Irkutsk is a cultural city. Once Chekhov wrote about it: “Irkutsk is an excellent city. Totally intelligent. Theater, museum, city garden with music, good hotels ... There are no ugly fences, ridiculous signs and vacant lots with inscriptions that one cannot stop ... There are spring cabs in Irkutsk. Quite Europe kind“.

Today, the history of the city can be found in museums, of which there are a great many in Irkutsk. In the city you can find interesting museum for every taste and age.

Irkutsk Regional Museum of Local Lore

The Irkutsk Regional Museum of Local Lore, the oldest museum in Siberia, was founded on December 3, 1782, and possesses invaluable monuments of historical and cultural heritage. The uniqueness lies in the collection, which is based on the materials of expeditions of outstanding Asian researchers and scientists - members of the East-Siberian department of the Russian Geographical Society.

The funds of the museum are represented by objects, documents, photographs characterizing the life, material and spiritual culture of the peoples of Siberia, the Far East, Kamchatka, Korea, China and Mongolia. Ethnographic collections of the museum on the peoples of the Central Asian continent have about 30 thousand units of storage.

Unique collections of archaeological monuments, including jade products of the new Stone Age, make up 100 thousand units of storage. The museum has a photo fund of 40 thousand storage units. Funds contain cult objects on Buddhism and shamanism. Natural-historical collections characterize the nature of the Irkutsk region and account for 10 thousand units of storage.

Address: K. Marx st., 13

Irkutsk State Art Museum named after V.P. Sukachev

  Irkutsk Regional Art Museum named after V.P. Sukachev is the oldest and one of the largest collections of works of art in the entire Eastern part of Russia - from the Urals to the Far East. The collection is based on paintings that the Irkutsk mayor, amateur and connoisseur of the arts Vladimir Platonovich Sukachev began to collect in the 70s of the nineteenth century.

Among the works he acquired were works by Repin, Maksimov, Myasoedov, Aivazovsky, Bryullov, Shishkin and other Russian artists, as well as copies of paintings by Western European painters Raphael, Correggio, Murillo, Rubens ordered in museums of Munich and Florence.

Since 1920, the gallery became state property. During the twentieth century, the Irkutsk collection of works came from the State Museum Fund, state and public organizations of Irkutsk and Moscow. In 1938, the collection was replenished with a collection of the Irkutsk senator N.P. Erakov, in the 1960-1980s. – with the most valuable gifts of famous collectors of Russia F.E. Vishnevsky, N.K. Velichko, Yu.V. Nevzorov, P.Ya. Kornilov, works from the MK USSR and the RSFSR, the largest museums in our country.

Address: st. Lenin, 5

Museum of the Irkutsk history

The Museum of the Irkutsk History created in 1996 firmly occupies an important niche in the cultural space of the city today. As the main object of attention, it chose the history of the city in its broadest sense. The museum represents the life of Irkutsk people in different historical periods, through life, traditions and way of life.

The main defining characteristic of the museum is the museum fund, its quantitative and qualitative composition. From 1996 to 2005, the museum fund grew eight times and amounted to 57,275 storage units. From 1996 to 2006, the museum prepared 163 stationary, 57 mobile, 215 art exhibitions, and 46 photo exhibitions. Among them, there are the following exhibitions in the framework of the projects “Irkutsk is a multinational city”, “Irkutsk. Three centuries ","Your people, Irkutsk", "The fate of man."

Address: st. Frank Kamenetsky, 16a

Irkutsk Regional Historical and Memorial Museum of the Decembrists

The Irkutsk Historical and Memorial Museum of the Decembrists consists of two memorial estates located in the neighboring streets in the historical center of the city. The museum maintains its chronicle from December 29, 1970, although the collection of the museum began to take shape as early as 1925.

House and Manor of S.G. Volkonsky is a unique phenomenon in the culture of Irkutsk. The traditions and way of life of the princely family of Volkonsky are represented as accurately as possible by the recreated historical interiors of the house, which display the memorial objects of the Volkonsky and Ivashevich families, the Decembrists N.M. Muravyov, M.K. Kuchelbecker, I.I. Pushchin, D.I. Zavalishin, P.G. Kakhovsky, wives of the Decembrists N. D. Fonvizina, M.K. Yushnevskaya. The pride of the museum collection is the musical instruments of the Volkonsky family - the pyramidal piano of the end of the 18th century, the piano "Lichtenhal" of 1831 and the acting music box made in Switzerland in the middle of the 19th century. Of particular interest are objects from the beaded collection, embroidered book. M.N. Volkonskaya, the rings of the Volkonsky spouses, made from the prince's fetters, a poplar box that belonged to the Volkonsky family, the wall mirror of Maria Nikolaevna.

    The exposition of the House-Museum of Princes Trubetskikh is intended to show through the Siberian exile of the Decembrist S.P. Trubetskoy and his family the fate of other Decembrists. The exhibition presents authentic things of the Trubetskoy family: two chairs, a porcelain vase, a bronze table, the "Baikal landscape" and a portrait of A.P. Trubetzkoy by the brush of a daughter of the Decembrist Alexandra Trubetskaya, box with homemade, toilet and handicraft accessories of  E.I. Trubetskaya, the veil-icon “The Virgin and Child”, an air cover, a wallet, a press-bureau, a casket for letters. Visitors can see the memorial books of the Decembrists S.P. Trubetskoy (with the owner's autograph) and P.V. Avramov. Memorial items belonging to the Decembrists A.Z. Muravev, I.I. Gorbachevsky, N.V. Basargin are also displayed here.

Address: st. Dzerzhinsky, 64

G. Shelekhov Museum in Irkutsk

In its original conceptual aspect, the G. I. Shelekhov Museum is unique. It is the only one on the territory of the Siberian region on the ideological and thematic focus. The museum staff are engaged in a focused study of the activities of a famous Russian merchant, an eminent Rila citizen, founder of permanent Russian settlements in North America, and an initiator of the creation of a Russian-American company.

The materials of the museum make it possible to combine the global ideas of G. I. Shelekhov in his desire to establish diplomatic relations between Russia and Japan in the 18th century, and to preserve the history of a young and promising city named after Russian Columbus, the first-born city of the aluminum industry in Eastern Siberia, and the twin city of Japan Neagari (Nomi).

The museum has collections of the history of the city and the Shelekhovsky district, materials about the life and activities of Grigory Ivanovich Shelekhov. Information on the development of friendly relations with the twin cities of Rylsk and the Japanese city of Nomi is widely presented.

Address: 18th quarter, 39a

Manor of V. Sukachev in Irkutsk

The manor of V. P. Sukachev is a historical and cultural monument of federal significance. In the XIX century, the manor belonged to Vladimir Platonovich Sukachev, an outstanding public figure of the second half of the XIX century (1849–1920), the mayor, patron of the arts and founder of the art gallery, which started the Irkutsk Art Museum.

The manor of V.P. Sukachev today is a unique architectural and park complex that includes: an art gallery building with a winter garden, a house for servants, services with a stable, an outhouse for guests, a gazebo, and a park designed as a landscape. A permanent exhibition in the central house of the manor tells about the history and life of the Sukachev family. In the halls as exhibits belonging to the owners themselves, as well as objects of that time - paintings, porcelain, antique furniture are presented. In other buildings, temporary exhibitions are held, in particular, on the history of Siberian porcelain.

Address: December Events st. 112b

Museum of Communications of Siberia in Irkutsk

Museum of History and Development of Telecommunications of the Irkutsk Region OJSC Rostelecom (Museum of Communications) is organized by the Irkutsk Regional Production and Technical Directorate of Communications. OIt was opened on November 4, 1977.

The main activity of the museum is the study the history of the communications industry development in the Siberia regions. The museum collection includes more than 5,000 exhibits from the beginning of the twentieth century to the present: the Morse telegraph apparatus, a container for carrying valuable mail, the form of the communications center head, a switch for semi-automatic long-distance communication, a current exhibit - telephone station of a ten-day-walking system, telephones, the first mass television KVN-49, radios, tape recorders, computers, cables and more.

In museums there is a category of especially valuable exhibits. One of such exhibits is in the hall of the “History of the development of radio communications and broadcasting”. In the window, under the portrait of the Great Russian physicist Alexander Stepanovich Popov, in a small box you can see wooden coils with wire wound around them - details of a resistance store. This measuring device was personally assembled by Alexander Stepanovich in his workshop in Kronstadt in 1890. A talented experimenter A.S. Popov made many things by hand and used to demonstrate physical experiments during training and public lectures. Most likely, the resistance store was also used in the scientific work of the scientist and played a special role in the history of the invention of radio.

The first cell phones have already fallen into museum history - these rarities are very amusing for schoolchildren. It’s hard for modern children to believe that even a century ago there were only 60 telephones in Irkutsk. And the dial-up disk on the telephone did not even appear at that time. It was necessary to pick up the phone, and a friendly voice of a telephone operator answered you. By the way, many girls dreamed of getting into this position. And they took only morally stable, unmarried and tall. The last requirement may cause bewilderment - after all, no one has seen telephone operators. But in order for the employee to not have to get up from the chair, connecting numbers, the size of her hands had to be 175 centimeters.

Address: Sverdlova street, 35B

Museum of the passenger car depot of Irkutsk

The museum reflects the history of the development of the carriage depot from 1897 to the present; it has 4 halls:

The history of the depot from 1897 to 1940,

Wagon depot during the Second World War 1941-45,

Depot history from 1946 to the present,

The history of the Komsomol in the enterprise.

The museum collection includes more than 4880 items. Over 2 tons of photographs and exhibits telling about his participation in historical events (the revolution of 1905-1917, the Great Patriotic War) are displayed on the stands. The interest of visitors is caused by authentic documents, exhibits, reflecting one or another period, the history of the creation of the Baikal branded train.

Address: st. Chelnokova, 1

Museum of Mineralogy of Irkutsk National Research Technical University in Irkutsk

The building of the museum, where it is located, is the Mining Institute, which was built in 1930. Before the founding of the mineralogical museum, there already existed another museum of the former polytechnic, under the organization of V. I. Tikhomirov, a geologist of Siberia. In the 1930s, a tremendous replenishment of the museum collection by the private foundation of Lviv A.V., brought from Germany from the Krantz Foundation, takes place. The creation and design of the museum was attended by students and teachers of the geological department. In 1940 there were 15,000 items in the museum. During the Great Patriotic War, a collection of weapons workshops was located here, but, unfortunately, a significant part of it was lost. After the war, in the early years, there were 3,500 minerals in the foundation.

Museum of Mineralogy has no analogues in the whole Urals, and is not inferior to anyone in terms of numbers, wealth and diversity of the collection of rocks and minerals mined in Eastern Siberia. The whole fund is dedicated to the world of stone. The collection contains more than 30,000 items that acquaint us with the wealth of natural material in Eastern Siberia.

Address: st. Lermontov, 83

Museum of the history of the Irkutsk prison castle

In the detention center No. 1 of Irkutsk there is an unusual museum dedicated to the history of prison affairs in Siberia. The 22-meter underground tunnel, the genuine Kolchak chamber, the admiral's wax figure, the prisoner's ancient household items are by no means a complete list of the sights of the museum of the Irkutsk prison castle.

A small, almost chamber museum is located on the territory of the oldest pretrial detention center in the city, number 1. The prison castle, a joint project of the Irkutsk Regional Museum of Local History and SIZO number 1, was opened in 2006. Three cameras, a separate staircase and a 22-meter tunnel are allocated for the exposition.

The underground corridor deserves special attention: it was there that in February of 1920 they led Alexander Kolchak to the execution. The tunnel was built in 1803, but members of the detention center learned about its existence only in the year the museum was built. The secret move “lost” in the foundation of the prison building during its numerous reconstructions and was discovered by chance and became a great success for the museum staff. Today, through this corridor, museum visitors enter the Prison Castle. Along the walls hang plans and maps of old Irkutsk, photos of guards and warders, psychological portraits of criminals, historical documents and much more. Here you can see mock-ups of the Irkutsk prison castle and the Alexander prison convict.

Three cameras recreate the place where political exiles were kept in the 20s of the last century. One of the rooms is chamber No. 5, in which, according to the archives, in 1920 Admiral Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak spent his last days. The exhibits presented in the cell are an exact copy of the prisoner's everyday objects. Among them are: plank beds, bench, washstand, kerosene lamp, bowl, mug, spoon. Here are wax figures of the admiral and his warden, made by order in St. Petersburg.

Address: st. Barricade, 63


Gallery of V. Bronstein in Irkutsk

"Gallery B. Bronstein" is a real "golden fund" of painting and sculpture, numbering more than 1,500 works of art of Siberian artists.

The collection began to take shape by Viktor Bronstein in 1998. The first acquisitions were dictated by the desire to support Irkutsk artists and their loved ones who had fallen into a difficult situation in market conditions. Today, the meeting is by right a full-fledged reflection of the development of the Irkutsk school of painting over the past 70 years.

Officially opened in April 2011, the gallery gradually expands its exhibition activities outside of Irkutsk. Thus, in the fall of 2013, part of the collection was seen by the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom at the 3rd international exhibition “Art-China”. In December of the same year, the Irkutsk Story exhibition was opened at the Erarta Museum of Contemporary Art (St Petersburg), where multi-faceted painting by Andrei Rubtsov, Boris Desyatkin, Nikolay Vershinin, Vitaly Smagin was first presented.

Representing a variety of genres and names, the collection of Viktor Bronstein is still a collection of realistic painting. Admiring the Siberian nature - the changeable beauty of Baikal, the free Baikal steppes or the quiet streets of old Irkutsk - runs through the entire collection.

In addition to painting, part of the collection consists of bronze sculptures of Buryat masters. The works of Dasha Namdakov, Geser Zodboev, Dmitry Budajabe, Bair Sundupov, Evgeny Bolsoboev are a true decoration of the collection.

The collection of Viktor Bronstein is the tradition and modernity of Siberian art, the high skill of the artists of the past decades and the vivid creativity of the authors of the new generation.

Address: October Revolution st., 3

Museum-icebreaker "Angara" in Irkutsk

Icebreaker "Angara" is one of the world's first icebreakers, the oldest in the world of the surviving to this day. It was made in England, disassembled, delivered by rail to Lake Baikal. The icebreaker was intended for laying the way in the ice for the ferry "Baikal". The icebreaker was launched on July 25, 1900.

On January 6, 1920 there was a massacre aboard the Angara of the Political Center members who opposed the Kolchak government: 31 people were killed by a wooden beater for breaking ice. Since the 70s, the icebreaker has been in a submerged state. In 1987 it was decided to restore the ship and turn it into a museum. Work lasted three years and November 5, 1990 "Angara" was put on eternal parking.

Much space in the exhibition is given to the history of the icebreaker. The topic is revealed through authentic photographs, documents, personal belongings of former members of the icebreaker crew from the first captain I.F. Mazur, who accepted the "Angar" in July 1900 and until the last captain N.F. Zubkov, who put the ship in the port of Baikal in 1963. The inspection ends with a visit to the mine of the machine-boiler department, where the work of a genuine machine by the English company "SIR VG Armstrong" that built the icebreaker is demonstrated.

Address: Marshal Zhukov Ave., 36a

Baikal Museum named after Professor Kozhov in Irkutsk

The Baikal Museum of ISU was founded on the initiative of Professor B.A. Svarchevsky in 1919. Later, the famous Baikalist, a world-famous scientist, Professor M.M. Kozhov made a great contribution to the development of the museum, and an entomological collection began to form in the late 40s by the efforts of Professor D.N. Florov and his students. Since 1995, it has been an independent unit in the Department of Hydrobiology and Zoology of Invertebrates of ISU.

The museum includes over 3000 exhibits of Baikal animals and plants, as well as the invertebrates of the Baikal region. In addition, it includes the Museum of Invertebrate Zoology, which contains a large number of exhibits of aquatic and terrestrial invertebrates of the world fauna, the entomological study and the memorial room of the professor, honored scientist of the RSFSR M.M. Kozhov.

The museum plays an important role in the preparation of biologists, as an educational base, its rich collections serve as the basis for conducting scientific research, and numerous visitors can get acquainted with the unique Baikal fauna and admire the beautiful paintings by B. I. Lebedinsky.

Address: st. Sukhe Bator, 5

Art Gallery Dias in Irkutsk

Art Gallery "DiaS" is a private gallery of contemporary art in Irkutsk. It was officially opened on November 19, 2009. The collection of the art gallery began to take shape in 2000, and currently has about 500 works by Siberian artists, such as Muraviev A., Lobareva V., Tarasik N., Pogrebnoy A., Urbanovsky A., Shobolov N., Han A .; artists actively working (A. Durasov, S. Zhilin, S. Eloyan, E. Turunov, V. Kuzmin, Maksimov V.) and those who have already passed away (S. Korenev, V. Moshkin, N. Vershinin, A. Sheltunov, N. Zhitkov, B. Desyatkin, V. Lapin); different in the directions, types of art, age of masters, vital positions.

The official opening of the gallery took place on November 19, 2009. It hosted more than 20 exhibitions and presentations, including: the exhibition Zorikto Dorzhiev - Khankhalaev Gallery (Moscow), the exhibition of the author doll I. Myzina (Moscow) in the museum-estate of V.P. Sukachev, traveling exhibition in Ulan-Ude, an exhibition in the walls of the Irkutsk Art Museum named after V.P. Sukachev, traveling exhibition in Krasnoyarsk and others.

Gallery DiaS is a modern enterprise in the field of art, working in the traditions of national and international galleries. It is based on the collection of famous Siberian artists of the late twentieth century, whose works are practically not represented in Irkutsk museums.

Address: Partizanskaya st., 56

Museum of urban life in Irkutsk

The Museum of Urban Life is a branch of the History Museum of Irkutsk that was opened on April 17, 2009 in Irkutsk in a building that is a monument of history and architecture of the late XIX - early XX century. In the 70s of the XIX century, the estate, which includes the monument, belonged to Irkutsk burgher Elizaveta Shipitsyna Gavrilovna. In 1901, according to the lists of homeowners of Irkutsk, she was listed as A. Shipitsyn, in 1906 – M.N .Shipitsyna, and in 1909 the owner of the estate was Polkanov Fedor Mikhailovich.

Fedor Polkanov was born in 1870. In the middle of the XIX his parents arrived in Irkutsk from Moscow. Fyodor Mikhailovich drove into the house along Laninskaya Street (now the Museum of Urban Life), along with his family — his wife Elena and son Mikhail. On December 4, 2003, the Scientific and Methodological Council of the Center for the Preservation of Historical and Cultural Heritage of the Irkutsk Region decided to transfer the building-monument, which was previously located on December events St, 47 to the territory of the historical-memorial complex "Decembrists in Irkutsk" on the estate on December events St, 77. Now the building houses a branch of the History Museum of Irkutsk.

The expositions of the museum acquaint with the way of life of Irkutsk people of different times, tell about cultural events and events that were held in Irkutsk before, about the life of various classes.

The structural unit of the Museum of Urban Life is the Tea Museum. Its collection includes materials from the Irkutsk Tea-packing Factory’s first departmental museum in Irkutsk, transferred to the museum in 2002, more than 500 storage units, including samples of tea packaging from domestic and foreign production of the late 19th - early 20th, photos, documents, equipment samples.

Address: December Events st., 77

Museum of Battle Glory in Irkutsk

The museum is located in the House of Officers. The main part of the exhibition is devoted to the Great Patriotic War. Photos, personal belongings of fighters, awards, copies of battle banners are presented there. In addition, the exhibition has cold and firearms, which were used by soldiers of the Soviet army during the war of 1941-1945.

The main purpose of the museum is civil-patriotic education of young people on the heroic past of our Motherland and the army. In addition to excursions, on the basis of the museum there is an excursion and educational work: lessons of courage, lessons of history, themed matinees.

Address: st. Karl Marx, 47

Moto Retro Techniques Museum in Irkutsk

In Irkutsk, there is the only museum of retro-moto technology, which was opened by a private collector Vladimir Vasilievich Astafyev. He collected and restored the transport of pre-war, military and later times. Thanks to the efforts of a whole team of technicians any of the scooters and motorcycles can be fired up, all the exhibits are in excellent condition.

Now there are more than forty models of motorcycles, mopeds and cars in the collection of V.V. Astafyev. In addition, the museum presents a huge number of items of peasant life, in the smallest details recreated the interior of an apartment and a country house of the USSR era. The museum is one of the largest in Irkutsk, on an area of ​​1500 sq. meters more than 1000 exhibits are presented.

Address: Podgornaya st., 27

City Exhibition Center Named after V.S. Rogal in Irkutsk

The “House of Rogal” as the Irkutsk citizens call it is a branch of the Municipal Cultural Institution Museum of the History of Irkutsk. It is located in the central part of Irkutsk, in a new modern architecture building designed by the Irkutsk architect Andrei Krasilnikov. The architect successfully entered the building into the surrounding urban landscape: the House of Rogal adjacent to the house of Feinberg (beginning of the twentieth century), the building of the regional school of art (70s of the twentieth century), a wooden mansion of XIX century, in which the Taltsy museum office is located.

According to the concept, in the hall on the first floor of the center there should be a permanent exhibition of the People's Artist of Russia, the Honorary Citizen of Irkutsk, V. S. Rogal, whose name has the City Exhibition Center. Here, on the first floor, there was also a room for a working creative artist's workshop, which, by a decree of the Municipal Property Management Committee of the Irkutsk Administration, was assigned to the artist Rogal for a lifetime free rent.

The new museum rapidly burst into the cultural city life. The first big exhibition was naturally an exhibition of works by the People’s Artist of Russia Vitaly Sergeyevich Rogal. At the request of the artist, the exhibition exhibited works by V. S. Rogal from the funds of the Irkutsk Regional Art Museum and the works that the artist gave to the city. The name of the People’s Artist of Russia V.S. Rogal obliged the City Exhibition Center not only to present to the audience the permanent exhibition “The Life and Work of the People’s Artist of Russia, Honorary Citizen of G. Irkutsk V.S. Rogal”, but also to hold thematic exhibitions on the works of the famous artist from his own the collection donated by Rogal to the city.

Address: st. Khalturina, 3

Tea Museum in Irkutsk

The Tea Museum is located in the branch of the Museum of Urban Life, in the territory of the historical and architectural complex “House of Europe”. The exposition department is located in a renovated building built in the 1840s.

The “History of the Irkutsk Trade Market” section contains a map showing tea transportation routes, photos telling about Irkutsk merchants, tea merchants and tea manufacturers, samples of tea and tea packaging of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

You can learn all about samovars, get acquainted with the recipes for making tea and the traditions of its use in the “Irkutsk tea” section. Here are samples of tea utensils, packaging for sweets.

In Soviet times, in 1933, a tea packing factory, one of the largest in the country, was established in Irkutsk. During the first year of its operation, the company produced 127 tons of long leaf tea. In the 1950s, the output of the Irkutsk factory was equal to half of all tea produced in the USSR. You can learn more about this and many other things in the section “Irkutsk Tea-packing Factory”.

The section “Modern tea merchants, the Tea Way project” introduces modern samples of tea products, talks about modern tea merchants, and contains information about the tourist sites of the Tea Way route.

Address: st. December Events, 77A

Museum of the History of the Irkutsk Aviation Plant

The museum was founded in 1968. The history museum of the plant is located on the territory of the defense enterprise, a visit to which is controlled by the Irkutsk Aviation Plant security service. The closeness and secrecy of the enterprise in the 30-80s left its mark on the museum exposition, in which technical documentation, photographs of workshops, etc. were not subject to publication. The history of the plant in the museum exposition is history in people. In the 90s new topics appeared. The museum attracts attention as a museum of the largest enterprise in Eastern Siberia.

During its history, conducted since 1932, the plant produced about 7,000 aircrafts of more than 20 types, which were delivered to 40 countries. The main advantage of the Irkutsk Aviation Plant production culture is the ability to quickly master the latest technologies in the organization of the production of new types and classes of aircraft.

Address: st. Novatorov, 3

Museum of fire protection in Irkutsk

It is the first museum of fire protection in the Irkutsk region. The grand opening of the museum took place on June 10, 2014. Some exhibits moved here from the military glory room of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief of Russia in the Irkutsk Region, most of them were collected by the garrisons of the fire brigade of the Irkutsk Region.

The building where the museum is located - the fire station and the fire tower - was built in 1901 by decision of the Irkutsk City Council for the 3rd fire and police unit, now it is a monument of urban planning and architecture of Irkutsk. The exposition of the museum presents material on the history of fire protection of Irkutsk and Eastern Siberia, as well as an interesting collection of fire engines. A special exhibition is devoted to the history and modernity of fire protection management.

Address: st. Timiryazev, 33

Museum of the History of the Irkutsk Aviation Enterprise

The History Museum of the Irkutsk Airport is the oldest museum of the history of civil aviation in Eastern Siberia. It was founded in 1984.

The museum exhibits documents, photographs, models of aircraft and ground-based aircraft, which clearly illustrate the stages of the origin and development of civil aviation in Eastern Siberia.

Here you can see what were the first aircrafts, on which aircraft laid the first aviation routes; to learn about the honored aviators.

The museum is very popular among the company's employees, schoolchildren, students, veterans and other categories of citizens who are proud of the history of their country and their small homeland. It helps to foster a sense of patriotism, not indifference to creative work, the desire for new achievements.

Address: st. Shiryamov, 13a

Museum of History of Irkutsk State Technical University in Irkutsk

   The museum not only tells the history of the university, but also considers it in connection with the history of the development of technical education in Eastern Siberia, the sources of which go back to the 18th century. The museum also has a collection of technical devices, instruments, representing historical uniqueness in its development. Visitors, in particular, students are attracted by the familiarity with the history of their university, as demonstrated by the technique.

The museum attracts visitors with its intensive exhibition activities, 8 exhibitions a year, but one exhibition should be a shock: so in December 2000 the exhibition “From Dependent Life to Mind” was arranged, which told about the consequences of bad habits. It did not leave a single person indifferent, for 3 weeks of the exhibition it was visited by 3953 people from the whole area and different ages.

    In addition to the exposition hall, the museum has a memorial cabinet of Professor S. B. Leonov, a former university rector, a prominent scientist in the field of mineral processing. S.B. Leonov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, laureate of the State Prize, was awarded many government awards.

Address: st. Lermontov, 83

Museum of Hunting in Irkutsk

The Museum of Hunting is located in the Right Bank District. Its history begins with the formation of the hunting department at the zoo technical faculty of the Irkutsk Agricultural Institute in 1950. The museum was formed as a base for the scientific work of students and teachers. Irkutsk region has long been considered the region where hunting was very important, so the formation of the museum was more than reasonable.

The first exhibits were stuffed animals and birds brought from Moscow, a collection of skins after the dissolution of the Moscow Fur Institute. Professional taxidermists were taken to the staff, collections were expanded by exhibits brought from expeditions, and the museum’s funds were replenished with books, photographs, films about hunting and game management. From the usual, static forms gradually began to move to more complex, creating bio groups. Now the museum has more than thirteen thousand exhibits: collections of birds, mammals, literature, photographs and much more.

Address: st. Timiryazev, 59

Museum of Optics and Optical Illusions "Fantast" in Irkutsk

The museum exhibits demonstrate the characteristics of human perception, as well as optical phenomena that cause surprise and a desire to understand what they see. The exhibition is focused on a wide age audience.

Visitors will see a gallery of 3D-pictures, try to make optical toys on their own, try a hang-glider flight simulator and visit other virtual reality sessions. Also, guests are awaited by the Ames room, the Talking Head, The Cabin on the Side, a mirror growth prism.

Visitors will be shown examples of illusions of color, size, shape, talk about light as part of an electromagnetic radiation scale, the concept of color, the principle of color mixing, light polarization. Among the exhibits there are optical devices, including geodesic, military, research, and holograms.

Address: Marshal Zhukov Ave., 36A / 1

Museum of the State Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Irkutsk region

The Museum of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Irkutsk Region was opened in November 1978.

The museum has collected materials on the formation and activities of law enforcement agencies in the Irkutsk region. The exhibition presents original unique photos, documents, awards, personal belongings of police officers. All exhibits (more than 3200 units) are donated to the museum from veterans of the Great Patriotic War, police officers and their families.

Address: st. Uritsky, 22

Sculpture Gallery in Irkutsk

On March 5, 2016 a new gallery was opened in Irkutsk. The exhibition hall is part of the Irkutsk Regional Art Museum. In the halls of the gallery you can see the work of such famous authors who have become classics of this art form. Mark Antokolsky, Robert Bach, Evgeny Lancere, Anna Golubkina, Sergey Konenkov, Dmitry Schwartz.

The sculptures are made of marble, bronze, and gypsum. Conventionally, the exhibition can be divided into three large periods: the pre-revolutionary years of the 20th century, the Soviet period and our time.

The task of the “Special Pantry” as part of the Sculpture Gallery is to surprise and fascinate each visitor with the brilliance of precious faces. The pantry exposition is the result of many years of work by masters of stone-cutting and jewelry art of Irkutsk and St. Petersburg. Many works are from private collections and first presented to the public in museum halls.

Address: st. Sverdlov, 16

Geological Museum "Resources of the Irkutsk Region" at Federal State Institution "Territorial Information Fund for Natural Resources and Environmental Protection" in Irkutsk

The history of the museum is a mirror of the origin and development of the Irkutsk geological service, starting from the first staff geologist V.А. Obruchev.

According to the stories of the oldest geologist Sergey Petrovich Konoplev, the first collections in 1920 were collected by the head of the mining district, V.V. Kovrigin, which he later redistributed to the first director of the East-Siberian Branch of the Irkutsk Geological Committee, F.F. Schwab. These were wonderful collections of gold, coal, mica, all of which served as the beginning of the creation of a geological museum.

In 1941, in the days of the Great Patriotic War, the museum was moved to another building. At the end of the war it was returned to its place. The museum funds in 1930 consisted of 28 collections, in 1945, already 900 collections, and in 2010 the museum has 5900 collections of samples of ores and minerals.

The museum is a center of propaganda of geological knowledge and a place where geologists can quickly and visually familiarize themselves with the features of the geological structure of our territory and get primary materials to prepare for field work, expand their knowledge of the regions and objects of their research.

Address: Rossiyskaya st., 17

East-Siberian Museum of Soil Science named after Nikolaev in Irkutsk

East-Siberian Museum of Soil Science named after prof. I.V. Nikolaev is an educational and scientific base and a repository of natural history monuments. The history of the museum is inextricably linked with the history of the Department of Soil Science, founded in 1931 (the first head of the Department of Soil Science, Nikolaev, later a professor). Since that time, the department began to collect materials to create a future museum. By 1940, the office of soil science was informally called the Museum. In the 80s of the twentieth century a large audience was allocated, which began to take shape as a museum. The initiator and organizer of this work was the head of Department of Pedology and Dean of the Biology and Soil Faculty, Ph.D., associate professor M.A. Korzun. Members of the department took an active part in collecting materials for the exposition: Assoc. V.P. and A.S. Martynovs, prof. N.I. Karnaukhov, Assoc. K.V. Morozov, Assoc. G.A. Vorobyov, Assoc. IN AND. Bychkov, Assoc. A.G. Sazonov, V.N. Vorobev, N.I. Simonenkov et al. The museum received official status in 1993 (order of the ISU Rector dated January 20, 1993).

The exposition of the museum reflects the uniqueness and diversity of landscapes and soil cover of Eastern Siberia, the evolution of the soil in the Quaternary. In micro monoliths are the soils of many regions of Russia, Europe, Asia, Africa and America. The museum exhibits soil fauna, soil-forming rocks, and agronomic ores of Predbaikalie. The exposition displays the history of the development of soil science and the development of land resources of the Irkutsk region. The museum also stores data on soil scientists working in Eastern Siberia, reflects their scientific contributions to the study of the region, and collects information about graduates of the department of soil science. A large library of scientific literature, reference books and textbooks on soil science, graduate theses has been collected since 1950.

Address: st. Sukhe Bator, 5

Muravyov Art Gallery in Irkutsk

Muravyov Art Gallery is located in the October District. Gallery was opened in 2011, in the 350th anniversary of Irkutsk. It occupies a building, which is a recreated architectural monument - the Jurgshto apartment house.

Its owner, Anastasia Alekseevna, worked for a long time in the museum and as executive secretary of the board of the Irkutsk branch of the Union of Artists. Gradually taking a liking for art, she dreamed of opening her own gallery for a long time, where antiques will be sold along with the works of artists. Initially, she organized a hall of selling works of art at the regional art museum called “Anastasia” or “At Nastya’s”, and in 2011 her dream finally came true with the direct participation of children of the national artist of Russia Alexander Muravyov, widely known in Irkutsk . Today in the Muravyov art gallery you can buy antiques and paintings by painters who will certainly decorate and make any interior special.

Address: st. Sedova, 2A

Gallery of Siberian art in Irkutsk

Gallery of Siberian Art of the Irkutsk Regional Art Museum named after V.P. Sukachev is located in a two-storey stone mansion in the city center. The building was built in 1893 and belonged to Irkutsk merchant, gold producer, philanthropist Ivan Ivanovich Bazanov (1813–1883). Today, the two floors of the building are dedicated to art. Here are regularly held exhibitions of Irkutsk artists - more than 20 per year. In addition, on the second floor there is a permanent exposition of the Siberian portrait, which tells how the Irkutsk merchants, the governor-general and the respected townspeople looked two or three centuries ago.

The hall of icon painting is also impressive, the exhibits of which are truly unique. In particular, here you can see rare specimens of wooden sacral sculpture. The gallery is very popular not only among residents of the city and the region, but also among tourists, as it provides an opportunity to see Siberian art in its past and present.

Address: st. Karl Marx, 23

Museum of Medicinal Herbs and Minerals in Irkutsk

The Museum of Medicinal Herbs and Minerals is a new pearl of culture on the map of Irkutsk. The museum has a complete collection of medicinal herbs, a complete collection of therapeutic mud, and a complete collection of mineral waters of Russia. There is a large collection of diet food technology and nutritional supplements and collection of cosmetics of natural origin, a collection of minerals of Russia.

In one place exhibits and technology of Ayurveda, traditional Chinese and traditional Tibetan medicine, herbal medicine, aromatherapy, baleotherapy, piloid therapy, fungotherapy and phytoinformatics are collected. There is everything from ancient and forgotten to the latest health technologies.

Address: st. Kultukskaya, 46