Orthodox churches and temples began to be built in Yekaterinburg almost from the moment of the founding of the city itself, initially influencing its appearance and creating its unique architectural style. Today, ancient and modern beautiful and majestic churches and cathedrals are the main attractions of the city, its important cultural and spiritual centers.

One of the most ancient and beautiful churches of Yekaterinburg - the Ascension Church - towers on one of the most picturesque high points of the city, called the Ascension Hill. The famous church bell tower of Big Zlatoust is the highest religious building in Yekaterinburg (its height is 65 meters).

  1. Church-on-the-Blood in Yekaterinburg

The Church-on-the-Blood is one of the largest temples in Yekaterinburg, always attracting many pilgrims and tourists from all over Russia and from other countries. The full official name of the temple is the Church-on-the-Blood in the name of All Saints, who have shone in the Russian land. It became the third Church-on-the-Blood in Russia. The first was built in Uglich at the place of the murder of Tsarevich Dmitry, the second in St. Petersburg at the place where the Tsar Alexander II, Liberator from the bondage, was killed.

This temple was built from 2000 to 2003 on the site of the sadly remembered Ipatiev house. It was in the house of engineer Ipatiev confiscated by the Bolsheviks that the family of the last emperor was kept for several months, and on the night of July 17, 1918, was shot in the basement of this house.

Address: st. Tolmacheva, 34a


  1. Patriarchal Compound. Nikolskaya Church and Museum in Yekaterinburg

Next to the Temple-on-the-Blood there is the Patriarchal Compound, which is why it is a single entity. It was built specifically for the Patriarch of All Russia. When he arrives in Yekaterinburg, the patriarchal compound hospitably meets him.

The doors of St. Nicholas Church, which is located inside the building, are open to visitors and pilgrims. On the territory of the monastery there is a museum of the Romanov family, the exhibits of which tell about the history of the royal family and their significance for Russia.

Address: Tsarskaya Street, 8


  1. Ascension Church in Yekaterinburg

This is the oldest survived Orthodox church in Yekaterinburg. If the previous ones were built relatively recently, this one was founded in 1792. Then it was a small church with a bell tower and was intended only for mountain workers. And by the 20th century, it had become a large temple, able to accommodate all interested parishioners.

The Ascension Cathedral is located in one of the most picturesque places of Yekaterinburg - on the Ascension Hill. This is the highest point in the city, so it’s impossible not to notice the majestic temple. But the church attracts not only by a beautiful location. The Ascension Church is a bright and very rare example of late Baroque, in its appearance solemnity, lightness and grandeur are combined.

Address: st. Clara Zetkin, 11


  1. Holy Trinity Cathedral in Yekaterinburg

Ekaterinburg rightly considers 4.         Holy Trinity Cathedral its main temple. It was built in the XIX century at the expense of the merchant Ryazanov, who did not spare the money to create such a grand object. If at first it was planned as a church for Old Believers, now it is one of the largest Orthodox churches.

Interior decoration amazes with beauty and power. The room itself is so huge, that it can accommodate a large number of people. There is a rich iconostasis, which can be viewed endlessly. His most important shrine is the icon of Catherine the Great Martyr with a particle of her relics. On high light ceilings various frescos are skillfully painted.

Address: st. Rosa Luxemburg, 57


  1. Church of St. Seraphim Sarovsky in Yekaterinburg

The Church of Serafim Sarovsky in Yekaterinburg is new; its construction was completed in 2006. To highlight it against the background of the numerous Orthodox churches of the city and attract the attention of parishioners, the creators made it bright and unusual. The Church of Seraphim Sarov sky is the only three-story in the city; they did not stylize it in antiquity. The prayer hall with the altar is at the very top, on the second floor there are the refectory and the baptismal, and the first is occupied by the Orthodox sisterhood.

The interiors are truly luxurious: colorful frescoes, a lot of gilding, which is worth only one chandelier, going down to the middle of the height of the hall and harmoniously combined with candlesticks and a rich iconostasis decor. The windows are arranged in such a way that the walls of the temple seem to glow, especially at the top, where the main dome is located. The wall paintings are dominated by blue, yellow and white colors.

Address: Yasnaya St., 3


  1. Church of the Christ’s Birth in Yekaterinburg

The Church of the Christ’s Birth in Yekaterinburg is young - its construction was completed in 1999 and took just two years and a bit. It was the first temple erected in the city after the revolution.

The temple is snow-white, with golden domes. The cubic form is complicated by semicircular apses and arches, so it looks multi-layered and unusual. The central dome is small; it crowns the tower with a blue roof. Nearby there is another similar tower below, the other three onion domes in the corners are located on high drums. A separate small dome-makovka is situated at the apse attached to the back of the church.

Address: st. Mashinostroiteley, 4A


  1. Temple Big Chrysostom in Yekaterinburg

Big Chrysostom is an unusual church, because in fact it is a bell tower located next to the Holy Spirit Church of the 18th century, which is now called the “Small Chrysostom”. After the fire of 1839, the church was planned to disassemble and to build on its place a new one, similar to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, but only the bell tower was built, but the old church was not dismantled. The new bell tower was so big that two altars were placed in it - it turned out to be a full-fledged, though not quite usual, Russian-Byzantine church.

The church is 5-domed; a central is located on a high three-tiered drum. The largest bell weighing 16 tons in Yekaterinburg is located on the lower tier. The church was named Big Chrysostom because of its size, at the time of construction it was the tallest in the city and the bells: the main one was the 4th largest in the country.

Address: st. March 8, 17 A


  1. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Yekaterinburg

The history of Alexander Nevsky Cathedral began in the distant 1838, when it was decided to lay a stone church with three altars. Already from the moment of laying the book, the Synod assigned the status of a cathedral to a church under construction.

The church began to be erected in the classical style; its construction was completed only 10 years later, in 1848. The bell tower was built in the typical classical style and was crowned with a beautiful steeple looking upwards, resembling the outlines of the St. Petersburg Admiralty.

Address: Zelyonaya Roscha, 1


  1. Novo-Tikhvinsky Convent in Yekaterinburg

The Alexander Nevsky Novo-Tikhvinsky women's monastery in Yekaterinburg was opened at the end of the 18th century and leads its history from the Church of the Assumption at the cemetery. There was a poorhouse and a women's community here, which in 1809 turned into a monastery.

For half a century the monastery has grown, becoming one of the largest in the Urals. They traveled here from all over the region in order to pray to the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God. By the revolution there were six churches, many working workshops, charitable institutions, a bakery and a hospital in the monastery. The monastery, where about 1,000 women constantly lived, grew so much that its territory, enclosed by a fortified wall, occupied almost 10% of the entire territory of the then city.

Address: Zelyonaya Roscha, 1


  1.  Church of the Transfiguration in Yekaterinburg

Originally, on the place where the church now stands, the oldest church on the territory of modern Yekaterinburg in the name of St. Nicholas of Mirlikisky at the Uktussky plant was located. The wooden St. Nicholas Church, built in 1712, served until 1806, when it was burned down completely as a result of a fire. In 1808 it was founded with the blessing of Justin, Bishop of Perm.

The architecture of the church is a fading late Baroque style. The bell tower consists of three quadrangles, the middle of which with cut corners and flat blades. The corners of the upper quadrangle are decorated by S-shaped volutes. Above is an octahedral hip roof with lucarnes. The roof ends with a spire. The facades of the quadrangle are represented by a single plane without division into longlines by curtain rods.

Address: st. Pokhodnaya, 2


  1.  Church of St. Nicholas by Ural State Mining University in Yekaterinburg

The history of this temple began back in 1857 with the opening of an orphanage. A decade after the establishment of the institution, a two-story stone building was built next to the main building. The first floor was used as a bedroom for pupils, and the second became a home church.

Today, the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker or the Church of the Miners of Russia is a spacious church with a marble font, a beautiful iconostasis, classrooms and a bell tower. There are regular services and other important church ceremonies.

Address: st. Kuibyshev, 39


  1.  Old Believers Church in the name of the Christ’s Birth in Yekaterinburg

It is stone, single-throne. It was rebuilt in 1837 from the Old Believer chapel, built in 1816, consecrated in honor of the Christ’s Birth on January 22, 1838. The church was closed in 1929. In the Soviet times the building housed a museum of the history of the Verkh-Isetsky plant. In 1993, the building was transferred to the Russian Orthodox Old Believers Church.

Address: Shkolnikov st., 1


  1.  Methodist Church in Yekaterinburg

One of the many architectural and cultural attractions of Yekaterinburg is the Methodist Church. It was opened in 2001; construction work was carried out at the expense of US taxpayers and lasted about 10 years. The building was erected in the neoclassical style, with a small hollow turret adjoining it on the east side, topped with a cross.

In the outer decoration of the monastery cream pastel colors predominate. This place is particularly popular with Protestants, as well as tourists, who often come here to enjoy the original appearance of the monastery. Going inside the temple, you find yourself in a small bright room, the floor of which is covered with decorative tiles. On the right will be benches for the parishioners, and on the left - a wooden altar decorated with wooden carvings. Inside the temple prevails a special atmosphere that gives vitality and confidence.

Address: st. Shaumyana, 82


  1.  Yekaterinburg synagogue

It is the center of the spiritual life of the Jews of Yekaterinburg, the only synagogue in the city. The construction of the synagogue began in 2002. Initially it was supposed to build a synagogue on a site near the Communards Square. The original project had a pyramidal shape.

After the visit of specialists to the Moscow community center in Marina Grove, appeared the idea to create not just a prayer center, but make it public, complicating the functional stuffing. Then it was decided to create a new project and build a synagogue on another site.

Address: St. Kuibyshev, 38A


  1.  Ramazan Mosque in Yekaterinburg

The grand opening of the mosque was held on September 27, 2013. The mosque is a two-story building with a valid basement. On the ground floor there is a large male prayer hall, on top there is a balcony for women. On the ground floor there is a classroom and kitchen.

The design capacity of the mosque is 300 people, but on Friday and holiday prayers comes much more Muslim believers. The mosque regularly holds classes on the Arabic language and the basics of Islam, and an Islamic shop is open. During the month of Ramadan, the “Ramadan Tent” operates, where they organize fasting (iftar).

Address: Altaiskaya street, 70


  1.  St. John the Baptist Cathedral in Yekaterinburg

It is one-storied, stone, with three altars: the middle one is in honor of the Nativity of the Prophet John the Baptist, the north is in the name of the saint and wonderworker Nicholas and the south is in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "Soothe my sorrows." The church was originally laid out as a single-seat monopoly at the expense of the Yekaterinburg merchant E. A. Telegin on September 15, 1846 and consecrated by the Bishop of Yekaterinburg Varlaam on September 12, 1860.

After the Sverdlovsk diocese was restored in 1942, the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist became a cathedral. It was headed by Archbishop Varlaam (Pikalov).

Since 1943, St. John the Baptist Cathedral is the main temple of the Yekaterinburg diocese. And considering that since the 60s the Sverdlovsk bishop headed the Kurgan and Chelyabinsk dioceses, it was the main temple of the Urals for almost a third of a century.

In St. John the Baptist Cathedral there is a venerated icon of St. Nicholas Mirlikiysky, reliquary icons of St. John Tobolsksky and St. Catherine the Great Martyr.

Address: st. Repin, 6


  1.  Church of the Blessed Boris and Gleb in Yekaterinburg

The parish church, consecrated hierarchical rank by Metropolitan of Yekaterinburg and Verkhotursk Cyril on November 6, 2013. The temple was built at the initiative of the group of companies "EnTerra" and with the participation of the Resource Center "The Family of Dimitry Solunsky".

The temple in honor of the holy princes Boris and Gleb is made in the tradition of wooden architecture. Pine was chosen as the wall material and aspen for domes. The church domes are made in the old Russian technique of a plowshare covering (similar to the domes of the churches in Kizhi).

At present, there are preparations under way for the construction of the future large Temple in honor of the Great Martyr Dimitry of Thessalonica and the Spiritual Center in the name of St. John, Metropolitan of Tobolsk. Religious moves to the construction site, where prayers are served, are performed regularly.

Address: st. Raevsky, 9a


  1.  The temple in honor of the Vladimir Icon of the Most Holy Mother of God in Yekaterinburg

By the time construction in the micro district with a population of more than 50 thousand people began, there were only two house churches - in honor of the Vladimir Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos at the “Seven Keys” boarding house for the disabled and elderly and in honor of the Intercession of the Mother of God at the Children's General Hospital No. 9, so the new the temple has long been a vital necessity.

On December 22, 2003, the order of laying a church in honor of the Archangel Gabriel was performed by the Archbishop of Yekaterinburg and Verkhotursk Vincent. According to the plans of the architects, the temple was conceived as single-altar, made of a cylindrical wooden bar with five domes. The height of the main dome of the temple is 16 meters; the area is about 100 m². It was expected that the wooden temple will be temporary. In the future, next to it is planned to build a permanent stone church in honor of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos.

One year later, on December 21, 2004, the ground floor of the future church was built on donated funds from residents of the micro district.

By the beginning of March 2005, about 140 cubic meters of wood purchased through donations from parishioners had been brought to the construction site. For the unloading of machines with logs, the necessary equipment on a charitable basis was constantly allocated by the company Uraltekhgaz. The administration of the Zheleznodorozhny district assisted in the acquisition of 30 cubic meters of forest.

December 30, 2008 the solemn consecration of the temple took place. The rite of consecration of the new-built church in honor of the Vladimir Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos was performed by the Archbishop of Yekaterinburg and Verkhotursk Vincent.

Address: Shuvakishskaya St., 3


  1.  The temple in honor of the All-Merciful Savior in Yekaterinburg

This temple is the heart of the monastery residence in honor of the All-Merciful Savior and the Most Holy Mother of God, which is located on the outskirts of Yekaterinburg, in the Elizabeth area. Elizabeth was once a country village. The courtyard of the Novo-Tikhvin monastery was founded here during the first Abbess Taisia at the beginning of the XIX century. In the first years, only field work was carried out in the courtyard, and the only building here was a large wooden house, covered with iron, for storing bread and hay.

In 1876 a stone three-altar church was built in honor of the All-Merciful Savior on the Elizabethan Zaimka. After the revolution, the temple was devastated by the Bolsheviks, who seized precious utensils from it. Sixteen years after that it continued to function but already as a parish, as the monastery was closed in the 1920s.

During the most brutal persecution of the Church in 1938, the temple was closed. After that, a collective farm was organized on the territory of the monastery memorial; later a machine-tractor station was located here. The temple housed the workshop of a worsted mill and a warehouse. Finally, the temple came to a complete desolation and became, according to an official memorandum, "a gathering place for unorganized youth and a hotbed of mud." The temple burned three times and by the time of its transfer to the believers in 1988 was in disrepair. The first abbot of the temple was father Nikolai Ladyuk, whose efforts largely made the revival of the church and parish life possible. In 1989, the first service was held here.

Address: st. Bisertskaya, 12A


  1.  Ganina Yama in Yekaterinburg

The monastery of the Holy Royal Passion-bearers in the Ganina Yama tract is one of the youngest in Russia. It was created on the site of the most acute dramatic events, where the last point in the earthly life of the members of the last royal family was put.

It was here in July 1918 that the bodies of the members of the Imperial family, as well as their faithful servants, were brought for destruction from the Ipatiev house of Yekaterinburg.

On the night of July 17, 1995, the first Divine Liturgy was performed at the cross over Ganina Yama. After that, the nightly Liturgies on the tragic day of remembrance began to take place here every year. The church has not yet glorified the feat of the royal family, but popular veneration has already foreshadowed the early canonization of the Royal Passion-bearers.

At the jubilee Bishops' Council, held in Moscow on August 14, 2000, the Royal Family was glorified with the rank of the Holy Royal Martyrs.

Address: Ganina Yama tract


  1.  Church in honor of the Nativity of Christ at Uralmash in Yekaterinburg

The temple was erected miraculously by the “whole world” in just over two years. The laying of the temple took place on September 30, 1996, and its remarkable opening was on the feast of the Nativity of Jesus Christ on January 7, 1999.

In the temple there is a reliquary with parts of the relics of forty holy saints of God, most known to the world: the apostles Matthew and Paul, the great martyrs Dmitry Solunsky and Nikita, the saints Innokentiy of Irkutsk, Mitrofan of Voronezh and Tikhon of Zadonsky, Optinsky old men, the Rev. Dalmath Iset and Moisey Mury, martyrs - babies beaten by Herod and others.

There are many ancient icons in the church: St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Reverend Fathers Sergius of Radonezh and Seraphim of Sarov, the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God, the Savior, the Holy Supper, the Holy Archangels and the Archdeacons, the blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky, the holy righteous Simeon with relics and other beloved icons.

Particularly revered by believers is the corner of the blessed old Matrona with her new icon, a living and a part of the coffin in which she rested at the Danilovsky cemetery in Moscow.

At present, the Nativity of Christ parish is one of the largest in the Ekaterinburg and Verkhotursk diocese. The parish has a sisterhood of charity that assists patients of the 14th city hospital, a nursing home, and children’s home. In the spiritual and educational center there is a youth club, a Sunday school and singing courses.

Address: st. Mashinostroiteley, 4A


  1.  Church of St. George the Victorious in Yekaterinburg

The history of the parish in the name of St. George the Victorious begins with the initiative decision of the management of the plant workers of the OJSC “5th Central Automobile Repair Plant” on the construction of a church building on its territory.

The main volume of the church building was erected fairly quickly, but in the future construction work stopped for several years. The parishioners wept when they came near the temple, saying that it looked like a warrior who did not wear a helmet, as Ilya Muromets, had not yet gained strength.

In 2011, Vladyka Vincent announced that the Church of St. George should be open. Small means were found, and in July of the same year a solemn consecration and installation of domes and crosses took place.

On the night of January 6/7, 2012, on the feast of the Nativity of Christ, the first Liturgy was performed in the lower chapel of the church, consecrated in the name of Simeon the God-Receiver and Anna the Prophetess.

Address: st. Bilimbaevskaya, 4b


  1.  Church of the Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon in Yekaterinburg

In 1992-1993, a fifth-year student at the medical institute and by that time a priest Dmitry Baibakov came to undergo an internship in psychiatry at the regional clinical psychiatric hospital. Somehow at tea, during a conversation with doctors, they came to the conclusion that since mental illness is a poorly understood condition that is hard to cure and requires attention not only from a medical point of view, but also from a spiritual one, it is necessary to organize an Orthodox parish in the hospital. Never before had there been a temple in the hospital. It was the first hospital church since 1917 in that region.

With the blessing of the Archbishop Melchisidek, the temple was dedicated to the great martyr and healer Panteleimon. When Father Dimitri began the organization of the parish, Igor Nikolaevich Kanarsky, who then headed the clinic, allocated the premises of the former second women's department - a brick one-story building.

Address: Luchevaya St., 35


  1.  Church of the Holy Builders of God in Yekaterinburg

It is located in Yekaterinburg in the Akademichesky district on the banks of the Patrushikha River. The first service took place on the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord - 08/19/2015.

Address: Wilhelm de Gennin st., 61


  1.  Chapel of St. Catherine the Great Martyr in Yekaterinburg

Historically, this place was Catherine's Cathedral, which was demolished by the Bolsheviks in the 1930s. At the end of the 20th century, a wooden cross and then a metal cross were installed on the site of the demolished cathedral, after which the design of the chapel began. The chapel was erected at the expense of industrial enterprises and the money raised with the help of the charitable foundation “Stories and Archeology”.

On the back of the religious building there is a sign with the names of the donators. The construction was completed in August 1998, and the chapel was lit on the day of St. Catherine - December 7th. The chapel is five-dome, it stands on the spot where the altar of the cathedral was once located.

Address: Truda Square, 1


  1.  Alexander Nevsky Chapel in Yekaterinburg

The red brick building of the “Byzantine” style of the Alexander Nevsky Chapel was built in 1881 in the center of Khlebnaya Square in memory of the peasant reform carried out by Alexander II. After 1945 the building was used as a park pavilion, in the 1970s the facade was decorated with mosaics on the themes of the tales of P. P. Bazhov. In the process of restoration in 1993, the geometry of the dome was restored, mosaics were removed from the facades, and the basement was cleared of soil.

The compact volume of this small single-domed temple has a square plan configuration and a symmetrical composition of the facades. All four facades of the chapel are visually close to each other and designed according to the scheme of triumphal arches. The proportions close to the square give the building calm stability. The facade schemes are based on the rules of order tectonics and three-part division: the base, the middle part, the attic - horizontally and the arch span and two pylons - vertically. The northern and southern walls are cut by a double “Venetian” window. The center of each facade highlights the figured gable. The building is crowned with a small octagon with unequal faces, completed with a helmet-shaped dome with a cupola.

The facades of the Alexander Nevsky Chapel are not overloaded with decor, keeled overhead arches correspond to the Russian-Byzantine style, and the columns with their “cubic” capitals, the arched belts under the eaves are similar to Byzantine patterns. The decorative arched “opening” in the center of the facades is revealed by faceted rustic work. The memorial purpose of the chapel emphasizes the niches in the center of the pylons.

Address: March, 8 st., 41


  1.  Grado-Yekaterinburgskaya Simeonovskaya church-school

In the second half of the 19th century, in the southeastern part of the city, behind Vasentsovskaya Street, emerged a square that was connected to Sennaya Square with its northwestern angle, and the north side adjoined the southern slope of the Pleshivaya Mountain, where the Yekaterinburg Magnetic Meteorological Observatory was located.

In 1898, a square of two thousand six hundred square fathom was allocated on the square to the Yekaterinburg church brotherhood of the righteous Simeon of Verkhoturye. In 1901 a church-school was laid on the square in the old tent style in the name of the Holy Righteous Simeon of Verkhoturye. They built it with funds donated by the population of the city, as well as allocated by the brotherhood of Simeon Verkhotursky. In 1906 the church was consecrated, with it were built two school premises for 140 people, in one of which classes began at the end of 1905.

During the Great Patriotic War, school No. 62 was located on this square, in which the headquarters for the formation of military units was located to be sent to the front. In this regard, the area became known as "Defense Square". In subsequent years, the building housed the Yekaterinburg Regional Music and Aesthetic Pedagogical College.

In March 2007, the college signed a cooperation agreement with the Yekaterinburg diocese and consecrated the school building by Archbishop Vikenty.

In May 2012 part of the first floor of the building was handed over to the parish, and there the Orthodox Church was equipped by the parishioners. On September 23, 2012, the first Divine Liturgy was served in the Temple, which was headed by Metropolitan Kirill, who performed a small consecration of the Temple. From that moment on, regular services began in the Temple. The parish was renamed the parish of Simeon's church-school.

Address: st. Tveritina, 20


  1.  Holy Cross Monastery in Yekaterinburg

The decision of the Holy Synod on education, with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of this monastery, was adopted on December 26, 1995. The stone, single-altar Krestovozdvizhensky church was built in 1880 on the land purchased for this purpose by the Yekaterinburg merchant V.V. Krivtsov, and acted as a home church for the Children's Shelter of the Yekaterinburg Charity Society.

At the church there was a choir of singers, consisting of 15 orphanage boys, two clerks of the Yekaterinburg district military authorities, an assistant supervisor of the military infirmary and privates of the Yekaterinburg local team. At the end of the 20s, the Holy Cross Church, which remained loyal to Metropolitan Sergius, was the cathedral church of Yekaterinburg. 12 priests served in it, which is why the church bore the popular name “The Council of the Twelve Apostles”.

In 1930, the temple was closed and underwent a destructive redevelopment (the dome and bell tower were demolished). It was used as a cinema, an elephant of one of the evacuated zoos lived in the altar of the temple in the war years, and recently there were art foundation workshops and various organizations in it. In August 1993, the church was transferred to the Russian Orthodox Church and was initially used as a parish church.

The shrines of the monastery church are a piece of the Holy and Life-giving Cross of the Lord in a stone casket, the Iberian Icon of the Mother of God with the relics of the six saints of the Russian Land, the reliquary icons of St. Seraphim of Sarov, saint and confessor Luke of Simferopol (War-Yasenetsky) and Holy Martyr Faddey, revered icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (Athos letter).

Address: st. Karl Marx, 31


  1.  The temple in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "Port Arthur" in Yekaterinburg

The Temple of the Port Arthur Icon of the Mother of God was built with the blessing of Metropolitan Kirill of Yekaterinburg and Verkhotursk in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "Port Arthur", in memory of the arrival in Yekaterinburg in April 1918 of the Royal Inmates: Emperor Nicholas II, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna and their daughter Grand Duchess Mary.

The first stone was laid in 2010 during the visit to Yekaterinburg of His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill by the Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladoga Varsonofiy, who heads the affairs of the Moscow Patriarchate.

On August 29, 2015, the first Divine Liturgy was held in the temple in honor of the Icon of the Mother of God “Port Arthur”. On August 29, 2017, on the Feast of the Icon of the Mother of God "Celebration of the Most Holy Theotokos" (Port Arthur), the Metropolitan of Yekaterinburg and Verkhoturye Cyril celebrated Divine Liturgy in the church in honor of the Icon of the Mother of God "Port Arthur" of Yekaterinburg. During the divine service, Metropolitan Vladyka performed the rite of consecration of the church.

Address: Vostochnaya St., 30a


  1.  Parish in the name of the Great Martyr Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna in Yekaterinburg

There are two chapels in the temple - in the name of the Holy Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth and the Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, “Soothe My Sorrows.”

The room for worship is small, so not so long ago a second side-chapel of the church was opened in the adjacent room - in honor of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, "Soothe My Sorrows." The new temple is being renovated and decorated with the forces of brothers and sisters of mercy, parishioners and volunteers.

Shrines: a particle of the tomb of the Holy Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth and the nun Barbara, a piece of the robe of St. John of Shanghai.

The specificity of the parish lies in the fact that it is located in the Convent of Mercy in the name of the holy martyr Elizabeth, in which people who are seriously ill, disabled, frail, elderly, veterans of the Second World War and labor, homeless live on a permanent basis. Brothers and sisters of mercy constantly help these suffering people: care, feed, care. There is also a nursing service for those in need.

Address: 65, Yerevanskaya str.


  1.  Student Temple in Yekaterinburg

Student Temple in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is located in the quarter of Sheykman-Sakko and Vanzetti-Malyshev-Radishchev streets at the Ural School of Business.

Address: st. Dimitrova, d. 1a


  1.  The temple in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow" in Yekaterinburg

The first divine service in the church was performed on May 20, 2002 by priest Igor Titov. On May 13, 2003, the church was consecrated by the archbishop of Yekaterinburg and Verkhotursk Vincent. Until 2004, there served in the church Andrei Shestakov as a rector, and after him – father Vasily (Burkov). In 2005, George Zykov was appointed abbot of the temple. From 2011 to 2017 Arseny Kireev served as the second priest.

Since 2006 there is a Sunday school. Since 2011, a charity group (5 people) has been working in the church, providing assistance to hospital patients. Since 2013, classes are conducted in the "School of Family Reading" by Natalia Zykova. She regularly speaks on the radio "Sunday" in the program "Guest of a Studio".

Address: st. Lomonosov, 155


  1.  The temple in honor of the Holy Trinity in Yekaterinburg

Stone, single-throne, it was rebuilt from the chapel built in 1849. Since July 17, 1862, the divine service was performed on the temporary throne.

An apartment for the priest was attached to the church on the right. On august 27, 1889 the altar and the stone bell tower was laid. It was consecrated in honor of the Holy Trinity in 1890. It was closed in 1935, dome and bell tower were demolished. The building housed the club. It was returned to the Church in 1995. In 1997, the dome was restored. In 1999, the bell tower was re-erected. The church was consecrated on October 15, 2000.

In the temple there is a shrine with relics of: the reverend martyr John Savvait, 14000 Bethlehem babies, the blessed Cosma of Verkhoturye, the great martyr George the Victorious, the deity Anthony Optinsky, the venerable Anatoly (Zertsalov), St. Innokentiy of Irkutsk, St. Euphrosyne of Suzdal, the great martyr Nikita Gothfsky.

Address: Proezzhaya st., 112


  1.  Church of All Saints in Yekaterinburg

The church was founded on June 8, 1886, and consecrated on June 17, 1900 by Reverend Polycarp, Bishop of Ekaterinburg and Irbitsky.

The temple was erected at the expense of local merchants: Alexander Volkov, Fyodor Mikhailov and others. In honor of Fyodor Mikhailov the cemetery was called Mikhailovsky in common.

In 1918, the temple was badly damaged by fire. The recovery took two years. During this time, the temple building received an interesting mural. It was made from paintings written under the direction of V. M. Vasnetsov.

In the postwar years, the church was well-painted, and the carved iconostasis of the Holy Trinity Church was handed over to it. On August 25, 1961, by the decision of the Sverdlovsk Regional Executive Committee, the community of the church was removed from the register and merged with the community of the Cathedral.

Since 1965, the flower shop of the funeral service trust has been located there for a very long time. The church was returned to believers at the end of 1989, and in November 1990, the throne in the name of All Saints was lit by Archbishop Melchizedek. The revival of the church began with the consecration on November 12, 1990 of the restored throne in the name of All Saints by Archbishop Sverdlovsk and Melchizedek Kurgansky.

Since 1990, the temple and the marginal courtyard has changed significantly. A baptismal temple in the name of Michael the Archangel, a chapel in the name of the holy martyrs Gury, Samon and Aviv were built. Works church shop. A spiritual center with a Sunday parochial school, a department of mercy, a library, an Orthodox school for adults, an art class, a choir “The Week”, a family club, a children's engineering workshop “LEGO” were organized.

In the temple there are two very revered images: the image of the Savior, and the image of the Mother of God, called "Soothe my sorrows."


  1.  Church of All Saints at the North Cemetery in Yekaterinburg

The construction of the temple began in 1993 with the blessing of Archbishop Melchizedek (Lebedev) and completed in 1994 under Bishop Nikon (Mironov). Thus, the church became the first newly built temple in Yekaterinburg after the Soviet era and the first temple that appeared in the Uralmash area. Until the end of 2011, the temple was assigned to the Yekaterinburg Theological Seminary. Since 2012, the temple has become an independent parish.

On Sundays after the Divine Liturgy, talks about faith and worship are held in the temple. Doctrinal and missionary literature is distributed on an ongoing basis.

Address: st. Blucher, 6/1


  1.  The temple in the name of the Reigning Icon of the Mother of God in Yekaterinburg

The temple in the name of the Reigning Icon of the Mother of God was built next to the historical building of the old railway station, where the train arrived, which brought the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II and his family members from Tobolsk to Ekaterinburg. The miraculous icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary "Sovereign" was revealed on March 2/15, 1917, on the day the Tsar renounced the throne.

Address: Nevyansky per., 1


  1.  Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Unexpected Joy" in Yekaterinburg

The church was consecrated on 20.05.2006. The stone church is for 70 parishioners. It has the status of a bishop's residence.

It is a good example of the neo-Russian style. Columnless single-headed odnoapsidny Chetverik with a western porch has with a decor in the spirit of the Novgorod-Pskov architecture.

Located at the walls of SIZO No. 1, which is one of the three largest Russian pretrial detention centers, about 6 thousand people simultaneously awaits the completion of the investigation there. It is worth noting that these people are not convicted - they are only being investigated in relation to them. Therefore, consolation and hope are all the more necessary for their relatives — mothers, wives, and sisters. The church building is not astonished either by its size or the delights of architecture. But his spiritual warmth must warm many grieving hearts. And, maybe, one of them will find an unexpected joy - justification and release of loved ones.

Address: st. Repin, 4


  1.  The temple in the name of Rev. Mark of Pechersk in Yekaterinburg

The temple of St. Mark Kiev-Pechersky at the Shirokorechensky cemetery was laid down on June 3, 2003, and the throne was consecrated on April 19, 2004 by His Eminence Vincent, Archbishop of Yekaterinburg and Verkhoturye.

The temple has a unique architecture that mixes several styles. It was designed and built by an employee of the Shirokorechensky cemetery. In his words, the chapel was originally conceived, but after laying the foundation, it became clear that it would be possible to build a full-fledged church. And the architecture was formed from what was seen in the architecture of the temples of other cities and countries.

It is known from the history of the saint in honor of whom the church is named that Rev. Mark of Pechersk worked in the late 11th and early 12th centuries in the Kiev-Pechersky monastery. He engaged in the digging of caves and graves. For this hard work he did not take anything, but he distributed everything he received to the poor.

Address: st. Moscow highway


  1.   Temple in the name of saint and confessor Luke in Yekaterinburg

Not so long ago there was not a single parish in the entire numerous residential area of ​​the Compressor Plant in Yekaterinburg. Most Christian believers were forced to go to the temple in the name of the Holy Healer Panteleimon on the Siberian Route, until in November 2003 an independent Orthodox community was established. It was registered in the name of the saint and confessor Luke (Voyno-Yasenetsky), the archbishop of Crimea, a genius surgeon and an outstanding hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, glorified in the assembly of the new martyrs and confessors of Russia.

For a long time, the parishioners did not have suitable premises for worship. Prayers were often served under the open sky in front of the icon of St. Luke. In the spring of 2005, a small room was repaired in an old building, where services were held for 1.5 years. In October 2006, the building was recognized as an emergency and the parish was closed. Finally, in 2007, the parish of the temple of Luke received temporary accommodation for worship at the address: Yekaterinburg, ul. Karelskaya, d.52, where it “lodges” to this day.

On June 11, 2011, on the day of the 50th anniversary of the reproduction of the saint and confessor Luke, Archbishop of Crimea, a solemn laying of a stone was held in the foundation of the temple, which was made by the Archbishop of Yekaterinburg and Verkhotursk Vincent.

Construction of the temple of St. Luke is under way. For 5 years of construction, the exterior brickwork was completely finished, internal floor slabs were concreted, a bell tower with a height of 23 meters was built, at the end of 2016, domes and crosses of the temple were erected.

Address: ul. Karelskaya, d.52


  1.  The bishop's monastery in the name of St. Savva Serbsky in Yekaterinburg

At present, there is only 1 temple in the ZHBI micro district - the Temple in the name of St. Savva Serbsky. Construction of a small wooden church began in 2008. All construction work was carried out by forces of future parishioners, residents of the micro district.

The works did not cease, which made it possible to serve the first Liturgy on the feast of the Holy Trinity in 2009.

Address: Betonschikov st., 2


  1.  Parish in the name of the holy blessed Ksenia of Petersburg in Yekaterinburg

On May 11, 2005, the Archbishop of Yekaterinburg and Verkhotursk, Vincent, made the rite of laying the first stone in the foundation of the future temple. Hundreds of Yekaterinburg residents, including parishioners of the Uralmash's Christ Nativity Church, came to the Eastern Cemetery to attend the solemn ceremony of laying out. The ruling bishop was served by the priests of the church in honor of the Nativity of Christ.

A year and a half later, on December 28, 2006, a solemn consecration of the temple was held by Archbishop Vincent. It is noteworthy that the temple of Blessed Ksenia of Petersburg is an exact copy of the eponymous temple, which is located in St. Petersburg, with the exception that the Yekaterinburg temple is somewhat larger. Until February 11, 2013, the church was assigned to the parish in honor of the Nativity of Christ.

Since 2013, an independent parish has been operating in the name of the holy blessed Ksenia of Petersburg.

Address: st. Shefskaya, 2l-2


  1.  Temple of the Holy Martyr Arkady in Yekaterinburg

The temple of the Holy Martyr Arkady, Bishop of Yekaterinburg, was built at the expense of Remez Mikhail Ivanovich. It has two side chapels. The side chapel of the Holy Martyr Arkady was consecrated on September 4, 2010 by Vincent, Archbishop of Yekaterinburg and Verkhoturye. The side chapel of the God Archangel Michael was consecrated on February 25, 2017 by Eugene, Bishop of Sredneuralsky.

On the Memorial Day of the Holy Martyr Arkady, on November 3, 2014, there was opened a museum at the church dedicated to this saint. At the temple there is a Sunday school for adults. The Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are studied there.

Address: st. Dimitrova, 72A


  1.  Parish in the name of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Yekaterinburg

With the blessing of the ruling bishop Nikon (Mironov), from the dilapidated building of the former Rodina cinema on Elmash, there was built a temple in the name of the Assumption of the Most Holy Mother of God. The first liturgy took place in a week about the relaxed in 1996.

In the temple resides an ark with particles of the relics of saints: St. Athanasius (Sakharov), Bishop of Kovrov; Rev. George the Confessor, Danilovsky miracle worker; Rev. Savva of Storozhevsky, Zvenigorod Wonderworker; particles of the relics of the venerable fathers of Sinai. In the temple, you can pray at the venerated icon of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, at the image of the blessed Matrona of Moscow, in which there is a particle from the holy coffin. You can ask for help from the righteous Simeon of Verkhoturye by leaning on his icon and stone from his healing tomb. Many come to pray in front of the flow of the Most Holy Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice”.

Address: Babushkina st., 2


  1.  Temple of Innokenty, Metropolitan of Moscow in Yekaterinburg

In Yekaterinburg, in the historical center, there is a mansion that has been almost 200 years old. The building is an architectural monument of regional significance. But over the course of two centuries, the owners of the manor changed, the concept of the building also underwent a change. The newest history of the building began in 2001, when it was transferred to the Yekaterinburg diocese and a temple was opened within its walls, in honor of St. Innokenty, Metropolitan of Moscow.

Although the temple stands on the central avenue of Yekaterinburg, it looks quite modest. The temple is located on the second floor of a two-story house, surrounded by monuments of modern town planning.

The church holds authorized services, there is a Sunday school, a volunteer movement to help refugees from Novorossiya, the Nika rehabilitation center, the Al-Anon family group (community of relatives and friends of alcoholics), a puppet for children, the only baby box set in the city.

Address: Ave. Lenin, 11


  1.  Parish in the name of St. Nicholas the Myrlean Wonderworker in Yekaterinburg

In 1930, at the Nikolsky cemetery, the gatehouse was rebuilt into a chapel in the name of St. Nicholas, the archbishop of Mirlikiy. In 1937 the chapel burned down. In 1999, with the blessing of bishop Vincent, a parish church was temporarily organized on the first floor of a residential building at the address: ul. Yerevanskaya, 65 and the land was allocated at Nikolsky cemetery. The first superior was Father Nikolai Vasilchuk, who served in Staropyshminsk. In 2000, Father Petr Sobotuk was appointed rector of the parish. In 2001, there began the construction on a timbered church near Nikolsky cemetery. On December 18, 2003, the temple was consecrated by Vladyka Vincent. In 2005, the construction of an educational center began, and classes began in 2006.

In December 2008, on the day of the death of Patriarch Alexy II, the attackers set fire to the temple and the educational center, which were completely burned out. Temporary services were carried out in the soldiers' tent, while the restoration of the burned temple was going on. The temple was rebuilt within three months. Currently, the service takes place in a newly built church of blocks, a worship Cross is erected. A brick seven-domed temple is being built nearby.

In the temple there are parts of the relics of St. Nicholas the Myrlean Wonderworker, the Holy Martyrs of Krasnoufimsky Alexy, Alexander and Leo, the Rev. Dolmat Iset, the Blessed Matrona of Moscow, the particle of the oak of Mauritius.

Address: st. Sophia Perovskaya, 114

  1.  The temple in the name of St. Stephen Velikopermsky in Yekaterinburg

The parish was organized on May 14, 1992 with the blessing of the ruling bishop, Archbishop Melchizedek. At that time, there was not a single temple on the territory of the Khimmash micro-district. Earlier, there was a temple of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God at the Lower Iset plant, but it was blown up by the Theomachists. This temple had a chapel in honor of St. Stephen, the Velikopermsky Bishop. There were hopes about the restoration of the Kazan Church in the same place (which came true) and it was decided to create firstly a community of St. Stefan, so that later it was possible to create a community to restore the Kazan Church.

The parish was allocated a building of the former library on Parkhomenko Street. In 1998, the temple building was set on fire by unknown persons, and the parish was on the street. After numerous requests, the parish was given an abandoned kindergarten building at Chernyakhovsky Street, 33. The building was in disrepair and for many years the parish forces have been transforming both the external and internal appearance of the church.

Address: st. Chernyakhovsky, 33


  1.  Church of Equal to the Apostles St. Duke Vladimir in Yekaterinburg

The temple was founded on June 2, 2006, by the Archbishop of Yekaterinburg and Verkhotursk Vikenty. Shortly before this, Kaliman Valery Grigorevich, the founder of the temple, made a promise to God that if he survived after a heart operation, he would definitely build a temple. Vladyka offered him a choice of several saints in honor of whom he would like to build a temple and the choice fell on the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir. Five years later, on July 27, 2011, the Great Consecration of the temple took place.

The church often conducts statutory services, there is a Sunday school, the Mercy service, and spiritual meetings with parishioners are held twice a week.

Address: st. Chkalov, 244


  1.  Parish in the name of Saints Cyril and Methodius in Yekaterinburg

Divine services in the church began on Great Friday, April 21, 1995. On October 4, 1999, the archbishop of Yekaterinburg and Verkhotursk, Vincent, performed a great consecration of the church. Until March 1, 2012, the temple existed as a home by the Yekaterinburg Theological Seminary, from March 2012 - the parish church. The temple is located in the former kindergarten.

Address: Vali Kotika st., 13

  1.  Parish in the name of the holy righteous Simeon of Verkhoturye in Yekaterinburg

Wooden churches fit in perfectly with the pine forest located on the banks of the Patrushikha River. The temples are designed by the Ural architect Viktor Shadrin in the old Russian style. Even at the stage of choosing a place for the construction of temples, it was clear that this little forest had some special appeal. A year later, it turned out that in these places, even before the Bolshevik coup of 1917, there were farmlands of the Novo-Tikhvin nunnery with cells and a chapel.

Although the parish is relatively young (it is 16 years old), it collected wonderful icons under the arches of his temples. These icons are interesting not only for the history of their writing, but also for the history of the appearance of these shrines in the churches.

Address: Tsyganskaya st., 15/1


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