekaterinburg was conceived 20 years ago, but there was no money. As a result, millions of people gathered around the world: invested enterprises, businesses and residents. The monument was opened in 2015 to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory. The monument is located at the main building of the regional hospital of war veterans.

The monument to military doctors is a bronze sculpture of a doctor and a nurse near to a tree torn by a shell, surrounded by fragments of railway rails and mines. The figures are welded to a round pedestal of the same metal: the total height of the monument is 4.5 meters, and the weight is 5 tons. On the front side of the pedestal in volumetric letters a memorable inscription is made. The whole structure is installed on a low pedestal of brown granite in the form of a medical cross. In the warm season, the monument is surrounded by cypresses and flowers in tubs. According to the project, the sculpture composition should be supplemented with marble plaques with the names of doctors and nurses who worked in 152 regional hospitals during the Great Patriotic War.

Address: st. Sobolev, 25


  1.  Monument Head of the station in Yekaterinburg

Head of the station looks like the Emperor Alexander II heralds the station bell with a ring of train departure.

The bell was struck not in any way, but in the manner prescribed by the order “Bells at stations”. The first signal, a warning to prepare passengers for boarding, was accompanied by a bell and one strike to the bell. The second is the requirement to sit down at one’s place - with a ring and two strikes at the bell. And the train went to the ringing and three bell strikes. By the ring of the same bell, but without an account of strikes, the train was announced leaving the neighboring station.

Address: st. Vokzalnaya, 12


  1.  Monument to the Tourgroup of I. Dyatlov in Yekaterinburg

The monument to “dyatlovtsy” was established in honor of nine Sverdlovsk tourists who died in February 1959 in the Northern Urals under mysterious circumstances. Lit is located at the Mikhailovsky cemetery of Yekaterinburg.

The death of Dyatlov group of tourists - students of the Ural Polytechnic Institute and an instructor of the ski club - occurred on the night of February 2, 1959 in the Northern Urals. The pass, on which nine skiers died under circumstances that had not been clarified until the end, now bears the name of Igor Dyatlov, a fifth-year student and the leader of the group of tourists. 10 people were going to go on a hike, but one of them fizzled out due to injury, thanks to which, in fact, he survived.

Seven of nine tourists were buried in the Mikhailovsky cemetery of Yekaterinburg. There is also a monument to "dyatlovtsy." It is a stele of gray granite: on the front side there are overhead metal portraits of oval shape for all nine tourists, on the reverse side there is an engraved inscription about the dead, and the emblem of the tourist club on the stone. The graves are made in the same style: light gray tombstones and flower beds in stone rectangles. The memorial complex is surrounded by a wrought-iron fence. Two more members of the Dyatlov group rest at the Ivanovo cemetery of Yekaterinburg.

Address: st. Gagarin, 7


  1.  Monument to P.I. Tchaikovsky in Yekaterinburg

In 1999, a monument to the famous composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky was erected near to the building of the music school. It looks like a bust of the master, located on a granite pedestal in the shape of a quadrangular column. The building, in front of which stands a monument and in which the school is located, also bears the name of the composer. The designer displayed a large concert hall and all the necessary rooms in plan.

Initially, the building was called the “Makletsky Concert Hall” and served as the home of a music group that was organized at that time. And in 1912, the patron of arts and the head of the Sysert factories bought this building and donated to the branch of the Russian music community in Yekaterinburg. After this, the music circle began to grow and was transformed into a music class that was already active all the time. In the same year, musical education in the Urals began to develop and in a few years the first musical school was opened here.

It was the head of the factories that renamed the concert hall in honor of P.I. Tchaikovsky. Already at the end of the 20th century, the city administration had no questions in honor of whom to erect a monument in this place.

Address: Pervomayskaya st., 22


  1.  Monument to G.Ya. Bahchivandzhi in Yekaterinburg

The bust of the Hero of the Soviet Union, Captain G. Ya. Bakhchivandzhi, is installed on the street bearing his name. Grigory Yakovlevich was born on February 7, 1908 in the village of Brinkovsky of the Krasnodar Territory. Since 1931, Bakhchivandzhi was in the ranks of the Red Army, in 1934 he graduated from the school of pilots in Orenburg.

During the Great Patriotic War, he participated in the defense of Moscow, made 65 combat sorties, shot down two enemy aircrafts in person and three in the group. From August 1941, he was transferred to a base in Sverdlovsk, where he tested the first Soviet jet aircraft, the BI-1. In May 1942 he made the first flight on an airplane with a liquid jet engine from Koltsovo Airport in Sverdlovsk. He died on March 27, 1943 during a test flight on a BI-1 aircraft.

The cause of the catastrophe was the phenomenon of diving into nose-down with straight wing sweeps at high speeds, while this phenomenon was simply not known how to cope. The hero was buried in a cemetery not far from Koltsovo airport, 10 km from the crash site. In 1973, the brave test pilot was posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

Address: st. Bahchivandzhi, 15


  1.  Monument to Onisim Clair in Yekaterinburg

In 2015, a monument to Onisim Egorovich Clair appeared in the center of the Ural capital. The bust of the scientist was opened at the entrance to the Sverdlovsk Regional Museum of Local Lore. Its opening is timed to a significant date - 145 years from the date of opening of this scientific and educational institution. Ural sculptor Igor Akimov took the initiative to put a monument in memory to a talented scientist, researcher and author of a number of significant works in the field of natural science.

Onesim Clair is a Swiss scientist who lived and worked in Yekaterinburg for a long time. Thanks to him, a society of natural science lovers was organized in Russia. With time, the circle turned from a small group into a large, serious public organization working on the basis of the men's urban gymnasium. Here the collection was formed, which later became the basis of the exhibition of the Ural Regional Museum. “This is history; this is the history of our museum business - Russian, Ural, Yekaterinburg. From this person, in fact, publicity began in terms of people who realized that the purpose of their life was that the exhibits, the history of the region, the history of the world – this is interesting for them, ”said Sergei Perestoronin, head of the administration of the governor of the Sverdlovsk region.

Address: Lenin Ave., 69/10


  1.  Monument to a bank card in Yekaterinburg

In the summer of 2011, the only monument to a bank card for today was installed in Yekaterinburg.

The height of the almost hundred kilogram sculpture is 2 meters. The name of the famous Edward Bellamy (science fiction writer), who in 1888 in the novel “A Look into the Past” was the first to come up with the idea of credit cards, is engraved on a bank card. The memorial site immediately appeared its own tradition - to rub the card so that the wallet was never empty.

Address: 31B Malysheva


  1.  Monument to the honorary switchman in Yekaterinburg

Monument to "honorary switchman" is located in the area of ​​the Technical Street - Vatutin in the park. On the pedestal there is a figure of a tall man in a full-dress uniform. Behind there is a fragment of the switch mechanism. The composition is made in gray tones.

According to reports, this is a monument to the Hero of the Soviet Union, General Vatutin. Nikolai Fedorovich Vatutin was an outstanding commander of the times of the Great Patriotic War; he was born in the village of Chepukhino, Valuisky district (now the Voronezh region) on December 16, 1901. Heroic killed in battle, he was posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

Address: Technicheskaya st.


  1.  Sculpture Faith, Hope, Love in Yekaterinburg

On September 30, 2011, the monument Faith, Hope, Love was unveiled in the Akademichesky micro district of Yekaterinburg. The author of the monument is Yekaterinburg sculpture Igor Akimov. As the creator himself says, his work resembles a scene from “Scarlet Sails”, when Assol, day after day, came to the pier and waited for the appearance of her dream, namely, a ship with scarlet sails, which would take her to distant lands. This idea was embodied by the author.

The monument is a large boulder on which a miniature figure of a girl in a flowy dress is installed, with a flower in her hand. All this composition towers on a round pedestal, lined with stone tiles.

After the opening of the monument in the park, located next to the sculpture, they planted an alley of apple, cedar and pear trees.

Address: Krasnolesye st., 111


  1.  Monument to the liquidators of nuclear disasters in Yekaterinburg

On April 26, 2000, a monument to a nuclear disaster liquidator was erected in Yekaterinburg. It is located in the square on Lenin Street, 1 behind the Palace of Youth. On this day in 1986, the largest accident in the history of mankind occurred at a nuclear power plant in Chernobyl. More than six hundred thousand people from different parts of the Soviet Union took part in the aftermath of the accident.

Among the liquidators of the consequences of a large-scale man-made disaster were people of various professions: military, firefighters, medical workers, law enforcement officers, scientists and just volunteers. All people were united by the desire to prevent the terrible consequences of the accident and prevent the spread of radiation contamination. More than two thousand residents of Sverdlovsk took part in the aftermath of the accident.

The monument is installed on funds allocated by the city administration and donated by residents of the area. Every year, on April 26, grateful residents of the city hold a memorable rally in the square near to the Palace of Youth, and then solemnly lay wreaths at the monument to the liquidators of the accident. Residents of the city consider the monument one of the best in the city.

Address: Garinsky lane, 5


  1.  Monument to Porthos in Yekaterinburg

In March 2016, a monument to Porthos, the hero of the legendary film D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers, was solemnly opened in the shopping center Passage. The ceremony was honored by the presence of Valentin Smirnitsky - the actor who owned this role in the film. The event brought numerous fans of motion pictures. Before the presentation, the guest met with the townspeople in one of the cinema halls located in the same building and answered questions with pleasure.

After the end of the conversation, Smirnitsky and the crowd went to the third floor of the shopping center, where a monument was hidden under a layer of cloth. Soon everyone saw the statue of Porthos and applauded in unison. The actor was pleased with how the creators of the monument managed to convey the similarities.

Monument to Porthos is a figure of a musketeer, shot out in full growth. It is the bronze hero in armor and with a gun thrown over his shoulder, smiles rather slyly. The sculpture looks very friendly. Visitors to the shopping center are certainly photographed with a new landmark when they come here for shopping.

Address: Weiner st. 9


  1.  Memorial cross at the place of execution of the Royal family in Yekaterinburg

Now there is an observation deck opposite the wooden chapel and the Temple-on-the-Blood. This is the place where until 1977 stood the famous Ipatiev House, in which the last Russian emperor Nicholas II, his family and courtiers were shot.

Address: st. Tolmacheva, 36


  1.  Sculpture "Ruslan and Lyudmila" in Yekaterinburg

The sculptural composition dedicated to the heroes of the poem of the Great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin is located in one of the most picturesque places of the city - Tagansky Park.

Behind Ruslan, sitting on a horse, is a spear. He will have to fight the evil Chernomor in order to save the beautiful Lyudmila. Next to the hero is a stone, on which the words from the poem are written, starting with the phrase: "... there is the Russian spirit; it smells of Russia ...» The memorable composition became an ornament and attraction of the Tagansky Park. The author of the sculpture is Fyodor Petrov.

Address: st. Bebel, 115


  1.  The sculpture "Mistress of the Copper Mountain" in Yekaterinburg

In June 2015, at the “Red Hill” in Zlatoust, the Mountain Park named after P.P. Bazhov, created by the workforce of the Construction Plant was opened. The organizers tried to show what is famous for Chrysostom and the Urals. The peculiarity of the mountain park named after P. Bazhov is that it is populated by the figures of the heroes of the famous Ural narrator, who were cast by sculptors and artists from Zlatoust, Kasley, Chelyabinsk and Yekaterinburg.

First of all, attention is attracted by the hostess of the Ural Mountains, the owner of Copper Mountain. As conceived by the management of "Stroytehniki", it is the Mistress of Copper Mountain who should become the highlight of the "Mountain Park". The mistress of Copper Mountain, the keeper of the Urals precious rocks and stones, appears before people most often in the form of a beautiful woman, but sometimes as a lizard with a crown.

She gestures to her pantry, where gemstones are securely stored, which she guards from prying eyes. Here in the park, the Mistress of the Copper Mountain guards a stone waterfall tower made of large stones. On the stones surrounding the kingdom of the Mistress of Copper Mountain, beautiful lizards bask in the sun.

Address: st. Bebel 111


  1.  Monument to the first builder of the city in Yekaterinburg

The monument to the "First Builder of the City" is located in the Historical Park of Yekaterinburg on Plotinka, next to the "Time Capsule". This is a monument to a simple worker with a beard in baggy clothes. This is not a tribute to someone's personal glory, but the memory of the historical significance of all the people who accomplished the labor feat in their time, thanks to which this city exists.

Next to it is a wall in memory of the start of construction of a mining plant. The composition includes a stone bas-relief for the “First Builder of the City” and a bronze bas-relief with the previous plan of the factory city, part of which was stolen.

Address: Historical Square


  1.  Monument to the Ural businessman in Yekaterinburg

September 4, 2013 in Yekaterinburg, at the intersection of March 8 and Kuybyshev streets, the grand opening of the monument to the Ural entrepreneur took place.

The idea of ​​the project belongs to Asfan Khismatulin, a professor at the Department of Jewelry Art at Ural University of Architecture and Art, chief architect of the project is Associate Professor at Ural State Academy of Aircraft Administration Andrey Pechenkin, and the sculptor Igor Akimov worked on turning the idea into reality. The monument was erected on the initiative of representatives of the Union of Small and Medium Business of the Sverdlovsk Region.

The sculpture embodies the image of the XIX century merchant and is cast from the highest quality bronze. It is unique both for the Urals and for Russia as a whole. At the base of the monument is inscribed the motto “Honor. Dignity. Binding. Charity"; it is an excerpt from the Charter of the Russian merchants, approved two hundred years ago, in 1812. The composition will be the personification of the business potential of the business community of the Sverdlovsk region.

Address: At the intersection of Kuibyshev Street - March 8th


  1.  Monument to Conductor in Yekaterinburg

The monument to the conductor in Yekaterinburg is one of the most unusual monuments of the city. The sculptors of such a refined monument were Yuri Krylov and Alexander Kokotev. Local authorities have decided to install a monument in front of the building of the former railway station. In this way, they wanted to perpetuate the memory of conductors who spend most of their lives on the road.

It is a bronze sculpture of a smiling conductor that holds two cups of tea. The territory near the monument is lined with exquisite tiles, which gives it certain sophistication. The monument is very popular among travelers who came from abroad, and taking photos against its background has become their good tradition.

Address: st. Vokzalnaya, 12


  1.  The sculpture "Golden Crater" in Yekaterinburg

The collection of original sculptures of Yekaterinburg in 2009 was replenished with one more - a meteorite "fell" outside the building of the Yekaterinburg branch of the National Center for Contemporary Art. The author of the art object called “Golden Crater” - German artist Agnes Meyer-Brandis - began its creation as part of the project “Art on Site."

The monument is a crater painted in gold with a diameter of more than five meters, allegedly formed as a result of a meteorite falling. In the process of the idea implementing, the artist carefully studied the features of the landscape, the seismic activity of the Ural Mountains, the tales of Bazhov, visited the geological museum and caves. The artist came up with her own unique “history of the place”, and such an enthusiastic and thorough approach, as well as the skill of performing the sculptural composition, almost convinced Yekaterinburg that the meteorite with living creatures inside actually fell. According to Alisa Prudnikova, who oversees this project, “Golden Crater” is a monument to the ability to think, ask questions and invent stories.

Address: st. Dobrolyubova, 19


  1.  Monument to Austrian prisoners of war who died in wars in Yekaterinburg

On the territory of the Sverdlovsk region there are a large number of memorials and monuments related to military history. There were no military actions and occupation in the Urals, the area was rear.

However, there were many prisoners, special settlers, dispossessed, including prisoners of war. In World War I there were about two and a half million prisoners of war from Austria-Hungary. Since 1915, Yekaterinburg was the evacuation point of the Urals.

At first, prisoners of war were placed in schools, and then in private apartments. The lower ranks were involved in the work; they mined stones in quarries and bridge the streets. Some prisoners remained to live in the Urals, some of them converted to Orthodoxy.

After the revolution, Gubevak was engaged the issues of prisoners of war. Some Austrians remained to build socialism; many returned home, part of them fought in the Red Army.

Prisoners of the Second World War from Austria were kept and worked in camps that existed until the middle of the 50s. In the hands of prisoners of war, in a short time, several dozens of construction sites of national economic and industrial importance were erected.

The monument to the Austrian prisoners of war who died in the years of the First and Second World Wars is installed on the territory of the Cemetery of Common Faith.

Address: Sibirsky Trakt, 15


  1.  Monument to D'Artagnan in Yekaterinburg

On April 2, 2016, a monument to D'Artagnan was opened on the territory of the shopping and entertainment center "Passage". Mikhail Boyarsky, an actor who brilliantly played this role in the D'Artagnan film and the Three Musketeers, was present at the celebration of the event. The opening of the monument to Porthos preceded this event, and now two monumental figures of favorite public heroes adorn the spaces of the shopping center.

The sculpture is made in full growth, and the height is even slightly above average. D’Artagnan’s right hand is raised; the hero holds a sword in it. There is a lot of movement in the monument: the hat is slightly laid back, the hair seems to be flowing, and a half-smile gives the impression that a welcome greeting is about to come. The city dwellers accepted the new landmark “with a bang,” and the event itself was a great success: the hall was very crowded, the public indulgently indulged Boyarsky with loud applause.

Address: st. Weiner 9


  1.  Sculpture "Berlin Bears" in Yekaterinburg

The bear is a symbol of Germany, which is why in 2002 the Germans decided to make this animal their “ambassador” all over the world. Ekaterinburg from the German people got the Dancing Bear. The Consul announced a special competition for the design of a Yekaterinburg bear sculpture; the winner was an 11-year-old girl Dinara Prohotanskaya. She proposed to paint the bear with images of the heroes of the fairy tale “The Bremen Town Musicians”.

He embodied the idea of ​​transforming the two-meter bear artist Denis Tevekov. Today, next to the bear is also the Berlin bear, adorned with drawings of local attractions - the Temple-on-the-Blood, city hall, circus and white tower. Now a bright couple decorates the pedestrian street of Yekaterinburg.

Artist Denis Tevekov embodied the idea of transforming the two-meter bear. Today, next to the bear is also the Berlin bear, adorned with drawings of local attractions - the Temple-on-the-Blood, city hall, circus and white tower. Now a bright couple decorates the pedestrian street of Yekaterinburg.

Address: st. Weiner


  1.  Sculpture Eternity in Yekaterinburg

Representatives of the Chinese city of Guangzhou, the twin sister of Yekaterinburg, presented a bronze sculpture symbolizing eternity to the Chkalovsky district of the Urals capital.

Guests from the Middle Kingdom spend most of their time in the Chkalovsky district of the Urals capital. Yekaterinburg is friends with its Chinese sister city, not only on the scale of a megacity, but also at the district level. One of them, located in Guangzhou and called Tianhe, is twinned with and partner of the Chkalovsky district.

Relations between Tianhe and Chkalovsky district have been established since 2005. Then a memorandum of understanding between the administrative district territories was signed. In April 2009, the head of the Chkalovsky district administration, Vyacheslav Misharin, and his colleague from Tianhe, Xu Hantian, signed a memorandum on the establishment of relationships in the fields of health, culture, commerce, education, sports and the exchange of talents. Returning from Yekaterinburg after that, Xu Hantian instructed his assistants to prepare a worthy gift for the Ural twin cities that would demonstrate the good feelings of the Chinese side, would become the personification of the best wishes. Famous sculptor He Jiangyun undertook to give form to feelings. His abstract sculptural composition became an expression of hope for eternal harmony in friendship and cooperation. “Eternity”, made of bronze, arrived in Yekaterinburg together with the Chinese delegation, and on November 23, the sculpture was solemnly installed in Zelenstroy Park, located opposite the Botanical Micro district.

Address: st. March 8, 206


  1.  Sculpture Grater in Yekaterinburg

On the night of April 1, 2012, the city authorities decided to have some fun. Practically in the center of the city a completely unusual structure was installed. The construction, weighing one and a half centners, is made by street artists and looks like a large kitchen.

In various blocks and social networks, citizens began to lead discussions in this regard and as a result two legends of the appearance of such an art object appeared. The first is completely mystical. The townspeople suggested that this was a kind of aircraft, on which aliens arrived, from a very peculiar planet called Ka-Pets. Another version is connected with an even more interesting story. Yekaterinburg attributed the emergence of such a monument to some organization, which they nicknamed "The Society of Kitchen Talkers and Network Debaters." Moreover, this grater appeared just in order for a special place to appear in the city, where you can get together by company and discuss urgent problems. Interestingly, the authors of such a scandalous April Fool's joke hoped that the grater would become an urban symbol of diplomacy and negotiations.

Address: st. Malysheva, 44


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