There are quite a few monuments erected over the last century in Ulaanbaatar. Monuments of Ulan Bator fairly accurately characterize one or another era in the history of the Mongolian state. In 2007, 143 monuments were registered in the capital, in 2008 - 167, and in 2009 - 171 monuments.

  1. Monument to Sukhbaatar in Ulaanbaatar

The monument to Sukhe Bator, the leader of the people's revolution in Mongolia in 1921, is installed on the central square of Ulan Bator. Sukhe Bator is mounted on a horse in the vestments of Commander-in-Chief. The right hand is raised up. According to Buddhist art, there are snow lions at the pedestal on which the phrase from the speech of the leader is engraved.

The project, which would fully respond to the requests of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the MPRP, was being chosen for a very long time. The first statue, made by K.I. Pomerantsev, a Soviet artist, was soon transferred to the Military Museum. But on the central square since 1946, on June 8, the work of Sonomyn Choimbol is to this day.

During the manufacture of this statue serious difficulties appeared. In the capital of Mongolia there was not such a large workshop to accommodate such a figure. The material from which the monument to Sukhbaatar was made had to be brought from other cities. However, the work was completed on time and established on the 25th anniversary of the People’s Revolution.

Address: pl. Genghis Khan

  1. Monument of Sukhe Bator (K. Pomerantsev) in Ulan Bator

Initially, from 1929 to 1946, it stood on the Suhebator Square. The high white pyramid is topped with a five-pointed star. The bas-relief on the front plane of the monument depicts a rider with the banner of victory unfurled. The figure of Sukhe-Bator on a horse seems to be flying, inspired by victory. Now this very first monument of the MPR has been moved to the square in front of the Officers' House on Prospect Mira.

Address: Mira Avenue

  1. Monument of Genghis Khan in Ulaanbaatar

The monument to Genghis Khan is visible from afar. This colossal statue clearly reflects the greatness of the national hero of Mongolia and the whole delight of the people who honor the "father of the nation." The construction of the monument took three years, $ 4 million and 250 tons of stainless steel. The statue is considered the main attraction of the country.

The monument, opened in 2008, was built on a grand scale. Genghis Khan, mounted on a horse, is not only the largest equestrian statue in the world (the height of the monument is 40 meters excluding the 10-meter pedestal). The museum’s two-story base houses an art gallery, an art gallery, a souvenir shop, etc. And over time it is planned to place around the whole town of the yurts, which, according to the plan, will make up a thematic town, revealing all sides of Mongolian life.

The place for the statue was also chosen not by chance. The Mongols believe that it was on the hill where the monument was erected that their great history began. In 1177, young Temuzhin (the future Genghis Khan) found a golden whip here - a symbol of great luck. Temuzhin regarded the find as a sign given by the gods for the realization of his long-cherished dream - to unite disparate Mongolian tribes. In 1206, he proclaimed the creation of Great Mongolia, one of the largest empires in history.

Address: Tsonzhin-Boldog

  1. Monument of Genghis Khan in Ulaanbaatar

The monument, depicting the seated Genghis Khan, is the center of the National History Gallery, which serves as a facade for the Palace of State Ceremony and Honor, which is part of the parliamentary complex on Sukhe-Bator Square.

 The monument to Genghis was built on the site of the mausoleum of the founder of communist Mongolia, Sukhe-Bator, demolished in 2004 (the body of Sukhe-Bator was reburied in the Ulan-Bator cemetery of Altan-Ulg).

 The construction of the complex on the main square of the Mongolian capital, Sukhe Bator Square, was carried out between November 28, 2005 and July 2006 by 370 builders working around the clock and in three shifts.

 In the center of the composition on the royal throne there is the figure of Genghis Khan. To the right and left of Genghis Khan there are equestrian statues, his two nearest nukers, Mukhali and Boorch, as well as the two great khans of the Mongolian empire, Ogedei and Khubilai.

 To date, this monument of Genghis has already become a kind of talisman for all the Mongols, who are trying to touch the statue during a tour of the square. Also in the gallery are statues and some generals of Genghis Khan.

Address: pl. Genghis Khan

  1. Monument to Oelun (mother of Genghis Khan) in Ulan Bator

It symbolizes the wisdom, perseverance and compassion of all women of Mongolia.

Mother Genghis Khan Oelun from the Olkhonut clan after the death of her husband Yesugei, a brave warrior poisoned by the Tatars, experienced many difficulties. Raising six children aged 2-10, instilled in them the righteous, heroic qualities of a leader. She is glorified as "principled, wise and noble mother. Genghis Khan worshiped her with the words:" My mother suffered the most to unite the nations. "

Address: 2nd khoroo, Bayangol District

  1. Monument to Chingunzhav in Ulaanbaatar

Monument to Chingunzhav is a monument to the leader of the national liberation struggle of the Khalkhas Mongols against the Qing Empire.

 In the difficult times of the fall of the relics of Mongolia and the rule of the Manchu yoke, Prince Chingunzhav (1710-1788) became one of the defenders of state sovereignty. For three years, from 1755 to 1958, the prince was the leader of the liberation struggle.

The monument to Chingunzhav was opened on November 26, 2012 in the 19th horn of the metropolitan area Bayangol, and became the next monument in the country to Chingunzhav after the statue erected two years earlier in Muren.

The monument is a bronze equestrian statue of Chingunzhav on a pedestal in front of the stele, on which biographical data on it in Mongolian and English is engraved, as well as Chingunzhav's statement: “May my state and my descendants forever be!”, and there is a metal portrait bas-relief. The author of the monument depicted Chingunzhav in armor, with a shield and riding a horse. In addition to original parts, the composition is distinguished by the place of production. This is one of the few monuments that was not cast abroad, as usual, but completely made in the homeland.

Address: 19 Bayrongol Horon

  1. Zaisan Memorial Complex in Ulaanbaatar

In 1979, Zaisan was founded - a memorial complex built for the anniversary of the actions at Khalkhin Gol. From the hill Zaisan the sight of the valley of the river Tola and the whole of Ulan Bator overlooks.

Until 1971, an obelisk was located on the top of Zaisan, founded in memory of the soldiers who died for the freedom of Mongolia. The memorial complex includes a concrete spire with a sickle, a joint and a hammer. The center of the composition is the statue of the Soviet soldier. Sculpture - the creation of P. Zulzaga and C. Dorzhsuren. The monument to the soldier embodies courage, civic duty and humanism.

In the Zaisan memorial complex there is a bowl with eternal flame of red polished granite. Around the perimeter of the bowl a national ornament is carved with the wish that the fire never goes out. However, unfortunately, in the 90s the fire was extinguished, and at the moment it does not burn.

By the 70th anniversary of the victory at Khalkhin-Gol, the Zaisan memorial complex was landscaped. To this important date, lighting was installed outside and inside the famous building, a complex of sculptures was restored and shops were installed. Near the complex 5000 bushes and 30 pines are planted.

Address: Zaisan Hill

  1. Portrait of Genghis Khan on Mount Bogd Khaan Uul in Ulan Bator

Another significant symbol of Genghis Khan's glorification was the placement of his image on the mountain towering above Ulan Bator. This idea arose spontaneously when the initiator of one of the projects to perpetuate the Khan was denied due to lack of funds in depicting the features of the beloved ruler through a flower bed in the central square of the city of Ulan Bator.

 The portrait image of Genghis Khan, whose gaze is directed towards the capital, was created on the northern slope of Um mountain by the mountain of Bogda Uul west of Zaisan, in connection with the 800th anniversary of the formation of the Great Mongolian state. The official opening took place on July 7, 2006. The height of the portrait image is 240 meters, the width of the chest is 320 m, and the entire occupied area of​the portrait is 4.6 hectares. The portrait image looks roughly equal to Zaisan Tolga.

The image of Genghis Khaan was created from the most recent portrait, that is, a portrait approved in Taiwan, which is considered to be a real one.

  Part of the portrait headdress is made of white marble. Marble is supplied by Erdenet mining and processing plant. The president personally expressed a desire to put stones over the image's theme. The part of the image, depicting the head, was laid by the military.

Address: Um Mountain

  1. Soyombo, lined with stones on the mountainside in Ulaanbaatar

Soyombo is an ancient complex symbol dating back to the Indo-Buddhist heritage. It was popularized in Mongolia by one of the most significant historical figures of the country, Zanabadzar, in the XVII century and has since been perceived as a symbol of the Mongolian people.

The symbol of Soyombo has long been considered by the Mongols the national emblem of freedom and independence. Each element of the mark, except for its Buddhist interpretation, has a more ancient meaning.

  1.  Tank "Revolutionary Mongolia" in Ulan Bator

On the road to the monument on Mount Zaisan, on a concrete pedestal there is a tank "Revolutionary Mongolia". The T-34 tank was built with the money of Mongol nomads and donated to the USSR in 1942. This is one of 53 cars of the tank column "Revolutionary Mongolia".

 On the pedestal guards badge and eight military orders are cast, which were awarded a tank brigade, including six Soviet orders and two - the Mongolian People's Republic. The inscription on the pedestal - "Long live the fighting friendship of the Mongolian and Soviet peoples."

 In the mid-90s, the monument was proposed to be replaced with a horseman on the figure, and the tank was sold to the Chinese for scrap metal. Previously, the tank was in another place (in the center of a round flower bed on the way from the airport to the city center, now there is a crossroads). A few years ago, the monument was moved to the place where it is now.

 Every year on May 9, senior officials of the Presidential Administration of Mongolia, the Ministry of Defense of Mongolia, and employees of the Russian Embassy in Mongolia lay flowers at the T-34 tank monument.

  1.  Buddha statue in Ulaanbaatar

The statue of a young Buddha erected near Zaisan Hill was created on the initiative of Gurdavaa Renbuchi, Minister of Nature and Environment U. Barsbold and Korean Huaran Khambo Lama.

The height of the statue is 18 meters; the total height of the pedestal is 23 meters. In the center of the pedestal there is an image of blooming lotus flowers, in the center is a symbol of the capital of Mongolia, a mythical bird - Hangarde with spread wings. In South Korea, there are more than 100 statues of various shapes and sizes created from the material - ylayt, of which the highest is 56 m. The resistance of such material to various natural phenomena makes it possible to update the statue color only once every 7-8 years.

The pedestal houses the building where a religious and cultural center was created, dedicated to the heritage of Undur gegeen Zanabazar. Here are collected his works of various genres. To the left and to the right of the statue of Buddha there is a large bronze bell and a drum. Currently, the Buddha Park has become one of the favorite places for recreation.

Address: Buddha Park

  1.  Monument to G.K. Zhukov in Ulan Bator

Next to the Zhukov Museum is the Zhukov Boulevard, at the beginning of which there is a monument to the great commander. The monument was laid on the day of the opening of the G.K. Zhukov museum in 1979. The grand opening of the three-meter monument took place two years later.

The monument is a red granite bust on the background of an inverted trapezoid with a carved star and the inscription: “In memory of G. K. Zhukov”. The Mongols are proud of the fact that this is the first monument to the most famous Soviet commander. And it was installed not in Moscow, but in Mongolia. The name of Georgy Zhukov is surrounded here with respect that does not depend on the fluctuations of the political conjuncture. Even when the Mongolian side, after the collapse of the socialist camp, began to revise its foreign policy priorities, the traditional wreath-laying ceremony at the Zhukov Memorial takes place annually.

In June 2008, the reconstruction of the monument and the adjacent square began. Residents of the neighborhood were alarmed when work began, because there was information that, under the pretext of repair work, they were going to build a house on this site. However, fortunately, this information turned out to be false.

Address: Baga toiruu-42

  1.  Monument to Sambu Jamsarangiin in Ulan Bator

Sambu Zhamsarangiyin was a chairman of the Presidium of the Great National Hural of Mongolia in 1954-May 1972. From 1937 to 1946 the Ambassador of the MPR in the USSR, in 1946-50 Head of the Ministry of Education and Development of the MPR, in 1950-52 the Ambassador of the MPR in the DPRK, in 1952-53 Deputy Foreign Minister of Mongolia In 1953-54 deputy. Chairman of the Mongolian-Soviet Friendship Society. Since 1954 a member of the Central Committee and the Politburo of the Central Committee of the MPRP. Hero of Labor MNR (1965). Winner of the International Lenin Prize (1966).

 A bronze statue commemorating a prominent Mongolian statesman of the 20th century, J. Sambu (1895–1972), was installed on the northwestern side of the Government House.

  1.  Monument to Yumzhagiin Tsedenbal in Ulan Bator

Tsedenbal Yumzhagiin ruled the country for 40 years. General Secretary in 1940-54 and 1981-84; in 1958-81, 1st Secretary of the Central Committee of the Mongolian People’s Revolutionary Party. In 1952-1974, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the MPR. Chairman of the Presidium of the Great People’s Hural of the MPR since 1974. In 1984, by decision of the Mongolian People’s Revolutionary Party, he was dismissed for health reasons. In 1990 he was excluded from the MNRP.

Mongolian documentary scientists believe that in 44 years as head of the party and state, Y. Tsedenbal "made a great contribution to the development of the country, to improve the welfare of his people, to strengthen the country's independence and the strength of the defense sphere."

In September 2006, a groundbreaking ceremony for the foundation of the Tsedenbalu monument was held on the square in front of the Academic Drama Theater in Ulaanbaatar.

Address: st. Seoul

  1.  Monument to the state seal of Mongolia in Ulan Bator

On November 26, 2006, the year of the celebration of the 800th anniversary of the founding of the Mongolian state, on the eve of the celebration of the 82nd anniversary of the Mongolian Revolution, the opening ceremony of the Monument of the State seal of Mongolia took place in the metropolitan park behind the complex of buildings of the Government of Mongolia.

 Government affairs are approved only by seal. The seal is one of the four state symbols of Mongolia. The state seal is square with the state emblem in the middle, with the inscription "Mongolia" on both sides of the coat of arms and a pen with the image of a lion. The state seal is owned by the President of Mongolia.

On the four sides of the monument you can see prints of the state seal of the four historical times of Mongolia. On the south side there is an imprint of the print of the so-called Great Khans, known in history as the “Seal of Guag Haan”. The western side shows an imprint of the state press of Mongolia during the reign of Bogd Haan. The northern side of the monument shows the seal approved in 1924 by the Great Khural of the People's Republic of Mongolia (from 1924 to 1991.) The eastern part of the monument depicts the current seal of the Mongolian state, enshrined in the 1992 constitution.

Currently, the monument is located in the closed area of ​​the government house. Visitor access to it is prohibited.

Address: Goverment House, Chinggis Khaan Square

  1.  Monument to the Mongolian scientist Biambyn Rinchen in Ulan Bator

It is installed opposite the entrance to the Central Library of Ulan Bator. Until 1990, a monument to Joseph Stalin was located at this place.

Biambyn Rinchen (also known as Rinchen Bimbaev) (1905 - 1977) was a Mongolian writer, ethnographer, professor, first academician of Mongolia, laureate of the State Prize of Mongolia. By nationality - Buryat, belonged to the ancient aristocratic Mongolian family Yunshieb. The first editor of the newspaper "News of Mongolia." One of the largest researchers of ancient Mongolian literature. He did much for the early popularization of knowledge about Mongolia in the West, he wrote in French.

  1.  Monument to Marshal X. Choibalsan in Ulaanbaatar

Choibalsan Khorlogiin was born on February 8, 1895 in the East (Dornod) aimak of Mongolia. It was one of the founders of the Mongolian People’s Revolutionary Party (1921). Mongolian Communist Leader since the 1930s until his death. He held the posts of head of state (Chairman of the Presidium of the State Small Khural, 1929-1930), head of government (Chairman of the Council of People’s Commissars and Chairman of the Council of Ministers, 1939-1952).

Choibalsan was a consistent supporter of Stalin. Taking advantage of the fact that the head of Mongolia, Pelzhidiin Genden, lost Stalin’s confidence, in 1936 Choibalsan contributed to his removal from power, shortly after which Genden was arrested and executed. Choibalsan, who was Minister of Defense at the time, did not formally hold the highest position in the state for several years, but already then he became the leader and conducted mass repressions, destroying not only his opponents in the party, but also former aristocrats, monks and many other “undesirable categories ".

The monument was erected in front of the main building of the State Mongolian University in 1942 (architect N. Shchepetilnikov.)

Address: Ikh Surguuliin gudamj -1, Baga toiruu

  1.  Monument to S. Zorig in Ulan Bator

He was the founder of the democratic movement, Member of Parliament and Minister of Infrastructure Development. S. Zorig was born on April 20, 1962 and died on October 2, 1998. The murder was clearly customized (political). Not disclosed at this time.

  1.  Monument to Jamjangiin Lhagvasuren in Ulan Bator

Colonel-General J. Lhagvasuren, who was glorified by the people as a young commander (During the Battle of Khalkhingol, being the deputy commander-in-chief H. Choibalsan and G. K. Zhukov, was the youngest among military leaders.).

On September 2, 1995, in the Mongolian capital, a groundbreaking ceremony was held for the monument to the Hero of Mongolia, a prominent military leader J. Lhagvasuren. On the same day, a memorial plate with the inscription "In this building the Hero of Mongolia, Lieutenant-General J. Lkhagvasuren worked from 1939 to 1948." was attached in a festive atmosphere to the building where the Ministry of Food and Agriculture is located now.

The opening ceremony of the street named after the hero also took place in accordance with the decree of the presidium of the representatives of the citizens of the capital. The ceremony was dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the victory.

  1.  Monument to Tserendorzh in Ulaanbaatar

Tserendorzh Balingin (1868 - 13.2.1928) was a Mongolian statesman and diplomat. The monument is set on the boulevard opposite the central department store.

He was born in the family of a poor arata-herdsman. He mastered the Manchu and Chinese languages, which gave him the opportunity in 1886 to enter the service of an official. After the overthrow of the Manchu dynasty of the Qing dynasty in Mongolia in 1911, he was appointed deputy minister of foreign affairs in 1913; in 1915-1919 the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia. Tserendorzh welcomed the people's revolution of 1921, and devoted the last years of his life to the revolutionary transformation of Mongolia.

From the autumn of 1921, Tserendorzh - deputy prime minister and minister of foreign affairs of the MPR, in 1923–28 the prime minister of the MPR. He participated in the meeting of V.I. Lenin with the Mongolian delegation in November 1921 and the signing of the Agreement on Friendly Relations between Mongolia and the RSFSR (November 5, 1921). He was a member of the Mongolian People’s Revolutionary Party (MNRP) from 1921. In 1922-1928 he was repeatedly elected to the Presidium of the Central Committee of the MNRP.

  1.  Handdorzh Monument in Ulaanbaatar

Monument to the Mongolian political and diplomatic leader, Prince M. Handdorzh. The height of the statue is 2.5 m; with a pedestal - almost 5 m. The monument is located in the capital district of Sukhe Bator, near the house of Handdorzh, in which the Museum of the History of the Diplomatic Service is organized.

 The initiative to create a monument to Prince Handdorzh, the founder of the Mongolian diplomatic service, belonged to the Chinwan Handdorge Society, which partially provided funds for its manufacture; the rest of the funds were provided by the government of Ulan Bator. A sculpture created by the sculptor G. Enkhtur was made by the Mongolian Artistic Casting company, and its opening was timed to the centenary of Mongolian independence. The opening ceremony was attended by Foreign Minister G. Zandanshatar, Minister of Culture Y. Ogonbayar, as well as other public and political figures.

  1.  Monument to Marco Polo in Ulan Bator

Monument to the Venetian merchant and Yuan official Marco Polo is located in the center of Ulan Bator (south-eastern part of Sukhebator Square). The statue is located on a pedestal. Marco Polo is wearing European-style armor; on its right shoulder a hunting falcon sits.

 The monument was erected according to a sketch by sculptor B. Denzen, partly on the money of the city budget, partly on private donations. It was installed in a mini-park in front of the Central Tower, located on the east side of Chinggiskhan Square. The opening ceremony of the monument, which took place on December 5, 2011, was timed to coincide with the centenary of the country's diplomatic service. The need to install a monument to a foreign ambassador in the very center of the capital, next to the Government Palace, caused misunderstanding of some citizens.

Address: pl. Genghis Khan

  1.  Monument to the Mongolian Arat air squadron in Ulan Bator

The monument was built in 1985 in honor of the 40th anniversary of the great victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War.

In 2010, the monument was restored. Much attention was paid to the backlight. Spotlights were installed at the base of the monument, as well as on aircraft.

The Mongolian Arat Air Squadron went through the battle to Berlin. Pilots of the squadron participated in the liberation of Poland and Czechoslovakia from the fascist invaders. In the heroic chronicle of the Great Patriotic War, many bright pages tell about the glorious military affairs of the aviators of the 2nd Guards Orshansky Red Banner Order of the Suvorov Fighter Aviation Regiment. During the war years, the guards carried 8474 sorties, conducted 399 air battles, shot down 327 enemy aircraft, and destroyed a large number of personnel and equipment of the enemy. Mongolia also took on the clothing and food supply of the squadron until the end of the war.

  1.  Monument to Natsagdorzh in Ulan Bator

Monument to Natsagdorzh is a monument to the founder of modern Mongolian literature D. Natsagdorzh. The image of the poet is emotional and expressive, the sharpness of the handwriting and the freshness of the search that distinguish the work of L. Makhvala manifested in the sculpture.

The monument is a sculpture of Natsagdorzh dressed in a traditional deli and sitting with a pencil and paper in his hands in the traditional pose of the scribe. On the pedestal of the monument there are bas-reliefs depicting scenes from the first Mongolian national opera “Among the Sad Mountains”, the libretto of which was written by Natsagdorzh. On the front of the pedestal, the initial stanza of his poem “My Homeland” is engraved.

10.21.2013, a bronze sculpture of the first poet of the People's Mongolia, D. Natsagdorzh was moved from the park area to the square in front of the Ulaanbaatar Hotel (to the place where the monument to V. I. Lenin used to be). Previously, the monument was located next to the former exhibition complex in the territory of the children's park "Friendship".

Address: pl. Genghis Khan, 14

  1.  Monument to Enabish in Ulan Bator

The creation of the monument to L.Enebish - member and chairman of the Great State Khural, deputy chairman of the executive committee of the Council of People's Deputies of Ulan Bator, chairman of the council of people's deputies, deputy prime minister of Mongolia, was initiated by his son, member of the G.C E. Munh-Ochir.

Monument to Enabish is located in a miniature park, designed in a single complex with it. The central statue is surrounded by the attributes of an ideal chakravartin ruler mounted on pedestals: a precious wheel, a precious elephant, a precious horse, cintamani, a precious wife, a precious treasurer, and a precious adviser. Enabish himself is sculpted in the traditional Mongolian Delhi due to his special passion for fast horses. Also in the memorial complex there are two sculptures: "The rite of branding a foal" and "The sun of affectionate Jambudvipa" (the name of the folk drawing song), depicting Morinhoor.

The monument was opened on June 8, 2007 in Ulaanbaatar in the 11th horol of Bayangol district, in a park in the center of the intersection of Arata Ayushi avenue and Amursany street.

Address: 11 horrorrayon Bayangol

  1.  Obelisk to Shastin Pavel Nikolaevich in Ulan Bator

In 1923, the physician P. N. Shastin was sent to Mongolia to establish health care. According to one version, two years earlier, Shastin met Sukhe-Bator, who was driving the Mongolian delegation through Irkutsk to Moscow. In Irkutsk, he fell ill. N. P. Shastin was invited to the patient, and he managed to put him on his feet in a few days.

In 1934, P. N. Shastin was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor by the Government of Mongolia. His name is listed in the book "One hundred noble people of Mongolia". For a long time in Mongolia, all Soviet doctors were called “Shastin Doctor”, which indicates his wide popularity among the Mongols.

In 1937, the entire Shastins family left Mongolia. P.N. Shastin was sent to the All-Union Pioneer Camp Artek, where he became the chief physician in the future. In Artek, P. N. Shastin worked until 1953. Honored Doctor of the RSFSR, P.N. Shastin died on February 28, 1953, at the age of 81.

  In 1961, the third city hospital of Ulan Bator was named after P. N. Shastin. In the backyard stands a modest obelisk to a Russian doctor (1969, sculptor P. Zulzaga).

  1.  Monument to Anastasia Ivanovna Tsedenbal-Filatova in Ulan Bator

Anastasia Ivanovna Filatova (1920–21 October 2001, Moscow), the spouse of the leader of Mongolia, Y. Tsedenbal, is Russian by nationality. She played a significant role in the policy of Mongolia, especially in social and educational programs. After the resignation of her husband, she lived with her family in Moscow, repeatedly gave interviews. Tsedenbal and Filatova had two children: Vladislav (died) and Zoriga (biologist, lives in Moscow, raises daughter Nastya Tsedenbal).

Anastasia Filatova led an unprecedented vigorous social activity. She created and headed the Children's Fund, the first national institution of its kind in Asia. She gradually began to enter the number of key figures of the state. Merry frenzy overwhelmed the "First Mongolian lady" at the construction sites of Ulan Bator. In trousers and in a working jacket unbuttoned, she looked like a real foreman. Designers, economists, foremen engaged in the construction of a youth park, the station of young naturalists, the palace of pioneers, the palace of young technicians, the palace of youth, and the swimming pool spun around it.

In 2006, a monument to Filatova was erected in the suburb of Ulan Bator.

  1.  Monument to Ivan Yakovlevich Korostovets in Ulan Bator

On September 3, 2014, in the framework of the visit of the President of Russia to Mongolia, the opening of the monument to the Russian diplomat and orientalist Ivan Yakovlevich Korostovets, who played a decisive role in ensuring the independence of Mongolia in 1911, was held.

On behalf of the Government of Tsarist Russia I.Y. Korostovets and the Prime Minister of Mongolia Sain-noon-khan Namnansuren on November 3, 1912 in the capital of Mongolia signed the Russian-Mongolian Treaty of Friendship. This document was the first in the history of Russian-Mongolian relations. He allowed later to declare the independence of Mongolia and establish equal relations with other states of the world.

Located in front of the Russian Center for Science and Culture, a six-meter monument by the famous sculptor B. Danzen was opened by Deputy Prime Minister of Mongolia D. Terbishdagv and Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of Russia S.Ye.Donskoy. Mongolian media say that this is the first monument to the Russian people in the last 40 years. The Vice Speaker of the Great State Khural L. Tsoh and other officials took part in the ceremony.

Address: 12 microdistrict, Tokyo st., 39

  1.  Bust of Yuri Gagarin in Ulan Bator

On June 1, 2016, a bust of the first cosmonaut of the planet Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin was installed and opened in the square near the Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics of the Academy of Sciences of Mongolia. The ceremony was timed to the 55th anniversary of the first manned space flight and the 35th anniversary of the joint Soviet-Mongolian space flight. The event was held with the support of the Union of Mongolian Friendship Societies, the Mongolia-Russia Friendship Society and the Dialogue of Cultures - One World Foundation.

  1.  Sculpture "Unleashable Horse" in Ulan Bator

The sculpture "Unbroken Horse" (or "The Taming of a Horse", 1946) was created by Honored Artist of the MPR, laureate of the State Prize of the MPR N. Zhamba. The author was able to convey the expression of taming the unbroken horse motive, beloved in the work of herdsmen.

 In sculpture, there are only two points of support. With a sharp, strong movement the horse tries to throw off the dashing rider, but the Mongols from early childhood sit in the saddle, and depending on how confidently the young man holds the reins, it is clear that he will emerge victorious in single combat. Currently, this monument is located in the southeast of Sukhebator Square, in front of the new shopping and office center Central Tower.

  1.  Monument to the Beatles in Ulan Bator

The Beatles Monument is located in the center of the capital of Mongolia, in a square near the Central Department Store of Ulan Bator.

The monument to the legendary "Liverpool Four" was opened on October 9, 2008; the event was attended by the Prime Minister of Mongolia Sanzhiyn Bayar. The monument was designed by the famous Mongolian artist and sculptor Denzen Barsbold. According to the author, the monument is not only a monument to the famous British rock group, but also a symbol of the young, progressive generation of Mongols who grew up on the Beatles songs.

On the brick wall there are cast bas-reliefs of each of the members of the rock group - John Lennon is depicted with a grenade in his hand - a peculiar symbol of the cultural "explosion" that produced the Beatles, Ringo Starr is depicted with a tambourine, George Harrison - with a dove on his shoulder, and Paul McCartney, as the only Beatle who did not stop the concert activity, - a little aside from the other members of the group.

 A bronze sculpture of a young man playing a guitar is installed on the back of the monument, the wall behind him is framed in the form of a staircase of an apartment building, where Beatles fans gathered in the 60s of the 20th century, listened to and played their songs. The Beatles Monument serves as a street scene for Ulan Bator's musicians; concerts and performances by contemporary Mongolian rock bands and other popular performers often take place here.

Address: Tserendorzh Street, 4th khoroo

  1.  Monument to the author of the anthem of the democrats “Honhnu du” Mongolian journalist S. Tsogtsayhan in Ulan Bator

In 1989, S. Tsogtsayhan composed (both the melody and the text) and was the first to sing the anthem of the Mongolian democratic movement, “Honhnu duu” (“Ringing the Bell”). Known not only in the country, but also abroad, the journalist died in 2004.

It was installed in 2014. The opening of the monument was attended by the speaker of the Mongolian parliament Z.Enbold, the deputy of the UGH S.Erdene, the head of the prefecture Bayangol D.Oroo and many other citizens of Ulaanbaatar.

  1.  Monument in honor of the Mongol-Turkish friendship in Ulaanbaatar

The monument is located in the square in the south-east of Sukhebator Square, to the right of the new shopping and office center.

  1.  Monument in honor of the formation of Ulan Bator

It is located in the square in the south-east of Sukhebator Square, to the right of the new shopping and office center Central Tower. The monument is made in the traditional Mongolian style (stone turtle with a stele). The emblem of Ulan Bator is made on the stela.

  1.  Playing child in Ulan Bator

The monument is located in the southeast of Sukabator Square in front of the new Central Tower business center.

  1.  Monument to victims of political repression in Ulan Bator

  It is installed in front of the State Museum of Mongolia (historical museum).

  1.  Memorial monument dedicated to the Tea Road of China, Mongolia and Russia in Ulan Bator

On July 22-23, 2017, a granite monument dedicated to the Tea Road was erected on the territory of Dulmaalin Monastery in Ulaanbaatar. It shows a camel caravan connecting three countries and memorable words in three languages. It is believed that the Great Tea Road passed through the territory of the Dulmaalin Monastery through Mongolia, China and Russia.

  1.  Granite lion in Ulaanbaatar

It is installed in front of the academic theater of opera and ballet.

  1.  Bust of Ho Chi Minh in Ulaanbaatar

The monument is located in front of the 14th school, named after him, in the east of Ulan Bator.

 Ho Chi Minh - Vietnamese politician and follower of Marxism-Leninism, founder of the Communist Party of Vietnam, leader of the August revolution, first president of North Vietnam (1946–69), Marxist philosopher, poet.

Biography of Ho Chi Minh as a politician began in 1919, when, during the signing of the Versailles Peace Treaty, he addressed the representative of the victorious powers with a statement about the need to grant independence to all Indochinese peoples (not only Vietnam, but also Cambodia and Laos were under French rule).

A year later, Ho Chi Minh attended the congress of the French Socialist Party in the city of Tours. It was there that the party split into two wings, and the French Communist Party emerged from the left as a result. A year later, Ho Chi Minh participated in the organization of the Intercolonial Union and on this occasion, as well as in general about the colonial regime, wrote a huge number of articles in the newspaper "Le Paria". In 1923, the Vietnamese revolutionary went to Moscow, where he remained there for two years to study the problems of the party structure and construction. In 1924, Ho Chi Minh attended the 5th Congress of the Communist International. Biography of Ho Chi Minh is associated with many communist regimes and leaders of the time.

Address: 13 microdistrict, Bayanzurh district

  1.  Monument to the young Alexander Pushkin in Ulan Bator

In Ulan Bator, the monument to the young Pushkin was installed in 2012 in front of the Russian Gymnasium in 3-4 micro district. The opening ceremony was held within the framework of the Days of Russian-Mongolian friendship and cooperation, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the signing of the friendship agreement between the countries of November 3, 1912.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin has a reputation as a Great Russian poet. In philology, Pushkin is considered as the creator of the modern Russian literary language, and the Brief Literary Encyclopedia speaks about the standard of his writings, like the works of Dante in Italy or Goethe in Germany. D. S. Likhachev wrote about Pushkin as “our greatest national treasure”.

During the life of the poet he began to be called a genius, including by the press. From the second half of the 1820s, he began to be considered the “first Russian poet” (not only among contemporaries, but also Russian poets of all times), and a real cult developed among his readers. Apollo Grigoriev (1859) offered the most capacious characteristic: "Pushkin is our all."

  1.  Bust of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk in Ulaanbaatar

It is installed in front of the entrance to school number 5.

Mustafa Kemal Ataturk (1881 - November 10, 1938) was an Ottoman and Turkish reformer, politician, statesman and military leader; founder and first leader of the Republican People’s Party of Turkey; the first president of the Republic of Turkey, the founder of the modern Turkish state.

Mustafa Kemal Ataturk is one of the most popular people in today's Turkey. In each city a monument was erected in its part, its portrait hangs in every state institution.

“Full independence is possible only with economic independence,” Ataturk used to say. Here are just the most significant of his reforms: the abolition of the Sharia court and the prohibition of polygamy, the transition to the rules of law created according to Western models, the Gregorian calendar, the metric system and clothing in the European manner; the translation of the Arabic alphabet used in Turkey into the Latin alphabet and the cleaning of vocabulary from Arabic and Persian borrowings. And yet - the abolition of old aristocratic titles, the introduction of names and surnames, the transfer of the capital from Constantinople to Ankara, the establishment of a 5-day working week, the creation of the first national bank, the nationalization of railways, the adoption of an industrial development plan.

  1.  Stele with engraved text and melody of the national anthem of Mongolia in Ulan Bator

On the southern side of Chingizkhan Square (formerly Sukhebator Square), across the road, next to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, there is a stele with text and melody of the national anthem of Mongolia engraved on it.

  1.  Monument "Glory to the workers" in Ulan Bator

It was established in honor of the 80th anniversary of the construction of this industrial area (Khaan Uul district) in Ulan Bator in 1934.

  1.  Monument to Rajiv Gandhi in Ulaanbaatar

Indian politician, Prime Minister of India in 1984-1989. The monument is installed on the street of the same name. The revered Hindu is depicted in old age, barefoot and with a staff.

Rajiv had only four years of political activity behind his back when, on October 31, 1984, his mother was killed by two Sikhs among her bodyguards. Immediately after her death, the cabinet ministers elected Rajiv Gandhi as prime minister.

Gandhi lifted many restrictions on the import of goods to India and encouraged foreign investment, contributing to the economic recovery of the country in 1986-1990. In 1987, the Prime Minister agreed to send troops to the north of Sri Lanka to suppress the Tamil separatists, expanded army operations against Muslim groups in Kashmir.

In the November 1989 elections, Gandhi retained his seat as a deputy, but due to his party losing a majority in parliament, he was forced to resign as prime minister. Then for a year he led the opposition to the Singh government. During the next election campaign, Rajiv Gandhi was killed by the Tamils ​​on May 21, 1991 in Shriperumbudur (India).

  1.  Locomotive series "L" with serial number 3167 in Ulan Bator

Since 1949, 12 locomotives have been operating on UBZD of such locomotives. It was installed on the eternal parking at the railway station of the city of Ulan Bator, in honor of the 65th anniversary of UBZH anniversary.

  1.  Monument of mother with child in Ulan Bator

It is installed at the Ministry of Health of Mongolia.

  1.  Reading girl in Ulan Bator

The monument is installed next to the bus stop MUIS, opposite the Mongolian State University.

  1.  Young schoolchildren in Ulan Bator

A bronze monument to children is installed in the courtyard of the school №1 of Ulan Bator.