1. Gorkhi-Terelj National Park in Ulaanbaatar

60 km from Ulan Bator, in the ring of granite rocks, one of the most picturesque national parks in Mongolia - Gorkhi-Terelj is spread. Until 1995, the park was part of the Khan-Hengei Reserve, named after the Hengei Range, located in the open spaces of Gorkhi-Terelj.

The world-famous Gorkhi-Terelj National Park brought its extraordinary form of rock, which, under the influence of human imagination, turns into a variety of creatures. Here there is a sleeping dinosaur, a man with a book, and a huge tortoise Melkhiy-hal - the most famous rock of the park, which became its symbol and attracts not only many tourists, but also numerous film crews. Every year, local residents organize national Mongolian competitions here, and since 1997, the Camel Trophy international run has been held in these places.

  1. Mongolia National Park 13th century in Ulaanbaatar

Almost 100 kilometers from Ulan Bator, in the steppe region, which is considered the small homeland of the commander, have already built a whole village in the style of the 13th century. National Park of the 13th century is located 35 kilometers from the village of Erdene (Ulan Bator - Baganur road).

 The future conqueror grew up in just such conditions. The area of ​​the village is 15 hectares and the tourists move along it either by car or by bus. In the future, it is planned to conduct excursions either on horseback or on carts as in the time of Genghis Khan. The attendants work in the park on a rotational basis.

In addition, there are permanent residents in the village who, after the end of the summer tourist season, remain to look after the buildings. 3-5 people live in each camp. For the time being, there are few holidaymakers in the winter, but the project organizers plan to make holidays in the Mongolian steppe year-round. Each camp (base, camp) is located at a distance of 1-3 kilometers from each other. There is a dirt road between them. The beginning and end of the excursion route is located near the main gate of the National Park.

  1. Hustai National Park in Ulaanbaatar

One hundred kilometers west of Ulan Bator there is the National Park Hustai, opened in 1860. It was here, in the Mongolian steppes, that the Russian scientist and traveler N.М. Przhevalsky discovered an ancient horse species. Today, the largest population of these rare endangered animals lives in more than 50,000 hectares in natural conditions.

At one time, Hustai was created as a huge natural zoo, with its main goal to support and increase the Przhevalsky horse population. Several individuals are in many zoos of the world, but in fact they are all representatives of their own kind.

Horse Tahoe today is not found in the wild, and the purpose of the reserve is their gradual introduction in the eastern region of Mongolia. But in addition to the first 200 individuals freely living in this territory, many other mammals and birds live here.

In the park there are walking tours, jeep routes and horseback riding. In addition to natural beauty, it will be interesting to look at the ruins of an ancient Buddhist temple and archaeological sites of the XIII-XIX centuries. The cost of entry into the territory costs about five dollars.

  1. Gun-Galuut National Park in Ulaanbaatar

Gun-Galuut National Park is a small park in which there are amazingly beautiful mountains, rivers, lakes, steppes and swamps in their pristine purity. The reserve was founded in 2003.

In this reserve many species of animals, birds and plants that are endangered are protected. The reserve consists of parts such as tourist areas, restricted areas and main areas. In the latter zones there are beautiful mountains and steppes, streams and swamps. Currently, there are 63 species of mammals, 81 species of birds, 3 species of amphibians and 38 species of fish.

The most common animals are wolves, gophers, foxes, jerboas, frogs. Also here there are specially protected animals and birds - such as argali, Siberian white cranes, Dahurian cranes, black cranes, black vultures, whooper swans, black storks, great egrets.

  1. Sands of Khongoryn Els in Ulaanbaatar

Mongolia's largest national park is located in the northern part of the Gobi Desert. Gurvansaykhan, which means “three beauties”, includes several mountain ranges and the northern desert areas. It is on the latter that there is a unique place called Khongoryn-Els, which can be literally translated as "Singing Sands".

Khongoryn-Els is a sandy ridge extended by 180 meters, where the height of some dunes reaches more than three hundred meters. Near the foot, along the very edge of the dunes, flows the Khongoryn Gol stream, in some places forming a deep gorge. It is called Yolyn-Am, and at its very bottom there is ice all year round, despite the temperatures prevailing on the surface.

Hundreds of tourists visit the dunes at any time of the year. The fact is that at dawn and dusk the dunes are illuminated with golden light, and distinct drum beats and mysterious melodies are heard over the entire territory. Scientists explain all this by the constant movement of sands, but how exactly this happens is still unknown.