Central African Republic passport

Russian tourist visa for Central African citizens

In order to issue Russian tourist visa, Central African citizen needs to contact Russian embassy or consular section and submit a list of documents, among which must be fulfilled visa application and a tourist invitation letter. Its issuance does not take a lot of time, because travel agencies which issue it have a reference number.

Read more: Russian tourist visa for foreigners

Inasmuch an appearance of a tourist invitation does not set by the law, so travel agencies issue it on their own letterheads. They must contain a complete information about travel agency and about a tourist and also his trip’s plan, dates of arrival and departure and necessary number of entries.

Besides a tourist invitation may be also required to present other documents such as medical insurance hotel booking, air tickets etc. (You can refine a list of documents in the embassy of Russia in the Central African Republic). After a positive solution to issue a tourist visa, Central African citizen can obtain it for up to 30 days. Such visa is for single or double entries.

Order a tourist invitation letter to Russia for Central African citizens

Go to Issuing a Tourist Invitation     Price $69.00

Russian private (homestay) visa for Central African citizens

If Central African citizen wants to visit his friend or acquaintance living in Russia, he needs to apply for a homestay visa. For doing this he will need a homestay invitation, which should be issued by an inviting party, living in Russia.

For doing this a person interested in Central African citizen’s visit, needs to make a request in the Federal Migration Service section on his residence’s administrative unit and a list of necessary documents. Visa application consideration will take from 12 to 17 days for a single and double invitation correspondingly. During this time a foreign citizen being checked if he violated a visa regime.

Please note! We do not recommend using a private visa!
Find out why: Why not apply for a private visa?

Read more: Russian Private Visa

If this Central African citizen has violated visa regime during his previous visits (he has an unpaid fines or has been deported from Russia), then an issuance of a homestay invitation will be refused for him in the written form.

Order private invitation letter to Russia for Central African citizens

Go to Issuing an Invitation

Russian business visa for Central African citizens

If Central African citizen plans to visit the Russian Federation for taking part in auctions or signing a contract, he needs preliminary contact the embassy of Russia and obtain a business visa. For doing this he will need a business invitation letter, which must be issued by an organization located in the Russian Federation.

Read more: Russian Business Visa

The business visa invitation letter can be obtained by either of these ways:

It takes only one day to issue an invitation in the form of letter from an inviting organization, but only those organizations, which are accredited in the Consular department of the Ministry of foreign affairs of the Russian Federation or in the FMS, have a right to issue such invitations. In a business invitation in the letter form is a request to Russian embassy in the Central African Republic to issue a business visa to a citizen, which presents this letter. 

In order to issue a business invitation on the FMS letterhead, a company needs to submit an application and collateral list of documents to the Federal Migration Service section on his residence’s administrative unit. During the statutory period a foreign citizen will be checked for the presence of unpaid fines for the violation of a visa regime or deportations from the country. If there no violations are founded, then a business invitation will be issued on the state sample letterhead, which has its own number and contains a personal number of an invitation. In case of refusal of issuing a business invitation, it will be given in the written form.

When issues a business invitation through Telex, an order from the Ministry of foreign affairs of Russia comes to the Russian embassy to issue a business visa for a certain Central African. It is very convenient that such invitation represents itself a row of numbers, which is needed to be indicated during the submission of visa documents in the Russian embassy.

Read more: What is the difference between Telex and the original invitation

Usually a business visa issues for the period indicated in a business invitation. For Central American citizens the maximum validity of business visa cannot exceed 1 year. Herewith a visa possessor can stay in the Russian Federation no more than 90 days during every 180 days. Business visa is for single, double or multiply entries.

Order Russian business invitation to Russia for Central African citizens in the form of the letter from an organization

Go to Issuing a Business Invitation

Order Russian business invitation to Russia for Central African citizens on the FMS letterhead

Go to Issuing a Business Invitation

Order Russian business invitation to Russia for Central African citizens through Telex

Go to Issuing a Business Invitation

Russian work visa for Central African citizens

If Central African citizens plans to go for a work in the Russian Federation, he must apply for a work visa in the Russian embassy. An employer company, which has an official permission to hire employees from abroad, must help him in doing this.

Read more: Russian work visa for foreigners

In order to issue such visa for a Central African citizen, a company interested in his arrival must issue a work permit and work invitation for him by making a request to the competent authorities. After they receive these documents, it is needed to be sent to Central African citizen in order to let him apply for a work visa.

Work visas are convenient, because they give a possibility to stay in the Russian Federation during the whole period of its validity. Work visas are issued for 1 or 3 years. It is possible to cross the Russian Federation borders for an unlimited number of times. You can prolong this type of visa without leaving Russia.

Order a Russian work invitation for Central African citizens

Go to Issuing an Invitation

Russian Electronic Visa from Central African Republic

An electronic visa (hereinafter referred to as "e-visa") is a new type of a visa document. A visa invitation to Russia is not required for obtaining an e-visa. To obtain an e-visa to Russia use our “E-visa to Russia” service.

An e-visa can be only single-entry. The permitted stay in Russia on an e-visa is up to 8 days from the date of entry within its validity period.

The validity period and/ or permitted stay on an e-visa cannot be extended. To obtain an e-visa a foreign citizen needs a digital passport photo and a completed application form containing full and valid data at the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Read more: Electronic visa to Russia for foreigners

In compliance with the Russian Government Regulation, Central African Republic is currently not listed among the foreign states eligible for an e-visa.

We recommend citizens of Central African Republic obtaining a common tourist visa for a stay up to 30 days.

Get Russian Visa Invitation

Russian consular section in the Central African Republic

Central African citizens can apply for Russian visa in the following Consular sections:

Actual addresses of Russian embassies in the Central African Republic

  • Embassy of Russia in the Central African Republic
    • Address:  Avenuе Gamal Abdel Nasser, В.Р.1405, Bangui, République Centrafricaine.
    • Phone number: (8-10-236) 2161-03-11.
    • Fax: (8-10-236) 2161-56-45.
    • E-mailrusambrca@mid.ru
    • Webhttp://www.rca.mid.ru

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Tourist Visa - e.g.: tourism, sightseeing;
  • Business Visa - e.g.: conferences, business negotiations;
  • E-Visa - e.g.: short-term visits;
  • Work Visa - e.g.: employment in a Russian company;
  • Private Visa - e.g.: visiting friends in Russia (though a tourist visa is cheaper and more effecient??).

To obtain a Russian visa you need:

  1. Fill in our online order form and get a Visa invitation to Russia
  2. Refer to our Complete Step-by-Step Guide to Russian Visa Application, use your personal data and information from the Invitation to Russia
In order to visit Russia, Central African citizens need to apply for a visa.
You can apply for Russian visa in  Russian consular section in the Central African Republic. The list of consular sections, their telephone numbers and location map are shown below the current page.
Its issuance does not take a lot of time, because travel agencies which issue it have a reference number.
Central African citizen can obtain it for up to 30 days.